Close this search box. SCAM Review: You NEED to Read This! SCAM Review You NEED to Read This!

A couple of days ago I got an email from one of my readers…

He was wondering whether is a scam or a legit money-making opportunity and he asked me to put together a full review of the platform.

And so, I did!

If you’ve already joined or if you’re thinking about joining and you are wondering if it’s a scam as well, then you definitely NEED to read this ASAP!

In this ShareToEarn review, I’m going to let you know why ShareToEarn is just a huge waste of time.

In addition, I’m going to point you in the right direction by revealing to you a couple of alternative much more legit opportunities for earning money online.

If you’d like to learn more, keep on reading… Overview

Name: ShareToEarn


  • Unknown


  • Free to join
  • Additional expenses to complete most tasks

Official Website:

Suggested? Definitely NOT!


What is ShareToEarn About?
Is Legit? poses as a GPT (Get Paid To) platform…

GPT platforms are basically websites that pay you for completing simple tasks, such as

  • filling in surveys
  • installing apps
  • watching ads
  • making referrals
  • etc

There are dozens of legit GPT platforms out there (e.g. Survey JunkieInboxDollars) but unfortunately, ShareToEarn is NOT one of them

You see, contrary to legit GPT platforms that actually pay their members for their efforts, ShareToEarn will lie to you, scam you, and never pay you a single dime.

If you’ve already signed up and used the platform, then I am sorry but you have completely wasted your time… If not, do yourself a favor and start running towards the opposite direction.

Enough with the unfounded accusations though…

I think that the time has come to reveal to you exactly how and why scams people.

How Scams People?

So, first of all, lures you in with promises of earning a lot of money for doing very little work…

More specifically, ShareToEarn promises to pay you

  • $2 for each click you get on your unique referral link
  • an additional $25 for each person you refer to ShareToEarn
  • $50 for each task you complete on the platform’s $50 TaskWall
  • $15-$30 for publishing promotional posts & videos on Youtube/TikTok/Instagram/Facebook
  • $35 for sharing ShareToEarn with your friends through Viber

Sounds like easy money, right?

Well, as it seems, this couldn’t be further from reality…

First of all, in order to qualify for your first ShareToEarn cashout, you’ll have to meet the following requirements:

  • Refer at least 5 people to the platform
  • Complete at least 6 of the tasks on its $50 TaskWall
  • Have at least 25 clicks on your unique referral link
  • Generate at least $200 in earnings

When you meet all those requirements and hit the “Request Payment” button, ShareToEarn will give you a payment number and a payment due date…

Up until that point, everything sounds quite peachy, right?

The problem is that ShareToEarn will NEVER actually pay you…

And not only that, but it will also ban your account using as an excuse that you committed fraud and that your clicks and referrals were fake.

This is the actual message you’ll receive:

While attempting to submit your payments, our system has deemed some or all of your stats to be unauthentic, Due to that, your payment has been canceled, and your account is pending termination.

Your account will be terminated within 7 days. If you would like to start over the AUTHENTIC way, then you are welcome to do that.

If you think, that was a mistake, you can contact our Fraud Department.

Now, if you try to contact ShareToEarn’s Fraud Department as suggested, you’ll hit yet another dead-end because all the contact information ShareToEarn provides is fake (more on that later on).

You’ve officially been scammed and there’s literally nothing you can do about it and no one to talk to regarding your banned account and not receiving the money you were promised…

Now that you know how ShareToEarn scams people, it’s time to let you know why it actually does that.

Why Scams People

There is one main reason that ShareToEarn’s owners have put together this scam – they need to get people to complete tasks on the platform’s $50 TaskWall.

You see, all the tasks on ShareToEarn’s $50 TaskWall are actually CPA (Cost Per Action) offers.

CPA offers pay publishers (e.g. commissions for getting other people (e.g. you & me) to perform certain actions, such as

  • Submitting an email or telephone number
  • Filling out a form
  • Installing an application
  • Signing up for a trial
  • Completing a survey
  • etc

This means that every single time somebody completes a task on ShareToEarn’s $50 TaskWall, a CPA network pays ShareToEarn’s owners money.

This also means that the more people ShareToEarn gets to complete its tasks, the more money its owners will pocket…

That’s why ShareToEarn promises to pay you so much money just for getting clicks on your unique affiliate link, and making referrals, and publishing promotional posts & videos on several social media channels…

To incentivize you to promote it all around the web and thus attract even more people into the scam who will, in turn, complete more of its tasks and attract even more people, who will, in turn, complete even more of its tasks and so on, and so forth…

And the reason ShareToEarn’s owners lie their butts off and don’t pay anyone a single dime is pure greed…

They simply want to keep all the money to themselves while YOU generate money for them as well as promote their platform completely for free.

Pretty evil, right?

Well, this is it… This is how and why scams people! 

Get this very well in your head, ShareToEarn will NEVER pay you a single dime. You will NEVER earn any money with it.

If you value your time, energy, and money, stay as far away from as possible!

Who Is For?

I don’t know who ShareToEarn could be for but I know for a fact that if your goal is to earn money online, ShareToEarn is NOT for you…

Seriously, you have way more chances of earning $1.000.000 by lying down on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with ShareToEarn.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $1,000 more right in your account just for being wrong…

How Much Does Cost? is free to join.

However, be aware that the platform might very sneakily try to steal quite a lot of money from you right under your nose without you even realizing it.

For instance, there are some tasks on ShareToEarn’s $50 TaskWall that will ask you to submit your mobile phone number… Tasks That Require Mobile Phone Number

If you do that, you’ll automatically subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will keep forwarding you dozens of promotional text messages per month at your own cost. 

And those text messages aren’t cheap at all.

Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.

Furthermore, other tasks might require you to fill in your credit card or bank account information. 

Many of those who have done so claim that they started being randomly charged for things they never bought…

If you consider that ShareToEarn will never actually pay you, there’s really no point whatsoever in even bothering to complete its tasks in the first place. Pros

1 • Free to Join

If I just had to choose something that I like about ShareToEarn, I would say that I like that it’s free to join.

Believe it or not, I have come across dozens of online scams that require you to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars just to get in only to realize in the hindsight that you got scammed. doesn’t have any admission fees so if you don’t submit your mobile phone number or credit card info anywhere within the platform you won’t lose any money to it…

That’s something, I guess… Cons

1 • Unable to Cashout

As mentioned dozens of times throughout this review, will never pay anyone a single dime for their work.

It doesn’t really matter if you refer 2000 people to the platform or complete 1 million of its tasks, the amount of money that you’ll earn with ShareToEarn will always remain exactly the same -> ZERO DOLLARS!

This con alone should be enough to make you wanna stay away from for good.

If not, then keep reading…

2 • Might Steal Your Money

Not only will never pay you, but there is a very high possibility that it’ll actually try to steal money off of you…

As mentioned earlier, in order to complete some of ShareToEarn’s tasks, you’ll be required to submit your phone number.

If you do that, you basically automatically agree to subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will start sending you dozens of promotional text messages per month at your own cost. 

Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.

I can’t stress enough that you should never, ever, EVER, submit any personal information within, especially sensitive ones such as passwords, emails, credit card numbers, telephone numbers, etc.

3 • Hacking Danger

On top of ShareToEarn not paying you and trying to steal your money, it could also infect your devices with viruses which will enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours, such as

  • social media accounts
  • emails
  • credit cards
  • bank accounts
  • etc

Every single time I attempt to access, my antivirus goes off giving me the alert right below: Antivirus Alert

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed, make sure to steer clear of ShareToEarn at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, I’d suggest that you immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that it hasn’t been compromised and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.

4 • Fake ShareToEarn Payment Proofs

If you’ve already visited ShareToEarn’s website, I’m sure that you’ve come across its payment proofs, right?

Did you know that all of them are fake?

As you can see in the images right below, multiple of ShareToEarn’s payment proofs have also been used by some of its sister scams, such as CashCratesCashForShare. Fake Payment Proof Fake Payment Proof Fake Payment Proof 1 Fake Payment Proof 1

I think it’s pretty obvious that ShareToEarn’s payment proofs are all photoshopped…

5 • Fake ShareToEarn Testimonials

In addition to its fake payment proofs, ShareToEarn has also published a few fake testimonials on its home page.

Again, the reason that ShareToEarn’s testimonials are fake is that the exact same testimonials have also been used by EarnAndGo & CashForShare, both of which are actually ShareToEarn’s sister scams (see images below). Fake Testimonial 1
ShareToEarn Fake Testimonial Fake Testimonial 1
CashForShare Fake Testimonial Fake Testimonial 2
ShareToEarn Fake Testimonial Fake Testimonial 2-2
EarnAndGo Fake Testimonial

6 • Fake Founding Date

In an attempt to appear more credible, trustworthy, and long-standing on its “About Us” page, ShareToEarn claims that it has been founded in 2015 (image below). Fake Founding Date

Too bad that this lie blows up, right on their face…

As you can see in the image right below, the domain name, was first registered on the 19th of April 2020, something that proves that the platform didn’t exist before that date… Domain Name Registration Date

7 • Fake Contact Information

One of the most prominent signs that is a scam is that all the contact info it provides on its website is fake.

First of all, as you can see in the image below, the platform’s email address ( doesn’t even exist… Fake Email Address

On its “Contact Us” page, ShareToEarn also provides a physical address (Koningin Beatrixstraat 46, De Lier, Zuid-Holland 2678 EE, Netherlands).

However, well, you guessed it… ShareToEarn isn’t really housed at that address…

If you head over to Google and search for that address, you’ll find out that the exact same address is being used by several of ShareToEarn’s sister scams, such as EarnAndGo, OGDollars, andCashCrates.

The “live” community chat within your personal dashboard has been “under maintenance” since ShareToEarn was first launched. The conversations you see in it have been planted there by ShareToEarn and the exact same chat is also being used by several of ShareToEarn’s sister scams (images below). Fake Live Chat Chat Fake Chat Chat Fake Chat Chat

Basically, all the contact information on ShareToEarn’s website is 100% fake.

Lies, lies, and more lies…

8 • Unknown Owners

Another pretty obvious sign that is a scam​ is that it provides no information about its owners.

Scammers never reveal their identity in order to avoid being identified with their fraudulent activities and getting caught.

A legit website/company ALWAYS provides information about its owners.

9 • Part of a Huge Scam Network is part of an enormous network of dozens of almost identical scams that have scammed millions of people during the last few years using the exact same scamming techniques.

Some of those scams that you might have heard of are

just to name a few.

10 • BBB Consumer Alert

In March 2019, the BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash are both ShareToEarn’s sister scams.

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received several complaints, negative reviews, and scam reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

After conducting an investigation, BBB concluded that the unrealistic earning claims both those platforms make are in violation of BBB’s Code of Advertising.

BBB tried to locate someone in charge of those platforms through email, telephone number, and/or physical address to sort things out but without any luck. 

At that point, BBB rated both of those platforms with an “F” suggesting to the public that they should stay as far away as possible from them.

According to BBB, people sign up to Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash thinking that they are online marketing agencies, where they will earn money by completing “tasks”. The money appears to increase on the platform’s dashboard after completing those tasks, but when the consumer tries to cash out their earnings, often when they reach some set requirements, they report that they are unable to retrieve the promised payment or contact the company for assistance.

BBB goes on to state that one possible purpose of such scams may be data harvesting, for the likely intent of selling the gathered information to spammers. There is also the possibility of identity theft.

Right below you can take a look at a few complaints left under the BBB profiles of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash from people who have actually been scammed by the platforms.

Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 2
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 3
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 4
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 1
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 2

You can take a look at all the complaints under the BBB profiles of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash by following the links right below:

While the fact that BBB has issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash doesn’t quite prove that ShareToEarn is a scam as well, would you trust that a platform that is operating exactly like Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash and created by the exact same people would actually pay you any money?

Because I definitely wouldn’t… Review Summary



Don’t expect to earn even $1 with



Referral link, promotional banners, FAQ center, submission guidelines.

Value for


Free to join. It’ll try to steal your money and hack your system.



Fake email. Fake physical address. Fake chats. NO support whatsoever.



Fake payment proofs & testimonials. ShareToEarn has NEVER paid anyone…

Overall Rating


Is Suggested?

If your goal is wasting your time, energy, and possibly money in a scam that’ll never pay you even if your life depended on it, ShareToEarn is probably exactly what you are looking for.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

10 Responses

  1. Hey, is it possible for you to check out this site called is basically a site where you can make money giving your opinion with surveys I want to know if it’s real or fake I’m too stupid to figure it out by my self would you please do that for me? PLEASE.

    1. Hi Valentina!

      I’ll schedule it for a review and I’ll notify you when it gets published (I don’t know when).

      At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a scam.

      Have you noticed any red flags or anything weird with it?

      Best regards,


  2. Este site sharetoearn é scan! Trabalhei 2 meses neste site .Estou com $ 5.600 neste app payrolla que a Sharetoearn inventou não consigo sacar. Não perca seu tempo este! SHARETOEAR NAO PAGA!! Sharetoearn me bloqueou instagran por desmascara eles! Avise todos sharetoear não paga é a Mais pura enganacao! Coloquem SCAN! lá postagens no instagran deles *link omitted* ELES TEM QUE PARAR DE ENGANAR AS PESSOAS!


    This SharetoEarn site is scan! I worked for 2 months on this site. I have $ 5,600 in this parolla app that ShareToEarn invented which I can’t cash out. Don’t waste your time on this! SHARETOEARN IS NOT PAYING !! ShareToEarn blocked me from Instagram after unmasking them! Let everyone know that SharetoEarn is the purest deception! They delete the posts on their Instagram *link omitted*. THEY HAVE TO STOP CHEATING PEOPLE!

    1. Hi Claudinei.

      I’m so sorry that you got scammed by ShareToEarn but I want to thank you for sharing your experience with us…

      Just FYI, Parolla hasn’t been invented by SharetoEarn but it’s rather a legit company that has also fallen victim to this awful scam.

      I’ve been contacted by Mark Ogilvie from Parolla and he claimed that ShareToEarn is redirecting people to them to get paid.

      Parolla has nothing to do with this scam though…

      Best wishes,


  3. Thanks for your article, it is a great help and reference for us.

    We’re a payroll software company in Ireland ( and it appears that there are a lot of users of ShareToEarn who are either being directed to our site, or searching for a non-existent payment transfer service, and asking for payment.

    It’s useful to be able to redirect them here for a thorough explanation of the ShareToEarn “business model”.


    1. Wow, those scams are truly messing up sooooo many lives.

      I’m glad that you and your company have found my review of value, Mark.

      Let me know if you need any further help!

      Best regards,


  4. Hi there.

    Yes this is definitely a scam – I made sure I did everything to the letter – I was supposed to be paid already two days ago and the money is still sitting there – this is indeed a BIG SCAM.

    1. Hi Duncan!

      I’m so sorry to hear that you got scammed but thank you for sharing your experience with with us…

      Stay safe,


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