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Is NewYou a Scam or a Legit CBD MLM Opportunity? [Review]

NewYou Review Featured Image

As more and more studies prove the amazing health benefits of CBD usage, the CBD industry has grown exponentially during the last few years.

According to Forbes, the CBD market is expected to grow by 700% by 2020.

And with this growth, tons of new CBD-related companies keep sprouting like crazy.

NewYou is one of those companies.

The company manufactures and distributes a variety of CBD products such as CBD drops, CBD infused coffee, CBD skin creams, etc.

NewYou also offers an MLM compensation plan, meaning that you have the ability to build an income with the company by promoting its products to retail customers as a “Brand Partner” as well as getting other people to become NewYou Brand Partners themselves…

However, is NewYou actually legit?

Are its products worth it?

Does it offer the potential for you to achieve your financial goals?

Or is it just another scammy pyramid scheme which is going to leave you hundreds of dollars poorer?

By the end of this NewYou review, you’ll know everything you need to make an informed decision about whether this company is worth your time, attention, and money or not, such as

  • What NewYou is
  • How it works
  • The company’s background
  • How much it costs to join
  • Its compensation plan
  • If it’s a pyramid scheme or not
  • The products it offers
  • Its owners
  • Pros and cons
  • and much more

Let’s get cracking!

NewYou Overview

Name: NewYou

Owners: Ray Grimm Jr.


  • $39.95 per year
  • Sample Pack – $300 (One-time payment)
  • Biz Pack – $500 (One-time payment)
  • Pro Pack – $1000 (One-time payment)
  • $70 to $150 per month to qualify for commissions

Please note that the Sample, Biz, and Pro Packs are optional to purchase.

Lastly, you can test drive NewYou for FREE at 

Once you are there it will ask you to fill in the username of your sponsor to let you move forward.

You can use mine if you want which is “Harry” (without the quotes).


Suggested? So and so…

Wanna Succeed in MLM?

Increase your chances of reaching success in multi-level marketing by following a dedicated MLM course.


  • Booming Industry
  • Free Website
  • Provides Training
  • Free Trial

Jump to the Pros Section

  • Confusing Compensation Plan
  • MLM Business Model
  • Expensive Membership
  • Company is New

Jump to the Cons Section

As stated in the beginning, NewYou is an MLM which operates within the CBD market and focuses on distributing a variety of CBD products such as

  • NewYou Drops
  • NewYou Cream (skin, not ice :P)
  • DropsFX Energy
  • DropsFX Sleep
  • CB2
  • CB2 Plus
  • Caffe Canna
  • ENDO30 Weight Management System
  • NewYou Release
  • NewYou Absorb
  • Drops for pets

The company was launched by Ray Grimm Jr. and Daran Grimm (husband & wife) in 2018.

According to my research, in 2016, Ray became a consultant of another MLM company named Laguna Blends and after a while became President and CEO of the company.

Laguna Blends was a CBD-based product company located in Canada that under Ray’s leadership acquired Isodiol, another CBD-based product company located in the US.

This resulted in Laguna Blend’s stock rising from .05 per share to over $2 per share during a two-year period (until he left the company for some unknown reason).

Daran Grimm had her first contact with MLM companies when she was 17 and was working for Avon.

Since then, she has had a very successful career in the Direct Sales industry and she has built three very successful brands in the health and wellness industry alongside her husband.

In 2018, Ray Grimm Jr. and Daran Grimm joined forces once again and launched NewYou.

And as they say, the rest is history…

DON'T bother joining an MLM...

…until you’ve taken a good look at these shocking MLM statistics.

How Does NewYou Work?

NewYou offers you the opportunity to earn commissions by becoming a “Brand Partner” of the company and distribute its products yourself.

As a Brand Partner, you earn 10% commissions when you sell NewYou products to retail customers.

You also earn 20% commissions when a customer purchases a NewYou product through your personalized NewYou website.

In addition, when you recruit other Brand Partners, you earn a “Fast Start Bonus” based on which pack they purchase.

For instance, when a Brand Partner you referred to NewYou purchases the $300 Sample Pack, you earn $60. If they purchase the $500 Biz Pack, you earn $100 and $200 if they purchase the $1000 Pro Pack.

And that’s not all…

NewYou also pays you residual commissions thought a uni-level compensation plan as well as through many other bonuses.

I dive deeper into NewYou’s full compensation plan right below.

B3 NewYou's Compensation Plan

The majority of MLM companies have so overly complicated compensation plans that it feels like you need to have a rocket scientist doctorate to understand just their first paragraph.

NewYou is no exception.

Despite the fact that NewYou’s compensation plan is really not that complicated compared to the compensation plans of other MLM companies like Zyndio it’s so poorly written and sloppy that I had a great difficulty understanding it.

 But I’ll try to get you up to speed anyway 😉

So, NewYou pays you money in 9 different ways.

  1. Retail Commissions
  2. Web Commissions
  3. Sponsor Commissions (Fast Start Bonus)
  4. Auto-ship Commissions
  5. Group Bonus
  6. Elite Team Bonus
  7. Power Team Bonus
  8. Uni-level Overrides
  9. Infinity Overrides

If you want to find out more about all those bonuses and how you can generate an income by achieving them, go ahead and take a look at NewYou’s full compensation plan right here or watch the video below.

Please note that NewYou’s pack options and compensation plan might change from time to time so by the time you read this review, some of the info, the commission rates, the prices, etc that are displayed in the link and the video I shared with you right above might not be that accurate.

If you still have questions about NewYou’s compensation plan, you could contact its support team through the contact form on its website and they will probably bring you in contact with a NewYou Brand Partner who is active in your area.

Or you could contact me at and I will do my best to help you out.

How Much Does It Cost to Become a NewYou Brand Partner?

To enroll as a NewYou Brand Partner costs $39.95 per year.  

This is the basic Brand Partner membership which includes

  • A personalized website
  • Personalized back office (contains marketing tools, monitoring tools, training, store, support desk, etc)

In addition, NewYou offers some additional optional packages including

  • Sample Pack – $300 (One-time payment)
  • Biz Pack – $500 (One-time payment)
  • Pro Pack – $1000 (One-time payment)

It goes without saying that the more expensive the pack you go for the better commissions you’ll earn, and the more benefits you’ll have within the company in general.

For example, Brand Partners who purchase a $500 Business Pack will be promoted to and paid at the rank of Diamond for 180 days… Brand Partners who purchase $1000 a Pro Pack will be promoted to and paid at the rank of Double Diamond for 365 days.

Both Diamond and Double Diamond levels are paid commissions on more levels than Brand Partners at lower levels (see image below).

NewYou Commission Rates Per Rank

Let me give you a heads up that in order to qualify for earning commissions from your customers and your downline for any given month, you will have to maintain at least 70 PV if your rank is lower than Blue Diamond and at least 150 PV if ranked Blue Diamond or higher.

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and it’s sales volume generated by your own orders.

One bottle of NewYou Drops is equivalent to 39PV and costs $49. 

This means that if you are Blue Diamond or lower, you’ll have to pay for 2 bottles of NewYou Drops ($98 – 78PV) and if you are Blue Diamond or higher you’ll have to pay for 4 bottles of NewYou Drops ($196 – 156PV) each month in order to qualify for commissions.

You can also set up an auto-ship program within your personal back office in order to keep receiving those products per month automatically.

To sum up, the least amount of money that you will have to pay to become a NewYou Brand Partner is $39.95 per year and $98 – $196 per month depending on your rank in order to keep yourself active and qualified for commissions.

Is NewYou a Pyramid Scheme?

Most of the time it’s very hard to distinguish between a legit MLM company and a pyramid scheme.

Make sure to watch the video below to discover how to spot and avoid pyramid schemes in general.

The main difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme is that MLMs give you the opportunity to earn commissions by selling actual products or services to other people in retail without having to recruit them while with a pyramid scheme the only way to earn money is by recruiting other people into the scheme.

Since with NewYou you have the option to earn commissions by pushing the company’s products to retail customers, I have to conclude that NewYou is NOT a pyramid scheme despite the facts that its compensation plan is putting more emphasis on recruiting other people and building a downline and that retail commissions are way too low.

NewYou Pros

  • Booming Industry
  • Free Website
  • Provides Training
  • Free Trial

1 • Booming Industry: It’s undeniable that the CBD industry is booming day in and day out. This means that there is a lot of money to be made by people who are working in the CBD market during the next few years.

The tiniest piece of that pie might be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The only downside is that when money grows, competition grows as well and the market is already way too competitive.

2 • Free Personalized Website: Upon becoming a NewYou Brand Partner, the company provides you a free pre-made website/e-shop which people can visit and purchase NewYou products online.

When someone who visits your personalized website purchases NewYou products through it, you earn 20% commissions of the total amount of money paid by that customer.

If marketed the right way, this website will help you maximize your customers and commissions.

The only problem is that this website is an exact replica of NewYou’s official website which is ugly, confusing, and very difficult to navigate and I don’t think that you have the authorization to edit it.

3 • Provides Training: Something that the majority of MLMs don’t offer to their newly recruited members is proper training on how to actually make the most with the company (no wonder that such a small percentage of MLM participants manage to make a profit).

NewYou offers some training on your personalized back office (PDF guides and videos), to help you understand how the company works, its compensation plan, how to market your website, as well as how to maximize your customers and recruits and thus your profits.

However, the training lacks both in quality and quantity.

On the other hand, better some training than none.

4 • Free Trial: The best thing about NewYou is that it offers the option to test drive their platform for free (I don’t really know if you can start earning money with NewYou with that free trial).

If you want to give it a try, go to 

Once you are there it will ask you to fill in the username of your sponsor to let you move forward.

You can use mine if you want which is “Harry” (without the quotes).

You’re welcome!

NewYou Cons

  • Company is New
  • MLM Business Model
  • Confusing Compensation Plan
  • Expensive Membership

1 • Company is New: According to some statistics, an average MLM company will fail 12-14 months after its launch.

At the time of this review, NewYou is around 12 months and it seems to be doing well but it’s still pretty early to know if the company will last in the long-term or not.

2 • MLM Business Model: As mentioned earlier, I am not that fond of the MLM business model in general for many reasons, mainly due to its awfully low success rates.

I mean, why even bother with an MLM when you can just as easily create your own online business which has so much more chances of bringing in an actual profit while being a lot cheaper to build and maintain?

It doesn’t make any sense.

If you would like to start your own online business, after all, you can do so with Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24.

3 • Confusing Compensation Plan: While NewYou’s compensation plan is not as complicated as those of other MLMs, somehow, they managed to make it so confusing that a person who is relatively new to MLMs will probably have a hard time understanding it.

Truthfully, I have come to believe that most MLM companies make their compensation plans complicated deliberately in order to confuse people into joining them.

I am not making things up…

Did you know that according to research, complexity sells better than simplicity?

This is actually called “complexity bias” and marketers use it all the time.

They do this by incorporating confusing language or insignificant details into product packaging or sales copy.

Most people who buy “ammonia-free” hair dye, or a face cream which “contains peptides,” don’t fully understand what those things mean but when they see them, they imagine that they signify a product that’s superior to alternatives.

People are way more likely to choose a complex product rather than a simple one based on the assumption that the simple one is way too simple to really deliver results.

4 • Expensive Membership: NewYou’s membership is way too expensive…

And I am not talking about the yearly $39.95 fee but rather about the fact that you have to purchase $100 – $200 worth of products per month which you probably don’t need in order to be an active Brand Partner and qualify for commissions.

I know that I might be sounding like a broken record here but I am running my own online business with less than $25 per month.

And do you know what this $25 incorporates?

  • Free hosting for 50 websites
  • Hundreds of hours of high-quality training
  • A community of thousands of people
  • 24/7 tech support
  • Dozens of time-saving tools
  • and much, MUCH more

Staring and running your own online business is a lot cheaper than going for any MLM, period. Plus, you have a lot more chances of actually succeeding.

Check out Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24 to get started with your own online business now.

Is NewYou Suggested?

If I was really interested in the CBD industry, then maybe I would give NewYou a try.

However, I am pretty sure that if you do your research, you might be able to find more reputable and credible CBD MLM companies, with a wider variety of products, as well as a better compensation plan.

To tell you the truth, personally, I am not at all fond of MLMs in general.

  • Their success rate is awfully low
  • They are extremely volatile
  • You need to invest a ton of money, time, and energy until you manage to make a profit (if you ever actually make a profit)
  • And most of them focus on recruiting people instead of pushing an actual valuable and beneficial product or service in retail

Plus, in order to make money with the MLM business model, you’ll have to turn into a sleazy salesperson and I really hate selling as much as I hate being sold to.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

16 Responses

  1. I joined NewYou and sell CBD products via the website you get for “free” ($39.95 annual fee). The problem is I never get paid. Because you have to qualify to get paid- so the retail sales profits roll up to my upline sponsor.

    Now it also looks like to qualify to get paid you have to have only one active brand partner (it used to be three) Its all so confusing and the worse part is my upline sponsor quit so I was never informed of the new requirements which means I have sold tons of product online but I never got a dime! Ouch! I am going to stick with it as I am not the smartest person…But each sale online pays 20 percent so hopefully, things will work out moving forward.

    I was not on auto-ship and it caused me to leave a lot of money on the table! I was waiting to get 3 active brand partners and it never happened… I think I do have at least 1 active brand partner so maybe I will start getting small checks soon (hamburger money) – It will cost me $100 per month to find out! The CBD coffee is really good so let’s hope things work out for me as I stick with this… Thanks, everyone!!!

    1. Hey Toby, I really hope that everything works out for you! If you happen to land here at some point in the future, please let us know about your progress as a NewYou rep 🙂

      All the best,


  2. I joined NEWYOU from a friend who needed money from COVID job loss.

    It is very difficult to make a sale online, as they provide no UPC or other necessary means to sell from their website.

    Also, If I refer someone to NEWYOU to my sponsored page and they click around to preview brand partnership and product descriptions for any length of time, it redirects so that your client/lead ends up signing under the NEWYOU Admin account.

    Thanks for writing this article. I must say, my health has improved drastically since using nano-amplified CBD. We’ll have to see whether we stay with it or not…

    1. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with NewYou with us!

      I’m sure that your feedback will help a lot of people make an informed decision about whether or not they should invest their time and money in NewYou’s partner program…

      The redirections you mention actually take place on the websites of a lot of MLM companies. I haven’t such practice is implemented by MLMs on purpose to avoid paying commissions or if it’s a result of faulty systems.

      Whatever the case, such occurrences could result in many lost commissions for sales and referrals that you actually made an effort to achieve.

      Best wishes and stay safe,


  3. The MLM business model just looks like a scam to begin with. 

    Why a company would start a program like that is beyond me. There are plenty of ways to market products instead of going down that route of recruiting others to make more money.

    Anyway, great article and thanks for the advice. I’ve never been a member of an MLM before and I don’t think I’ll ever be one.

    1. Truth is that most MLM companies build their compensation plans in a way that remind Ponzi schemes which are actually illegal.

      I guess that people decide to market their products that way because it is very cost-effective. They don’t have to spend money on advertising, social media, etc. 

      They just get people to pay them for an opportunity to make more money in the future. And this way, an MLM company could end up with thousands of affiliates that market its products paying only those who actually bring results.

      It’s pretty smart if you think about it without taking into account the scammy part of the entire concept.

      If you still want to build an alternative source of income, consider starting an online business with Wealthy Affiliate or Project 24 as I suggested.

      Such a business model has nothing to do with MLMs and it offers the potential to earn your living while working for yourself around a subject that you love.


  4. My experience with MLMs hasn’t been good so I really read your review carefully to ensure that I don’t fall for anything that would make me lose money this time. You’ve put together a pretty convincing article to whip even the slightest positivity towards MLMs left in me since my last failure. 

    You’ve left a lot in my mind to ponder over. The statistics are too convincing to ignore. I don’t want to lose my hard-earned money so I will probably pass on NewYou. 

    Hope the suggested alternatives provide real value.

    Thanks for the information. 

    1. I am sorry to hear that you have fell victim to a bad MLM. 

      What you’ve stated also confirms the statistic I’m talking about that 75% of those who join and leave an MLM would never join another MLM in their life.

      I really hope that you find what you are looking for in one of my suggestions.

      I am here if you need any further help.


  5. I personally don’t really deal with MLM companies because of the way they operate, always expensive, only a few people get to make money regardless of how hard everyone else works, the stress of referral and lots more. 

    Assuming NewYou isn’t an MLM, I would have jumped into it because it promotes one of the most widely known products in the market, CBD.

    This is a really interesting review, you’ve done justice to it and I enjoyed reading through, thanks for sharing it.

    1. I know what you mean, I don’t really like MLMs either for all those reasons you mentioned plus many more.

      I am glad that you found my review useful 🙂


  6. Hello, thanks for sharing this post I have come across so many CBD products and I must admit they are very effective. 

    I am not surprised seeing such a new company spring up under the CBD canopy as it’s one very fast-growing product in the market. 

    However I’m impressed with its style of business, but the risk in it is quite much as its first a new company without any form of assurance of being profitable, and most importantly its has a compensation plan which is a turn off for me. 

    In my opinion, I wouldn’t want to go into such fresh business.

    1. If you are into the CBD industry and you didn’t like the company, there are hundreds of others out there that might suit you better.

      I know a lot of people who are building online dropshipping businesses within the CBD industry which turn out to bring in a lot of profit pretty fast so maybe you would want to redirect your attention to something similar.

      Always remember though that all kinds of investment carry a certain amount of risk.

      There are never guarantees of success.


  7. A very thorough review of NewYou! 

    I agree that MLMs can be very hit and miss with a very small customer retention rate. 

    I know you say it’s a very young MLM company, but I was wondering if you know what the current retention rate for this company is?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    1. I don’t have the slightest idea 😛

      Maybe one of the company’s Brand Partners or the company itself could answer your question.


  8. Actually, going by the fact that most MLM companies don’t thrive for long, I wouldn’t be eager to take this opportunity that NewYou is offering.

    I like the fact that they have a worthy product but the business model is not encouraging at all. Besides, MLM is known to have made people poorer than they ever were before joining. Also, it seems that this company’s compensation is rather confusing.

    People seem to fail even when companies have everything well laid out. 

    I’d rather keep my money to myself.

    1. Your call…

      I am not that fond of MLMs either…

      Have you considered starting your own business, online or offline?


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