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Notion Cash Review – Expect NO Payout From Them…

Notion Cash Review Featured Image

Notion Cash presents itself as a way to earn a crapload of money for completing a few very simple tasks, answering questions, as well as getting other people to join the platform.

Apparently, Notion Cash has thousands of success stories and it will help you become one of them and “earn your happiness” (yeap, that’s what it says on their website LOL).

Notion Cash Earn Your Happiness

What the platform doesn’t tell you is that it’s a big fat scam, part of a huge scam network which has been plaguing the internet for many months now.

Everything positive you hear about Notion Cash is just a lie which is in favor of tricking clueless and desperate people into wasting their time completing tasks which will bring money to the platform’s owners without getting anything in return.

Anyway, in this review, I will go over exactly what Notion Cash really is, how it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work), and why it might be of your best interest to steer clear of it… This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether that platform is worth your time or not.

Spoiler alert: It’s definitely NOT!

And you are about to find out why…

Notion Cash Overview

Name of Product: Notion Cash

Owners: Unknown

Price: Free to join. Additional charges apply within the platform

Official Website:

Suggested? Absolutely NOT!


  • Has just one pro
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Additional charges to complete tasks
  • Fake contact information
  • Fake payment proofs and testimonials
  • Unable to cashout
  • Potential hacking danger

Jump to the Cons Section

What is Notion Cash About?

How Does Notion Cash Work

Notion Cash is marketed as a way to earn money online in two different ways using just your mobile phone…

First, you can earn $30-$100 for completing a variety of very simple tasks which require no previous experience such as

  • filling in surveys
  • installing applications on your mobile phone
  • creating YouTube videos promoting Notion Cash
  • publishing posts and stories promoting Notion Cash on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Secondly, you earn $15 for each person who joins Notion Cash after clicking on your unique Notion Cash referral link. You can share this link anywhere online such as your social media, blog, website, etc.

Notion Cash Referral Link

Okay, everything sounds pretty straightforward up until this point right?

Almost too good to be true someone could say…

Well, you couldn’t be more right!

Notion Cash is actually an enormous scam which never intends to let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned fair and square through it in the first place…

This solves the puzzling question “Why the heck would Notion Cash pay me so much money for doing so little work?”

Well, they really won’t!

Let me explain further…

First of all, Notion Cash lures you in with the promise of a “limited time” $25 sign up bonus…

Notion Cash $25 Signup Bonus1

Many people join Notion Cash thinking that they can get their hands on that $25 bonus right after creating their account.

This is exactly how I ended up joining Viral Pay, a scam identical to Notion Cash, for the first time a few months ago.

However, in order to be able to get your hands on either that $25 bonus or any additional money you’ve earned with Notion Cash, you have to refer at least 5 people to the platform and complete at least 6 of its tasks.Notion Cash Payout Requirements

Some people will quit Notion Cash once they realize that they have to actually work a little bit more to get the $25 signup bonus they were promised. What’s pretty funny is that those are actually the lucky ones.

However, there are others who will say “What the hell, the tasks I have to complete to qualify for payment are not so hard. Plus, I can earn even more money by completing them. Let’s give it a try!” … Those are the ones who end up being scammed.

They start devoting time and energy into referring people to the platform and completing tasks, thinking that the next time they hit that “Request Payment” button, they’ll get hundreds of dollars deposited in their bank account.

However, what they don’t know is that Notion Cash will ban their account the moment they request a payment using as an excuse that they faked their clicks and referrals.

Viral Points Warning for Fake Referrals

This way, the only winner out of this pathetic charade is Notion Cash.

  • First, it lures you in with a $25 signup bonus
  • Then it tells you that in order to get your signup bonus you need to meet certain criteria (5 referrals & 6 completed tasks)
  • It also tells you that for every referral and task completed you’ll earn even more money
  • So, you start trying to meet those criteria in order to qualify for a payment as well as increase your earnings
  • When you finally meet every single one of those criteria and you request for the money you’ve earned fair and square, they kick you out leaving you high and dry

This way, Notion Cash got you to complete several tasks which bring money to its owners as well as drive more people to the platform which will, in turn, complete even more tasks which will, in turn, bring even more money to its owners and all that, without having to pay anyone a single dime for their work.

Pretty appalling right?

Well, this is it… This is how Notion Cash works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.

Get this very well in your head, Notion Cash will NEVER pay you a single dime! You will NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make it work is just a waste of time and energy.

Who is Notion Cash for?

Notion Cash is for no one… The platform is inherently 100% useless.

The chances of earning money online by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long are so much more than the chances of earning money with Notion Cash.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with Notion cash that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong…

Who is Notion Cash NOT for?

Notion Cash is definitely NOT for people who want to earn money online.

If you

  • want to build a full-time income online to quit your job
  • are in need of some extra money to provide for your family
  • are working a part-time job and need a supplementary income to cover your expenses
  • want to gain the freedom to work whenever you want and from wherever you want in order to be able to travel around the world
  • have tried other MMO and GPT platforms and systems but failed to meet your financial goals and you are still looking for the real deal
  • aren’t working at all and you are looking for a way to build a source of income online

then I suggest ditching this Notion Cash review and instead, check out Wealthy Affiliate or Project 24 because Notion Cash is never going to help you fulfill your financial goals.

What's Inside Notion Cash?

Notion Cash consists of the main members’ dashboard that you can see in the image right below.

Notion Cash Main Members Dashboard

At the very top of the dashboard, there is a menu which helps you easily navigate through the entire platform.

Below it, you can see a table which displays the total tasks you have completed, your current Notion Cash earnings balance, and the total number of people you have referred to Notion Cash.

Right below, you can access all the tasks that are available for you to complete in order to qualify for your first cashout as well as earn more money, such as

  • filling in surveys
  • installing applications on your mobile phone
  • and participating in contests

Below the tasks, you can find your unique Notion Cash referral link as well as some social sharing buttons to easily share it.

At the footer of your dashboard, there is a secondary navigational menu leading to some Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Contact, and Career pages.

On the bottom right of the dashboard, there is a floating live chat which you can use to contact Notion Cash’s support team.

Let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?

Payment Settings

Select your preferred payment method and request a payout of your earnings here.

Monitor how close you are to meeting the requirements for your first payout as well.


Monitor your the total tasks you’ve completed, how much money you have earned for each one of them as well as if they are verified or not.


The total referrals you’ve made to Notion Cash.


Guidelines and instructions on how to further increase your earnings by publishing videos and posts promoting Notion Cash on YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter.

Notion Cash Success Stories & Testimonials

You can find a few screenshots of payments as well as some video testimonials of Notion Cash’s members on 

Just a heads up, every single one of them is fake…

Let me explain starting with the payment proofs…

Notion Cash Fake Payment Proofs

As you can see in the images below, the exact payment screenshots that have been used for Notion Cash have also been used as payment proofs for other similar scammy platforms such as CloutShare and InfluEarn.

Notion Cash Fake Payment Proof 4
InfluEarn Fake Payment Proof 5
Notion Cash Fake Payment Proof 2
CloutShare Fake Payment Proof 2

Furthermore, as you can see in the image below, the domain name was registered on the 12th of March 2019.

Notion Cash Domain Name Registration Date

This means that the platform didn’t even exist before 12/03/2019 and yet if you take a closer look, somehow all of the payment proofs above seem to have taken place before that date.

This could mean two things…

Either Notion Cash was paying people before it even existed or all its payment proofs are fake.

I’d go for the latter…

Notion Cash Fake Positive Testimonials

The video testimonials that you’ll find on that same page are also fake.

You see, Notion Cash claims that it will pay those who create and publish YouTube videos praising the platform $50 for each video.

Notion Cash YouTube Submission

People like those who recorded those positive testimonials aren’t yet aware that Notion Cash is a scam and have created those videos thinking that Notion Cash will actually pay them $50.

Throughout Notion Cash’s website, you will come across several other fake testimonials such as the ones right below.

Notion Cash Fake Testimonial 1

The testimonial right above is fake for one simple reason…

The image that is supposed to depict Ashley Pizalle is actually an image of actress Ashley Benson (as you can see in the image below).

Notion Cash Ashley Benson

Take a look at another Notion Cash testimonials right below…

Notion Cash Fake Testimonial 2

The image used for it is not some person’s called Philip M. but rather singer’s Liam Payne.

Notion Cash Liam Payne

Do you want some Notion Cash testimonials from people who have actually used the platform?

Well, watch the 2 videos below.

The funny thing is that if you head over to those guys’ channels, you’ll find out that both of them had posted videos praising Notion Cash in the beginning.

I rest my case…

How Much Does Notion Cash Cost?

Notion Cash is free to join.

However, it’s not 100% free to use.

You see, in order to complete some of the tasks you have to complete to qualify for a payout, you’ll be asked to submit your mobile phone number and subscribe to various very pricey text message services which will keep forwarding you dozens of promotional text messages per month at your own cost. And those text messages aren’t cheap at all. Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.

Notion Cash Enter Your Mobile Number

Despite the fact that there are probably ways to unsubscribe from such services, I would never trust a scammy platform such as Notion Cash with my mobile phone number.

Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account information.

If you don’t want to end up having money sucked out of your accounts by people you don’t know, don’t even think about it.

Plus, if you consider that Notion Cash will ban your account the moment you request a payout, there’s really no point whatsoever in trying to complete those tasks in the first place.

Notion Cash Pros

  • Free to join

1 • Free to Join

The only thing I like about Notion Cash is that it’s free to join.

This way, if someone decides to give it a try they will just waste some of their time and not any of their money until they realize that the platform is a scam which never intended to pay them in the first place.

Notion Cash Cons

  • Has just one pro
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Additional charges to complete tasks
  • Fake contact information
  • Fake payment proofs and testimonials
  • Unable to cashout
  • Potential hacking danger

1 • Has Just One Pro

I have been trying to come up with a second Notion Cash pro for the last hour.

No luck until now.

This just bums me out…

2 • Unrealistic Claims

Just like the majority of completely useless MMO platforms do, Notion Cash uses a lot of unrealistic earning claims in order to bait people into joining it.

First of all, on its homepage, it claims that it has over 1000 success stories and millions of followers.

The only way that Notion Cash would have more than 1000 success stories is if they define success as “not paying their members”. 

Their millions of followers – 41 likes on Facebook.

Notion Cash Facebook Followers

They don’t even have a Twitter or Instagram account.

In addition, they claim that they have been in business for more than 3 years… As we’ve seen earlier, the platform started operating after 12/03/2019 so at the time of this review (18/09/2019), the platform is 6 months old.

And there’s more…

Notion Cash claims that it has 185k members… And we are supposed to believe that a platform with 185k members has only 41 likes on their Facebook page.

Let me assure you that every single claim Notion Cash makes is a lie which has the sole purpose of tricking people into thinking that the platform is legit in order for them to join it.

3 • Additional Charges

As I’ve mentioned earlier, in order to qualify for a payout of your Notion Cash earnings you need to complete at least 6 of its tasks.

In order to complete some of those tasks, you’ll be required to submit your phone number and agree to subscribe to paid text-message services which will probably rip you off…

Other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.

This way you could end up losing a ton of money while attempting to complete tasks in order to qualify for your first Notion Cash payout which is never going to actually take place because Notion Cash will ban your account once you request it.

Stay away, people!

4 • Fake Contact Information

Notion Cash provides a telephone number, a live chat, and an email address to contact their support team in case you have questions or require support regarding the platform.

All of them are fake. Big surprise right?

When you call the telephone number (+1 (831) 246-6735), an automated prerecorded message starts playing telling you to head over to Notion Cash’s website and use the live chat.

The problem is that the moment you send your message through the live chat, another message pops up telling you to contact them through email (see image below).

Notion Cash Fake Live Chat

After using an email checker to see if that email is valid, it seems that it’s not (see image below).

Notion Cash Fake Email

I would expect nothing less from a shitty platform like Notion Cash.

5 • Fake Payment Proofs and Testimonials

I really hate it when crappy platforms such as Notion Cash try to fool people into joining and using them by employing fake success stories, fake testimonials, and fake payment screenshots.

First of all, the fake payment screenshots that Notion Cash uses, prove that it indeed doesn’t pay its members… If it did, they wouldn’t publish fake payment proofs and risk their credibility and trustworthiness. They would just publish some real ones!

Secondly, the fact that Notion Cash’s creators have published fake positive testimonials shows that they know their platform sucks so bad that it would never get authentic positive testimonials from people who have actually tried it.

Lastly, those fake payment proofs and fake positive testimonials result in a ton of people wasting their time and energy into Notion Cash who otherwise wouldn’t if those payment proofs didn’t exist.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), using fake positive testimonials/success stories is considered illegal and subject to huge penalties as it encourages customers to invest in a product or service they otherwise wouldn’t if those fake testimonials/success stories didn’t exist, thereby defrauding them.

6 • Unable to Cashout

The biggest con of Notion Cash is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.

Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of joining and using the platform in the first place.

Trying to make money with Notion Cash would be like trying to hammer a nail to the wall using a sponge – it’s just pointless…

7 • Potential Hacking Danger

So, the other day, I tried to complete one of Notion Cash’s tasks which didn’t require me to submit any personal info, mobile phone, or credit card number.

It was actually a survey.

However, before I even got to access it, my antivirus went off giving me the alert below…

Referral Pay Task Antivirus Block

Apparently, Notion Cash’s tasks lead to 3rd party websites which contain viruses which could enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours such as the login credentials to your social media, email, credit cards, or even your bank accounts.

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed make sure to stay clear of Notion Cash at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, you must immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that your computer hasn’t caught a virus and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.

So, What Now?

Okay, so you read this Notion Cash review in its entirety…

Now what?

Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options…

  1. You either waste your time and effort trying to make money online with Notion Cash (awful choice)
  2. You check out my top suggestions Project 24 or Wealthy Affiliate, which are proven to have helped hundreds of people earn their living online (optimal choice)
  3. You take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find something which suits you better there
  4. Or you walk out of here completely empty-handed, you never take the first step towards earning your living online and you move on living your current life for the years to come, always wondering what would have happened if you had taken action right this very moment

If I were where you are (which I’ve been), I would join Wealthy Affiliate (which is what I actually did).

Here’s why…

  • Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best MMO platforms that currently exist
  • I’ve actually been a premium Wealthy Affiliate member for almost 3 years now and I couldn’t be more satisfied with it
  • Wealthy Affiliate has the most success stories I’ve ever seen in an MMO course. Dozens more are being published daily within its forum-like community
  • It is completely FREE to join (no credit card required and no catches whatsoever)

Make sure to go ahead and find out more about Wealthy Affiliate by taking a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

So, what are you going to do?

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

10 Responses

  1. Lol, you’re just so straight forward with this review calling them out.

    It is very sad though that they scam people like that. Gladly your review is here to help people understand that Notion Cash is a scam which tries to play on people’s ignorance.

    It is important that people learn to read reviews before joining any online platform.

  2. I wonder why anyone would spend time and energy to build a scam which hurts people when they can come up with an idea of a legit business to make money.

    There should be a severe form of punishment for the owners of Notion Cash once they are identified. 

    In the meantime, everyone should make proper research before investing their time and money in MMO platforms, check for the owner, success stories, and testimonials because there are a lot of scams out there.

    1. Beats me… 

      Those people seem to be pros who know what they are doing so if they invested their time, energy, and money towards building a legit platform, they would probably become big without having so many people hating them.

      At some point, they will be caught and come face to face with the consequences of their foul actions. They might end up paying much more money than they made by scamming people.

      At least, that’s what I would like to believe.


  3. I hate any platform which makes fake claims and fake testimonials because they give false hope to people who are willing to work to make that money.

    I always believe that if your product or program is legit, you shouldn’t lie and you should be proud enough to boldly claim it to be yours and not hide behind your finger. 

    Thanks for the heads up! I won’t be joining this Notion Cash. 

  4. Making money with surveys and referrals…

    I have seen the same pattern many times before, but they don’t usually work. It’s funny how you did this review though. You came out very blunt on this platform saying they’re totally useless.

    I have to agree because I have tried some of its identical scams that you mentioned and didn’t work at all.

    1. Thanks for sharing John!

      Those types of scams are indeed infinite. Another new one was just published so stay tuned to read about it in a couple of days 😉

      My regards,


  5. Thank goodness there are honest, trustworthy people like you warning us about the crooks, cheats, and scammers that are out there.

    I am at the moment building my own online affiliate marketing business, I am on the lookout for other ways to make a little extra cash while my site grows.

    I was interested in Notion Cash, and I am glad that I read your review before joining it. 

    I will be steering clear of them now, thank you so much for the heads up. 

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