Plug In Profit Site Review: It’s Neither Free, Nor Worth It.

Plug-In Profit Site Review Featured Image

Plug-In Profit Site is a system providing you with a done-for-you website plus some training on how to make this website produce money online…

This done-for-you website is not just any website but the same website which made the owner of the Plug-In Profit Site system, Stone Evans, a millionaire. On top of that, the Plug-In Profit Site’s team is even going to build that website for you for FREE.

I know what you are thinking right now…

All this sounds way too good to be true so where’s the catch?

Truth is that there’s so much more to Plug-In Profit Site than meets the eye.

So before you buy into all those unrealistic claims of becoming a millionaire out of nowhere for free and effortlessly and end up wasting your time, energy, AND money with this system, you probably want to pay good attention to this Plug-In Profit Site review.

Let’s get started.

Plug In Profit Site Overview

Name of Product:
Plug-In Profit Site

Stone Evans

Free to join.
(A lot of additional expenses apply
if you want to actually make money with it).

Official Website:

Not Really.

Wealthy Affiliate

Earnings Potential

Best Affiliate Marketing Courses


The Affiliate Lab ($200 OFF)




Wealthy Affiliate (Free to join)






Best Affiliate Courses



$200 OFF




Free to Join





Earnings Potential

It depends on how much money you invest in the system.


Done-for-you website + training + 10 bonuses + 3rd party tools.

dollar symbol

Value for Money

You can join for free. Low-quality website and training. You’ll be required to invest a lot of money to make money with this system.



Email help desk support. Access to a private community which is currently being updated.

team success

Success Stories

A lot of success stories and positive testimonials found inside PIPS sales page. I have a gut feeling (but no proof) that most of them are fabricated.

Overall Rating

  • Free website
  • Successful owner
  • Numerous success stories
  • Legit earnings model

Jump to the Pros Section

  • Low-quality training
  • Duplicate content
  • Pay to promote
  • Saturated niche
  • Unrealistic earning claims
  • Eploys fear to lure you in
  • No control over your business
  • Focuses on Paid Ads
  • Too much damn promotion

Jump to the Cons Section

What is Plug In Profit Site About?

Plug In Profit Site for Free

Plug-In Profit Site is all about getting a website, which is supposed to make you a millionaire, built for you by Stone Evans and his team for free.

In fact, as I already mentioned, you will be getting a replica of the same website which allegedly made Stone Evans a millionaire (

The website is created in WordPress, hosted for free on Stone’s servers, and is highly customizable (there’s a catch here about which I am going to talk in a bit).

In addition to that done-for-you website, once you join Plug-In Profit Site, you’ll also get your hands on several training modules on how to successfully scale it by employing the exact same techniques and practices Evans has been employing throughout the years to become successful.

The monetization model of this website is going to be affiliate marketing, that is, earning commissions by promoting already existing products to those who visit your website.

However, you won’t be promoting any products you want…

Stone Evans will build your website promoting the exact same 5 digital products he is promoting on his website which are supposed to pay him the most money for the least amount of effort.

At the time of this review, those 5 products are

  1. Global Domains International
  2. Six-Figure Income
  3. Traffic Authority
  4. Online Sales Pro
  5. Now Lifestyle

Note: From time to time, Stone Evans replaces some of those products above with other ones due to split testing, better popularity, or higher payouts…

Every single one of those 5 digital products is actually a membership website. This means that once someone signs up for one or more of those products through your website, you’ll keep getting commissions for every single month they remain a member.

Not only that, in addition to those initial commissions, some of those programs will also pay commissions for your referral’s referrals. This means that if those you referred end up referring other people to those same programs, you’ll be earning more money (kinda like MLMs).

Let’s take a closer look at each one of Stone’s so-called 5 best-performing digital products.

Plug In Profit Site Affiliate Program 1

According to Evans, Global Domains International (GDI) is one of the most profitable offers currently in the Plug-In Profit Site.

GDI is an MLM whereas you earn commissions on all product sales referred through your affiliate link up to five layers deep.

Basically, you will be getting paid $1 per month, per domain name that is registered inside your 5 level network. So, if the referral of your referral’s referral buys a domain name within GDI, you’ll get paid $1.

To be able to start promoting GDI you need to purchase at least one .ws domain name yourself which costs $10 per month. You could also go premium which costs $40 per month but offers some additional benefits such as 

  • earning an additional $100 for every 5 referrals you make in a week 
  • 14 times larger commissions
  • etc
Plug In Profit Site Affiliate Program 2

SFI is a great way to earn commissions without having to pay for any kind of membership or product beforehand…

It’s true that SFI is free to join and you can earn money by referring people to it in many different ways which are way too complicated to explain within this review.

In addition to the commissions you earn from SFI, you’ll also receive Rewardical tokens for performing various tasks inside your SFI account, which you can then redeem for cash, Bitcoin, rewards, and more.

Plug In Profit Site Affiliate Program 3

Traffic Authority has access to some of the highest-converting email lists in the world, and what they do is deliver your affiliate offers to people on these lists…

Within the training, Stone Evans will show you how he built his email list and referred a lot of new members to the Plug-In Profit Site by taking advantage of Traffic Authority’s tools and lists.

On top of all that, Traffic Authority is going to be promoted throughout the website Evans will build for you, and according to him, it is one of the best-converting and highest-paying offers he has come across until now.

To be able to promote Traffic Authority on your website, you’ll have to sign up for their membership which costs $47 per month as best.

Plug In Profit Site Affiliate Program 4

Online Sales Pro is an online platform which lets you create landing pages for your affiliate offers and uses solo ads to promote those landing pages to other people’s inboxes. This helps you either gain new subscribers or maximize your sales depending on what kind of landing page you are promoting.

To promote Online Sales Pro on your website you need to sign up for their $47 monthly membership plan.

Plug In Profit Site Affiliate Program 5

Now Lifestyle teaches you how to build and successfully scale a coaching business online.

To promote Now Lifestyle, you need to sing up for their membership which costs $1 for the first 7 days and $50 per month after that.

The catches!

In order to be able to promote any of those programs I just talked about on your website, you have to actually keep paying for their memberships yourself. The only program which you can join and promote for free is the Six Figure Income system.

If you do the math, the cost of joining the rest 4 of those platforms, is at least $154 per month.

  • GDI – $10 per month
  • Traffic Authority – $47 per month
  • Online Sales Pro – $47 per month
  • Now Lifestyle – $1 for 7 days, then $50 per month

The good news is that Evans will deliver your website either you join those programs or not. You can just join the Six Figure Income system for free and get a website which only promotes that program without spending a dime on joining the rest of them.

The bad news is that the entire premise of earning money with Plug-In Profit Site is based on promoting all of those 5 programs. The entire training of the system is also geared towards that premise. So, if you skip signing up for the paid programs in order to get started for free, you won’t be able to promote them on your website and follow along the training and thus you kill your potential to earn any money with this system, so there’s really no point in getting started for free in the first place.

And these are not even the worse news…

If you don’t join all 5 membership programs, Evans won’t provide you with the login credentials to access your website. And if you have no access to your website you’ll just be stuck with a very low-quality website with duplicate content over which you’ll have no control whatsoever. You won’t be able to customize it, publish blog posts, change banners, modify its content, or scale it further in any way and subsequently, the chances of actually earning money with it are slim to none.

I know that all this might sound extremely confusing and overwhelming right now and that’s why I suggest watching the video demonstration of Plug-In Profit Site recorded by its owner, Stone Evans right below.

Please note that the video was recorded back in 2014 so some aspects of the platform displayed within the video, such as the 5 suggested programs to promote, might slightly differ from the ones in PIPS current version. Nonetheless, the premise and the mechanics of the entire system are exactly the same.

Who is Plug In Profit Site for?

Plug-In Profit Site is basically for those who are after earning money online AND are able and willing to invest a lot of money and insane amounts of time and effort into building and scaling an online business.

Let me explain…

As we’ve already seen, earning money with PIPS can only happen by promoting the 5 programs Evans suggests… However, since if you don’t join them you can’t promote them and since to join them you have to pay for them get ready to spend a significant amount of money (at least $150 per month) before you get to make any with this system.

On top of that, if you don’t actually become a member of all the 5 programs, Evans won’t give you access to your website which means that you won’t be able to customize it in any way or have any kind of control over it.

No pay, no gain!

In addition, in his introductory video, Evans claims that the whole system is automated but this is far from true.

Your PIPS website is going to be built around one of the most competitive niches that exist (the Make Money Online niche). If you just leave it as it is and don’t make an effort to scale it yourself by attracting the right traffic to it, writing blog posts, gathering subscribers, sending over emails, etc, you’ll never see a single dime of earnings through it, period.

What I am trying to say is that Stone’s claims about this system being free and automated are all lies in order to lure you into his system and then keep pushing down your throat not just those 5 programs but dozens more which you allegedly need and which if you end up paying for will bring commissions to him.

If you bought into those lies, then you are up for a great disappointment after joining PIPS, believe me!

Who is Plug In Profit Site NOT for?

Plug-In Profit Site is definitely NOT for those who are after starting their online business for free or with a very small investment.

Despite the fact that Evans claims that he can get you off the ground for free, this is definitely not the case since in order for you to make any money with his system you’ll have to pay for several memberships as well as additional tools and resources he keeps recommending such as email autoresponders, subscriber packages, visitors, ads, services of his own, etc.

If you would like to start your first online business for free, then I’d suggest that you check out Wealthy Affiliate (no credit card required and no other catches whatsoever).

Moreover, PIPS is not for you if you aren’t interested in the MMO niche and you would like your business to revolve around another subject that you are more passionate about. As I’ve already mentioned, the website that Evans builds for you is in the MMO niche and the entire system is geared towards promoting the 5 programs which are in the MMO niche as well. Developing this website includes writing regular articles about making money online, sending over emails and learning as much as you can about the subject so if you aren’t interested in it at all, then you might want to save yourself the trouble of joining PIPS.

In addition, I wouldn’t recommend PIPS to absolute beginners… Yes, Evans indeed saves you some trouble of creating a website on your own but this is not as big of a deal as you might think. In fact, creating a website is going to be one of the easiest tasks you will have to perform as an online business owner.

Truth is that the real ascent to success online begins after having your website in place and truth is that Stone’s training is way too complicated, confusing, and superficial to guide you through the fastest and smoothest path to the peak.

If you are in need of a high-quality online training platform, Project 24 is your best shot… Although it’s not free to join and get started such as Wealthy Affiliate is, its overall quality and user experience are far greater than that of Plug-In Profit Site. Plus, it’s much cheaper to join!

What's Inside Plug In Profit Site?

Once you join Plug In Profit Site, you get your hands on

  • The done-for-you website
  • Plus 10 bonuses which include training modules, traffic generation methods, recommended tools, etc
  • Support desk

The Done-for you Website

A few hours after signing up for Plug-In Profit Site (usually 24-48 hours), you’ll get an email notification from Stone’s team that your website is up and running.

This website will be comprised of a few pages which will contain some generic content on earning money online, a page where people can sign up for your newsletter, a page which contains bonuses for your readers, a sitemap page, as well as dozens of banners that promote the 5 programs I’ve already talked about.

Before putting this Plug-In Profit Site review together, I actually signed up for Plug-In Profit Site myself and I got my very own website which you can check out for yourself under the domain name

The only program I am promoting on my website is the Six Figure Income system because it was the only one which was free to join and thus promote. Due to not having joined the rest of the programs, I can’t access my website and so I can’t customize it, add banners, publish more content, change the menu, etc.

This is basically it and exactly what you’ll get as well if you go for Plug-In Profit Site without joining all the 5 programs Evans suggests – a static, non-customizable, low-quality website which has basically zero potential to bring in any profit for you.

Plug In Profit Site Bonuses

Bonus #1 – 30 Days to Success

30 Days to Success is the step-by-step guide to making money with the Plug-In Profit Site system.

Within it, you’ll learn how to employ the exact same online marketing strategies that made Stone Evans an internet millionaire!

This bonus is comprised of 30 training modules (one for each day).

  • Day 1 – Get to Know Your Website
  • Day 2 – Start Building Your List and Getting Referrals
  • Day 3 – Discover the Power of Your PIPS Affiliate Link
  • Day 4 – Automate Your Business with the PIPS Co-op
  • Day 5 – Turn On Your Fully Automated Traffic Machine
  • Day 6 – Start Adding New Content to Your Site Daily
  • Day 7 – Fortune is in the Follow Up – Send These Follow Up Messages Daily to Grow Your Commissions
  • Day 8 – Get 1/10th of a Profit-Producing Magazine Ad
  • Day 9 – Continue Filling Your Autoresponder with Subscribers So You Can Earn Automatic Email Profits
  • Day 10 – Copy a Highly Effective Facebook Sales Hack
  • Day 11 – Making Money Yet? Schedule a Coaching Call
  • Day 12 – Energize Your Blog Posts to Get More Traffic
  • Day 13 – Add a Photo & Bio Box to All Your Blog Posts
  • Day 14 – Add a Profit-Pulling Popup to Your Site Now
  • Day 15 – Learn How to Make the Most Money with SFI
  • Day 16 – Like and Share Naturally to Make More Sales
  • Day 17 – Leverage Social Sites to Grow Your Business
  • Day 18 – Copy, Paste, Profit! Email 1,500 People Now
  • Day 19 – Send a Promo Email to 30,000 People Today
  • Day 20 – Use More Advertising Services to Make Sales
  • Day 21 – Go Premium and Get Co-op Advertising FREE
  • Day 22 – Get Your Site Ranked High in Search Engines
  • Day 23 – Share and Promote “Pre-Sell” Landing Pages
  • Day 24 – Send Regular Updates, Announcements, and Special Offers to Your Subscribers to Maximize Profits
  • Day 25 – Install LiveChat to Create More Partnerships
  • Day 26 – Tips, Tweaks, and Tricks to Grow Your Profits
  • Day 27 – Change the Color of Your Site and Stand Out
  • Day 28 – Learn & Implement from My Daily Blog Posts
  • Day 29 – Burn Your Ships, and Eliminate Your Excuses
  • Day 30 – Backup Your Site / Develop Profitable Habits

This guide also includes some additional helpful resources such as

  • Track Your Plug-In Profit Site Advertising
  • Plug-In Profit Site Marketing Resources
  • How to Change & Customize Your Website
  • Get a Better Domain Name for Your Website
  • Start Engaging with Your Circle of Influence
  • Add SFI TripleClicks Banner to Your Website
  • Tools and Services I Use in My Business

To tell you the truth, all this training is very unfocused, confusing and overwhelming. It talks about a ton of different marketing and traffic generation strategies. Some of them are legit, some of them borderline black-hat, while others are completely outdated.

What’s even worse is that the entire training of the system is geared towards promoting the 5 programs so if you haven’t signed up for all of them you’ll have great difficulty following along the steps. In addition, throughout the training, Evans keeps recommending more and more paid tools, services, training modules, etc which if you don’t buy, you’ll just fall behind.

This is such a huge turnoff for me as it seems like Evans tries to seize every little opportunity he gets to stuff additional (and unnecessary) stuff down your throat in order for him to earn more money off of you.

Bonus #2 – Plug-In Profit Site Affiliate Program

This bonus gives you the ability to promote Plug-In Profit Site on your website.

This means that everyone you refer to Plug-In Profit Site through your affiliate link is going to automatically be considered your referral to GDI, SFI, Traffic Authority, Online Sales Pro, and Now Lifestyle.

Please note that you can only get credited with referrals to those programs if you have already joined them yourself. For instance, if you have joined SFI and not GDI, someone you refer to Plug-In Profit Site will only be considered your referral to SFI and not GDI.

Stone claims that many Plug-In Profit Site members make a full-time income just by promoting Plug-In Profit Site just like he does.

Bonus #3 – Solo Ad Rolodex

Rolodex with dozens of websites where you can start running solo ads to immediately promote your new website, your affiliate links, or gather new subscribers to your list on demand.

Just be aware that ads require an additional monetary investment.

This bonus is day 9 from the 30 Days of Success training.

Bonus #4 – 3000 Subscriber Base

Gives you access to websites which maintain shared email lists of subscribers who could purchase the affiliate offers you promote to them.

The people you can actually email for free are 2000 every 5 days. To email more people and more regularly, you’ll have to pay for memberships or gain credits by watching ads, filling in surveys, etc

This bonus is day 18+19 from the 30 Days of Success training.

Bonus #5 – Traffic Bonus

Step-by-step instructions to start using banner ads in order to attract more targeted traffic on your website.

This bonus is day 20 from the 30 Days of Success training.

Bonus #6 – Lifetime Backlinks

Getting backlinks to your website from other sites can increase traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

This bonus gives you access to many backlink-building websites where you can get up to 50.000 backlinks for free.

Those backlinks will be very low-quality and might end up hurting your website instead of improving it.

Evans also talks about creating niche-specific articles in order to start attracting backlinks naturally and increase your Google rankings further.

Bonus #7 – 100% Free Traffic System

Takes advantage of a third-party traffic website to instantly start getting visitors to your new website.

This website is definitely not free to use as it employs paid banner ads.

Nonetheless, you have the option to start running your ads by using credits you can earn through clicking and watching other people’s ads.

Bonus #8 – 49 Training Videos

47 newbie internet marketing training videos that will teach you how to perform several tasks towards building and growing your online business.

  1. Choosing a good domain name
  2. Registering your domain name at 000domains
  3. Setting up your DNS at 000domains
  4. Choosing a web host provider
  5. Setting up a pop email account
  6. Configuring your pop email account in outlook express
  7. Setting up your signature in outlook express
  8. Opening and downloading zip and pdf files, and zipping your own files with WinZip
  9. Using FTP to upload files from your computer to your web host provider’s server
  10. Setting up an account with ClickBank
  11. Setting up a sales page and thank you page for resell rights product with ClickBank
  12. Setting up thank you page and order link with ClickBank
  13. Setting up thank you page and order link with PayPal
  14. Installing envtest to get proper paths to Perl on your server
  15. Starting an ezine and installing a Perl mailing list program
  16. Formatting and delivery of your ezine
  17. HTML and how it works
  18. Beginners HTML, centering text, creating breaks and paragraphs, etc
  19. More HTML, making changes to your text 
  20. More beginners HTML, adding images
  21. HTML – Making links and linking images
  22. HTML – Creating tables, rows, and columns
  23. Using HTML templates quickly and easily
  24. Using Good Keywords for keyword research
  25. Creating the title tag and meta tags for your website
  26. Optimizing your website for search engines – keyword density and content
  27. Writing ad copy
  28. Importance of testing your copy
  29. Submitting your site to the search engines
  30. Installing an ad tracking and split testing program
  31. Using your ad tracking and split testing program
  32. Creating classified ads
  33. Increase your search engine rankings by building your link popularity
  34. Creating your first ebook
  35. Compiling your ebook in EXE format
  36. Compiling your ebook in PDF format
  37. Making your EXE ebook brandable
  38. Making your PDF ebook brandable
  39. Running your affiliate program with ClickBank
  40. Installing a customer support desk
  41. Using your customer support desk
  42. Creating a password-protected area of your site
  43. Adding forms to your site for easy feedback from your visitors
  44. Installing a free WordPress blog
  45. Using your WordPress blog
  46. Promoting affiliate programs
  47. Creating redirects for your affiliate links to shorten them
  48. Installing a shopping cart, affiliate and ad tracking system all in one
  49. Beginner RSS feeds

Bonus #9 – PIPS Community

Access to a members-only private forum where you can interact with other Plug In Profit site members, ask questions, get support, gain insights, find out what worked for them and whatnot, make partnerships, ask for reviews, get solutions to your problems, etc.

The PIPS forum is not active right now as it’s being updated according to Evans.

Bonus #10 – Dotcomology ebook

This is a 325-page ebook around the science of making money online.

Within it, you are going to learn stuff such as 

  • Making your website attractive, interesting, engaging and interactive
  • Using expired domains to skyrocket your traffic
  • Building and maintaining your credibility online
  • Discovering which businesses are succeeding online and why
  • Pay-per-click search engine techniques to unleash a tidal wave of traffic to your site
  • Profiting with Google AdWords
  • Launching a profit-pulling reciprocal links campaign
  • Optimizing your website to gain top search engine placement
  • Starting your own affiliate program
  • and much more

​Basically, you are supposed to be giving this ebook away for free in exchange for the emails addresses of your visitors.

In addition, this book will include your affiliate links to GDI, SFI and all the other offers, as well as to Plug-In Profit Site so you can earn commissions from those who read it.

Find out more about this free ebook right here.

Plug-In Profit Site Support Desk

If you have questions about the Plug-In Profit Site that are not answered within the 30 Days of Success training, or you have come across a problem, technical or otherwise, you have the ability to contact Stone’s support team by creating a ticket within your Plug-In Profit Site’s dashboard.

Plug In Profit Site Support Desk

I’ve already opened a couple of support tickets and the team replied back to me in less than 24 hours.

Plug In Profit Site Success Stories & Testimonials

Plug In Profit Site seems to have a lot of positive testimonials and success stories.

Although I am a little skeptical about some of them such as the one given by Russell Brunson, very successful entrepreneur and owner of, as well as the one given by Ewen Chia who is basically the owner of some of the worst, most useless MMO courses and programs I’ve ever come across in my 3 years as an online marketer such as Autopilot Profits (see both of those testimonials below).

I mean sorry, but I don’t really buy that a successful entrepreneur such as Russell Brunson would praise a system like Plug-In Profit Site like that…

Also, I don’t trust Ewen Chia the slightest so his positive testimonial further lowers my trust towards Plug-In Profit Site.

That’s just my opinion though…

Anyway, you can find some more testimonials and success stories below.

After researching for a while, I haven’t managed to actually find a single clue that any of those success stories and testimonials are fake or fabricated.

However, my gut feeling tells me that something isn’t quite right with them.

How Much Does Plug In Profit Site Cost?

Plug-In Profit Site cost varies depending on which of the 5 programs you’ll end up signing up for.

At the time of this review, if you were to join all 5, you’ll keep getting charged at least $150 per month

  • GDI – at least $10 per month
  • Six Figure Income – free
  • Traffic Authority – $47 per month
  • Online Sales Pro – at least $47 per month
  • Now Lifestyle – $1 for 7 days, then $50 per month

However, as I’ve already mentioned, you have the option to get your PIPS website up and running for free without really paying for any of those programs.

Just a heads up, the entire PIPS system, and its training are geared towards promoting those 5 programs so if you want to be able to follow along and end up earning money with it, there’s no way around joining every single one of them sooner or later.

In addition, within the training, Evans will keep recommending several other paid tools that you will “have” to purchase in order to be able to keep up such as keyword research tools, autoresponders, ads, other services and resources, and much more.

So, if I had a gun pointing towards my head and had to pick a realistic overall cost of Plug-In Profit Site, I’d say $200 per month at best!

Plug In Profit Site Pros

  • Free, done-for-you website
  • Successful owner
  • Numerous success stories
  • Legit earnings model

1 • Free, Done-For-You Website

As I’ve already talked about, by joining PIPS you have the option to get your hands on a premade website completely for free.

While gaining a website out of nowhere for free and without doing any work yourself could definitely be considered a pro, unfortunately, the chances of actually earning any money with it are slim to zero.

If you don’t actually pay to become a member to the 5 programs as Evans suggests, you won’t 

  • have anything to promote on your website
  • be able to even log in your website

Plus, to tell you the truth, I don’t really believe that done-for-you systems are beneficial to anyone.


What do you think would happen if I gave you right now an online business which brings in $10K a month as a gift?

It’d probably tank in a few months simply because you don’t have the skills to maintain it.

First comes the skill and then the results. Achieving the results prior to the skills required to achieve them, the results won’t last for long.

And PIPS with its done-for-you system robs you the opportunity to cultivate skills which are mandatory towards building a successful online business such as

  • building a website
  • finding hosting
  • creating your first pages
  • looking for keywords
  • writing content
  • searching for legit affiliate programs
  • and much more

Plus, putting a website together from scratch is not even that hard nowadays with the way technology has evolved… In fact, I created my own business website for free, in less than 2 minutes with WordPress back in the day when I really had no clue about that kind of stuff whatsoever.

If you want to start your very first online business for free the right way, I’d actually suggest checking out Wealthy Affiliate at once.

2 • Successful Owner

Well, nobody can deny that Stone Evans is a very successful entrepreneur.

This Plug-In Profit Site is definitely an ingenious way towards building a fortune online for himself.

Here are some facts about him:

  • owner of
  • also runs a YouTube channel
  • he used to own a restaurant and a magazine which tanked
  • he started focusing on building an income online after reading the book Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen
  • a few years later he built Plug-In Profit Site to help people build a full-time living online just like he had achieved
  • he has no other online endeavors besides this system

3 • Numerous Success Stories

As we’ve already seen, there are tons of positive testimonials and success stories about Plug-In Profit Site.

And since this system has worked for some, with the right amount of attitude, effort, and investment, it could work for you as well.

4 • Legit Earnings Model

The thing that I like about PIPS the most is that it focuses on promoting membership programs.

Referring people to membership programs is the holy grail of every affiliate marketer due to the potential they offer to keep earning recurring commissions for as long as your referrals maintain their memberships.

For instance, if you refer 200 people to a membership platform which costs $50 per month and gives you a 50% commission, this is $5000 a month. And if you keep referring people daily, your income is going to keep increasing exponentially.

Plug In Profit Site Cons

  • Unrealistic earning claims
  • Low-quality training
  • Duplicate content
  • Pay to promote
  • Saturated niche
  • Employs fear to lure you in
  • No control over your business

1 • Unrealistic Claims

The first unrealistic claim Evans makes is that his system is free.

While this is partly true because as you can indeed get your hands on a website, several training modules, and a support team for free, if you don’t actually pay for every program Evans suggests within his training, the chances of earning money with his system are very close to zero.

He then goes on to say that success came to him almost immediately after setting up the exact same website he is going to build for you which is simply bullshit. Later, he says that it took him 3 years to start figuring out how to make money online.

According to research, the majority of startups will not start earning any profit until as late as the third year. Some can take up to five years and, of course, some never do.

Lastly, Evans tries to leave the impression that his system is going to make you thousands per month with minimal work.

This is exactly what the majority of crappy programs claim in order to lure lazy and gullible people in.

What I am trying to point out here is that if go into Plug-In Profit Site expecting that Stone’s claims are true, you’ll be very disappointed and you’ll probably end up quitting long before you get to make your first dime online.

2 • Low-Quality Training

While it’s true that Plug-In Profit Site’s training taught me a couple of legit scaling practices that I had no idea about, its overall quality is still pretty low.

First of all, it talks very little about content creation and SEO which are two of the most important practices towards making your online business sustainable and long-lasting.

Secondly, it talks a whole lot about paying for ads which means putting your hands deeper in your pockets.

In addition, it contains way too much promotional material which makes the training saturated and overwhelming. In fact, besides the 5 programs and all the additional tools and resources Evans tries to make you purchase in order for him to earn commissions, he also tries to stuff down your throat a service he provides called “Co-op” whereas he allegedly takes over your online business and scales all of its aspects for you.

If you asked me, this training will be very hard for beginners to follow. Even I found it hard to follow and I have been an affiliate marketer for 3 years now, having tested hundreds of online marketing training modules during that time.

3 • Duplicate Content

If 100 people join Plug-In Profit Site, Evans will deliver the exact same website to all 100 of them.

Besides their identical appearance, those websites will also contain identical content and websites with duplicate content are not favored in the eyes of Google which means that the chance of getting free, organic traffic to your website will be minimal to none.

Nonetheless, this is fixable by altering the content of the website yourself as well as publishing some more through blogging, which will be possible only if you have joined the 5 paid membership programs since you need to actually have access to it to do all those things.

4 • Pay to Promote

The thing that I don’t like the most about Plug-In Profit Site is that you are required to pay for the membership programs you’ll be promoting on your website.

Truth is that most products will let you become their affiliate and promote them for free.

For instance, on this website, I am promoting Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24 and I actually joined both of their affiliate programs without spending a dime.

In addition, there are literally millions of high-quality products which are free to promote.

Evans keeps recommending those 5 programs for one reason… If you pay for them, he is going to be earning commissions off of you.

Lastly, what I find extremely unfair is that within his training despite mentioning that you could promote other products on your website, he doesn’t show you how to actually find them.

5 • Saturated Niche

The MMO niche in which the Plug-In Profit Site system is built is very competitive and saturated.

This means that you’ll probably need to work very hard and for a long time until your website starts gaining some traction online.

My website, is in the MMO niche as well, I have been working my butt off scaling it for more than a year now and I just started seeing some good results.

And be aware that I am following the training of 2 of the best online marketing platforms out there, Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24.

I don’t even know how harder it would be and how much longer those results would have taken if I followed a lower quality training such as Plug-In Profit Site’s.

6 • Employs Fear to Lure You In

Within the introductory video of Plug-In Profit Site, I noticed several instances of Evans trying to “scare” you into buying his system.

For example, he mentions that getting a website up and running is a very time-consuming and arduous process and that to do that yourself you’ll need to either learn several web coding languages such as HTML, PHP, CSS, etc spend thousands of dollars into hiring programmers and web designers in order to build your website for you.

Then, he goes on to present you with his done-for-you website which is supposedly going to save you all this time, energy, and money.

This couldn’t be more misleading…

Nowadays, there exist platforms which allow you to easily create professionally-looking websites (better than the one Evans will build for you) in less than 10 minutes for free. Nobody is actually coding websites from scratch anymore. This is 2019, not 1999.

Find out How To Create A Blog From Scratch For Free In 5 Simple Steps.

Also, Evans claims several times that if you build your website by yourself and you don’t follow his system you’ll have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising.

Truth is, the exact opposite applies… Stone’s training mostly focuses on paying for ads in order to attract traffic to your website while barely covering practices and techniques towards cultivating free, search engine traffic.

7 • No Control Over Your Pages

Lastly, what I hate the most about Plug-In Profit Site is that if you don’t actually pay for those 5 programs Evans suggests, he won’t give you access to your website. 

This means that you won’t have any control over your online business… You won’t be able to alter your website’s content, banners, menus, colors, or customize it in any way, you won’t be able to publish more posts, and basically, if Evans decides to take it down, there’s nothing that you could ever do about it.

If you don’t pay for what Evans tells you to pay, you are at his mercy, despite the fact that the website he will build for you for free is supposed to be YOURS.

In my eyes, this is blackmail.

Affiliate marketing FAQs

(Click each question to expand)

Affiliate marketing is an online business model that involves promoting products or services created and distributed by third-party online merchants in exchange for getting paid a commission for each sale you refer.

In layman’s terms, affiliate marketing is the process of being compensated for helping businesses sell to more customers.

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Here’s a bird’s eye view of how affiliate marketing works.

  1. You join a merchant’s affiliate program
  2. The merchant gives you a unique affiliate link that points to their e-shop
  3. You promote your unique affiliate link online (blog, forums, social media, paid ads, etc.)
  4. Every time someone clicks on your unique affiliate link and makes a purchase on the merchant’s e-shop, the merchant pays you a commission

The Affiliate Marketing Process Overview

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There are thousands of successful affiliate marketers all around the world. Some of the most well-known ones are:

  • Pat Flynn
  • Matt Diggity
  • Matthew Woodward
  • Doug Cunnington
  • & more

You can check out a roundup of my 17 favorite examples of affiliate success and their backstories right here.

  1. Billion-dollar industry
  2. Very low startup & operational expenses
  3. Huge income potential
  4. Flexible & versatile
  5. Passive income
  6. Simple to implement
  7. No technical background
  8. No customer support
  9. No physical setup

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Affiliate marketers can be divided into five main income groups:

  1. Total beginners: $0 – $20,000 per year
  2. Low-level affiliates: $20,000 – $50,000 per year
  3. Intermediate affiliates: $50,000 – $100,000 per year
  4. High-level affiliates: $100,000 – $500,000 per year
  5. Super affiliates: $500,000+ per year

According to PayScale, the average annual income for affiliate marketers in the US is over $54,000 per year. Statistics reveal that 13% of affiliates earn more than $75,000 per year.

Some of the factors that influence how much you earn as an affiliate marketer include:

  • seniority
  • target niche
  • available resources
  • previous experience
  • marketing efforts
  • & overall mindset

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Here’s a rough income growth timeline of a typical affiliate marketing business:

  • months (0-3): no earnings
  • months (3-6): first affiliate sale
  • months (6-12): $100-$500 monthly
  • months (12-18): $1000 monthly
  • months (18-24): $3000+ monthly

This timeline isn’t a guarantee of future performance but rather a mere approximation of the income growth of an average affiliate business. Your own timeline could be shorter or longer than projected.

Over the years, I’ve seen aspiring affiliates striking a gold vein just a few months into the industry. On the other hand, I personally know people who’ve been struggling to grow their affiliate revenue to $1000 per month for several years.

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Affiliate marketing is one of the most affordable money-making models out there.

Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to get started as an affiliate marketer along with their associated costs:

  • web hosting & domain name: $2.95/month (Bluehost)
  • keyword research tool: $49/month (Jaaxy)
  • expert guidance: $49/month (Wealthy Affiliate)
  • email autoresponder: Free for up to 1000 subs (MailerLite)

Please note that on top of expert guidance, Wealthy Affiliate also provides free access to hosting and a keyword research tool so you don’t have to purchase them separately.

Yes, you can do affiliate marketing without a website by promoting your affiliate links on other marketing channels, such as:

  • Social Media
  • Paid Ads
  • YouTube
  • Podcast
  • etc.

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The process of getting started with affiliate marketing can be broken down into the following four simple steps:

  1. Pick a niche
  2. Launch a blog
  3. Build an audience
  4. Promote affiliate products

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No, you don’t.

Affiliate marketing is very simple to get started with by virtually anyone regardless of age, education, background, available capital, tech-savviness, professional network, etc.

In fact, most 6-figure affiliate marketers were no more experienced than you currently are when they first ventured into the affiliate marketing industry.

Nonetheless, being knowledgeable in fields like marketing, sales, content production, business management, etc., could help you reach your financial goals somewhat faster.

So, What Now?

Okay, so you read this Plug In Profit Site review in its entirety…

Now what?

Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options…

  1. You either go for Plug In Profit Site wasting your time, energy, and probably some money as well
  2. You check out my top suggestions Project 24 or Wealthy Affiliate, which are proven to have helped hundreds of people earn their living online (optimal choice)
  3. You take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find something which suits you better there (you’ll probably waste your time since I have already suggested the best courses I’ve come across until now)
  4. Or you walk out of here completely empty-handed, you never take your first step towards earning your living online and you move on living your current life for the years to come, always wondering what would have happened if you had taken action right this very moment

If I were where you are (which I’ve been), I would go ahead and join Wealthy Affiliate (which is what I actually did).

Here’s why…

As a free WA member, you

  • have access to some basic affiliate marketing training
  • can get your very first online business up and running
  • host up to 2 websites for free on Wealthy Affiliate’s private hosting platforms
  • use the keyword research tool
  • interact with other members of the platform through a live chat
  • publish posts and ask questions within its forum-like community

If you want to gain access to the entirety of the Wealthy Affiliate’s features, you will need to upgrade your membership to premium which costs $49 per month at worst (you can get a better deal by paying upfront for 6 months, 1 year, or taking the Black Friday offer).

If you want to find out more about all of Wealthy Affiliate’s features and pricing plans, go ahead and take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

So, what are you going to do?

Plug In Profit Site Review: It's Neither Free, Nor Worth It.
Plug In Profit Site Review Featured Image

Plug In Profit Site Is NOT What Is Marketed to Be... Make Sure to Read This Review to Discover What I'm Talking About!

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Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

18 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for telling the truth about this FREE website. Great hook! They had me for a while I didn’t want or need it but the guy said he would do it for me and even though I don’t like that I said what the heck go ahead I don’t have the time! Well, it didn’t take long for me to realize there was more investing than returning even before any returning so I backed out and got a refund from the two I had already joined.

    It just goes on asking for more. It is nice to see a very thorough review. You did not bad mouth them you don’t really have to. I won’t either, more power to him he is doing well. It is a great self-promoting plan. I agree it is just trashing looking with so many ads. And you can’t even get in to edit till you have laid out a lot of cash. I’m not going for it. I want to share your review if you don’t mind, you say what I want to say very well. Thanks!

    1. Hey there, I’m so happy that I could be of help.

      It goes without saying that you can share my review anywhere and with anyone you want 🙂

      All the best,


  2. Harry, thank you for a most informative article. Here are my two cents: PIPS definitely is an MLM, Russel Brunson even mentions Stone Evans as an example in his Clickfunnels training as a successful MLM’er or network marketer and the genius of it all.

    I have to say though that his whole presentation and the website of the person who referred me look almost exactly the same with flashing banners and links all leading back to the same original offer.

    My gut-feel when I started looking at those cluttered pages and the 5 offers that you have to sign up for, was that there is too much crammed into all those pages and they are designed to overwhelm the visitor and to me, it just looked scammy.

    Also, the only video review on the landing page is of a very new student who is about to start going through the training, and the rest of the social proof does not include the profile section so there is no way to actually determine if they are real and if he really has thousands of successful students, where are the results.

    Nobody does anything truly for free, and when I see the word free this or that on a page then I know they are definitely going to sell me something down the line, or they will make money off my efforts.

    Oh and here is the funny bit, I sent a link to this article to the person who referred me to PIPS after she offered to guide me through the whole process and she went quiet and blocked me without even trying to convince me that she is having success.

    Anyway thanks again, and great success to you Harry.

    1. Hey Jacques, thanks so much for sharing all the info regarding Plug-In Profit Site with us!

      When I first put together this Plug-In Profit Site review I didn’t have much experience regarding the MLM business model… Now that I have reviewed dozens of MLM companies I can safely state that PIPS is a recruit-oriented, pay-to-play pyramid scheme.

      To anyone who’s reading this comment, do yourself a favor and avoid PIPS at all costs because it’ll waste your time, energy, and money without actually delivering any of the results it promises.

      I really hope that you’ll find what you’re looking for Jacques.

      If you need a hand, do not hesitate to reach out to me.

      Best wishes,


    1. Thanks a lot for the feedback Petour…

      Have you tried Plug In Profit Site yourself? Could you please share more information about your experience with it?

      Did you lose money to it?

      I’d like to hear all about it!


    2. Petour, I bet you are broke and frustrated. Not helpful to bad people who had more success than you and you cannot even contribute facts to this conversation, so everyone here can make a more educated decision.

      Those haters… what a world would it be without them…

      1. On one hand, I completely understand his frustration as he seems to have wasted time and probably money while trying to make Plug In Profit Site work for him.

        On the other hand, you are right… His comment doesn’t really add any value whatsoever to this conversation as he doesn’t share anything about his “bad” experience with the system.


  3. Very informative review Harry, I was not aware of Stone Evans Plug-In Profit Site until reading this.

    It’s definitely misleading for the owner to give beginners such a false introduction into starting their own websites and online businesses. What a great point you make when you mention how the fact that Plug-In Profit Site delivers a ready-made website to you could hold you back from actually learning important skills of creating and running an online business.

    Do you feel like the skill acquired through the Wealthy Affiliate platform allows the user to create an online business that is more likely to provide a sustainable long-term income stream? Have you seen this to be true in your case or in others?

    1. Wealthy Affiliate, as well as Project 24, are the best online marketing training platforms I’ve ever come across. And what makes them the best is that their training is mainly geared towards building a sustainable full-time income online.

      Although I haven’t made it that far yet myself, I am definitely on my way and those 2 platforms have made my journey a lot smoother and shorter by saving me a ton of trial and error.

      A few months ago I hit the most important milestone of my online business, my very first sale and I probably wouldn’t have made it that far without Wealthy Affiliate.

      You can also see proof of how Wealthy Affiliate has helped tons of people build a sustainable full-time income (and even more in many cases) and work for themselves online right here.


  4. Interesting post as always, Harry.

    So, if the “customizable website” is hosted on Stone’s servers, does this mean it’s like Blogger(.)com or WordPress(.)com in that your ways of monetization are limited? I’m just curious as you mentioned that PIPS only teaches about affiliate marketing…So you can’t join an ad network like Mediavine, for example?

    I’m also shocked at the amount of money they expect you to pay per month. Most people who are joining are probably people who are desperately trying to better themselves and to have to pay more than $100 per month in the very beginning when they have no idea what to do and no traffic to offset the cost is, for me, just a recipe for burn out and disappointment.

    I wouldn’t recommend PIPS either…

    1. No, it’s not like or… 

      First of all, with Plug-In Profit Site, you get to use your own domain name which is also a top-level domain name and not a subdomain. 

      Also, Blogger and WordPress let you access and customize your website while Evans won’t let you even access your admin’s dashboard if you won’t pay for the 5 programs he suggests.

      Plug-In Profit Site indeed teaches only about affiliate marketing but that doesn’t stop you from joining an ad network if you want to. However, since you will need to access your admin’s dashboard in order to configure your ads, you’ll still need to pay for the 5 programs.

      No matter from which angle you look at it, there’s no way around of paying for those 5 programs if you want to make serious money online with this system which is really stupid since those who will be looking for ways to make money online will probably not be able to invest that kind of money per month in the first place as you pointed out.


  5. It seems that you have spent so much time researching and reviewing this Plug-In Profit Site system…

    It doesn’t seem like a bad platform but I have two problems here. 

    Firstly, it has false claims about being free while to really make money with it costs a lot, more than most other affiliate marketing platforms. 

    Secondly, I don’t like that I won’t have control over my website if I don’t pay for the 5 programs.

    Anyway, I think I should check out your other recommendations. 

    Thanks for reviewing!

    1. Truth is that Plug-In Profit Site is the most expensive MMO system I’ve reviewed so far –  even more expensive than Online Marketing Classroom.

      If you do the math, paying $150 per month to be able to make money with PIPS equals paying $1800 a year which is A LOT!

      To give you a solid frame of reference, Wealthy Affiliate’s yearly membership plan costs $359 and its overall quality is way higher than that of Plug-In Profit Site.

      Maybe you should check my Wealthy Affiliate review before looking into any other program.


  6. Very interesting!  

    I read up to the part where you mentioned the Plug-In Profit Site modules and lessons. It was very comprehensive and covered a lot, but it seems that support is rather thin on the ground compared to Wealthy Affiliate. 

    Plug-In Profit Site seems to be only for people who have deep pockets and plenty of time to apply all the techniques needed to get a site up and running.  

    As you said, this program is bordering on MLM, but worse still it seems to only be meant for people who want to stick with promoting Stone’s products rather than choosing their own.

    In comparison, Wealthy Affiliate really has solid training that is easy to follow and could benefit you a ton in the long-term. The step-by-step tasks are excellent for ensuring that what you learn sticks in your memory.  

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Plug-In Profit Site’s support takes place through an email help desk. I have contacted them a couple of times to get some answers and they were pretty responsive to tell you the truth. 

      However, it doesn’t compare with the support Wealthy affiliate and Project 24 offer whereas you can also interact and gain insights from other members of the program.

      Plug-In Profit Site is not an MLM itself but some of the programs you’ll be promoting are. And that’s why Evans suggests those specific programs. In order to be able to maximize his earnings through you as well as your referrals.

      Truth is, Evans mentions that you could promote other programs if you want to but the whole system is truly geared towards promoting only the 5 he suggests.

      Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24 definitely give you a lot more freedom when it comes to choosing the products you’d like to promote as well as the niche of your online business. Plus, their training modules are much more focused, comprehensive, and simple to follow.

  7. Such an exhausting review you have done concerning this Plug-In Profit Site. 

    I just got introduced into this program and their big claims seem too good to be true to me at first and so I decided to carry out a research on it so I can be sure I won’t be sold I to a scheme I don’t know about.

    After reading your review I am glad that I did.

    The fact that I have to buy multiple membership plans is a deal-breaker for me. This is definitely not for rookies like me with very limited budget. 

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Although you don’t “have” to buy all those memberships, if you don’t, chances are that you’ll never make any money with Plug-In Profit Site… So, yeah, this system is basically a one-way street.

      Nonetheless, PIPS also gives you the option to dip your toes into online marketing for free in order to see how the whole process works before investing any money.

      Yet again, if the free option feels enticing, I’d suggest checking out Wealthy Affiliate which is also free to join and get started while offering a much higher-quality training and overall user experience.


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