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Is Legit? Huge SCAM ALERT! [Review]

LiteBucks Review Featured image

Did you receive your payment from yet?

Of course not…

That’s why you are here.

You did everything LiteBucks asked you… You completed dozens of tasks and you referred dozens of people to it…

A couple of weeks ago you requested a cashout but you haven’t received a single dime until now.

And unfortunately, you never will because LiteBucks is part of a huge network of scams that have been plaguing the internet for many years now and have already scammed tens of thousands of unsuspecting people, including you!

In this review, I will go over exactly

  • What really is
  • How it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work)
  • Why it is of your best interest to steer clear of it
  • Plus, a couple of better alternatives to earning money online

This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether is worth your time (spoiler alert -> it’s not) or if you’d better shift your attention towards a more legit and promising money-making opportunity. Overview

Name: LiteBucks Pty Ltd

Owners: Unknown


  • Free to join
  • Additional charges apply within the platform

Official Website:

Suggested? NOT even close!


Earnings Potential

Earnings Potential

You’ll never make a single dime with LiteBucks.


Referral link, promotional banners, FAQ center, submission guidelines.

dollar symbol

Value for Money

Free to join. Additional charges may apply after joining. Calling LiteBucks useless would be a compliment.



Provides a Skype and an email address for support. Both of them are fake.

team success

Success Stories

Fake screenshots of payments to members & fake positive testimonials.

Overall Rating

  • Has just one pro
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Additional charges to complete tasks
  • Fake contact information
  • Fake payment proofs and testimonials
  • Unable to cashout
  • Potential hacking danger
  • BBB consumer alert

Jump to the Cons Section

Is Suggested?

NOT EVEN CLOSE! is one of the worst scams I’ve ever reviewed right now!

If you are after earning money online, there are a lot of other legit ways to do so.

There are a lot of platforms that actually pay you for filling in surveys and completing other simple tasks such as

  • Swagbucks (earn a $10 bonus instantly by installing the SwagButton)
  • and Survey Junkie (Survey Junkie is only available for US, Canadian, and Australian residents)

Unfortunately, filling in surveys isn’t really profitable, so don’t expect to earn much…

Maybe something between $50 – $100 per month MAX.

If you want to earn some SERIOUS $$$ online, trust me, ditch this review and check out Wealthy Affiliate and/or Project 24 at once!

What is About?
Is it Legit? presents itself as a way to earn an instant $300 per day using your social media.

Before moving any further I want to give you a heads up that 99.99% of the time when you see the words “instant” or “easy” followed by a huge amount of money, someone is after scamming you out of your time, money, or both.

“instant” or “easy” + a lot of money = scam

So, according to LiteBucks, there are two ways that you can earn all that money with them.

First, you get your social media friends and followers to click on your unique LiteBucks referral link and join the platform themselves.

LiteBucks Unique Referral Link

Secondly, you complete a variety of other very simple tasks which require no previous experience whatsoever.

More specifically, LiteBucks will supposedly pay you

  • $25 just for signing up
  • $2 for each person who clicks on your LiteBucks referral link
  • an additional $10 for each person who joins LiteBucks after clicking on your referral link
  • $30 for filling in surveys and entering contests
  • $10 for installing applications on your mobile phone
  • $50 for creating YouTube videos promoting LiteBucks
  • $10 for publishing LiteBucks promotional posts on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter

Okay, everything might sound pretty simple and straightforward up to this point but the problem is that LiteBucks is not what it seems after all.

The platform never intends to let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned fair and square through it in the first place…

I know that until now you were wondering why the heck would LiteBucks pay you so much money for doing so little work?

Well, there… You have your answer… It really won’t!

Let me explain further…

How Does LiteBucks Really Work?

First of all, LiteBucks lures you in with the promise of a $25 sign up bonus…

LiteBucks $25 Signup BonusMost people join LiteBucks thinking that they can get their hands on that $25 bonus right after creating their account.

This is exactly how I ended up joining Viral Pay, a scam identical to LiteBucks, for the first time a few months ago.

However, what most people don’t know is that in order to get that $25 signup bonus you need to first meet the following qualifications:

  • refer at least 5 people to LiteBucks
  • complete at least 5 tasks on its $30 TaskWall
  • have at least 20 clicks on your unique referral link
  • have earned at least $200 with LiteBucks

Some people will quit LiteBucks once they realize that they have to actually work a little bit more to get the $25 signup bonus they were promised. What’s pretty funny is that those are actually the lucky ones.

However, there are others who will say “What the hell, the tasks I have to complete to qualify for payment are not so hard to complete. Plus, I can earn even more money by completing them. Let’s give it a try!” … Those are the ones who end up being scammed.

They start devoting time and energy into referring people to the platform and completing several tasks, thinking that the next time they hit that “Request Payment” button, they’ll get hundreds of dollars deposited in their bank account.

However, what they don’t know is that LiteBucks will ban their account the moment they request a payment using as an excuse that all their clicks and referrals were fake.

LiteBucks Fraud Policy

This way, the only winner out of this pathetic charade is LiteBucks.

  • First, it lures you in with a $25 signup bonus
  • Then it tells you that in order to get that $25 bonus you need to meet certain criteria (get 20 clicks on your referral link, 5 referrals, complete 5 tasks, earn $200)
  • It also tells you that for every click, referral, and task you complete you’ll earn even more money
  • So, you start trying to meet those criteria in order to qualify for a payment as well as increase your earnings
  • When you finally meet every single one of those criteria and you request for the money you’ve earned fair and square, they kick you out leaving you high and dry

This way, got you to complete several tasks which bring a profit to its owners as well as drive more people to the platform which will, in turn, complete even more tasks which will, in turn, bring even more profit to its owners and all that, without having to pay anyone a single dime for their work.

Pretty appalling right?

Well, this is it… This is how works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.

Get this very well in your head, LiteBucks will NEVER pay you a single dime! You will NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make LiteBucks work is just a huge waste of your precious and probably limited time and energy.

Stay AWAY!

Who is for? is for no one… The platform is more useless than shouting at a tree to bring more fruit.

The chances of earning money online by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long are so much more than the chances of earning money with LiteBucks.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong…

Who is NOT for? is definitely NOT for people who want to earn money online.

If you

  • want to build a full-time income online to quit your job
  • are in need of some extra money to provide for your family
  • are working a part-time job and need a supplementary income to cover your expenses
  • want to gain the freedom to work whenever you want and from wherever you want in order to be able to travel around the world
  • have tried other MMO and GPT platforms and systems but failed to meet your financial goals and you are still looking for the real deal
  • aren’t working at all and you are looking for a way to build a source of income online

then you MUST ditch this LiteBucks review NOW, and instead, check out my FREE guide to earning money online because LiteBucks is NEVER going to help you fulfill your financial goals. Payment Proofs
& Testimonials

LiteBucks has published on its website a number of payment proof screenshots as well as a few positive testimonials made by its members.

Just a heads up, every single one of them is fake!

Let’s start with the payment proofs…

If you take a look at the two payment screenshots below, you’ll see that one took place on the 3rd of August 2019 and the other one on the 6th of August 2019.

LiteBucks Fake Payment Proof
LiteBucks Fake Payment Proof 2

However, as you can see in the image below, the domain name was first registered on the 16th of September 2019.

LiteBucks Domain Name Registration Date

This means that the platform didn’t even exist before 16/09/2019 but if you head over to you’ll see that all its payment proofs have taken place before that date.

This could mean two things…

Either LiteBucks was paying people before it even existed (yeah right) or all its payment proofs are fake.

I’d definitely believe the latter.

In an attempt to further increase its credibility, trustworthiness, and reputation, has also included several positive testimonials on its homepage (see image below).

LiteBucks Fake Positive Testimonials

Those are all fake as well.

Josh A. claims to have earned $98k with LiteBucks, Bruce T. $62k, and Goerge C. $57k.

At the time of this review (22/10/2019), LiteBucks is only one month old… 

Do you really believe that there are people who have earned so much money with LiteBucks in just a month?

Couldn’t those positive testimonials be fake just like the platform’s payment proofs were?

I rest my case…

How Much Does Cost?

LiteBucks. com is free to join.

However, it’s not 100% free to use.

You see, in order to complete some of the tasks on its $30 TaskWall, you’ll be asked to submit your mobile phone number and subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will keep forwarding you dozens of crappy promotional text messages per month at your own cost. 

And those text messages aren’t cheap at all. Just one text message could cost up to $5 and maybe even more.

Despite the fact that there are probably ways to unsubscribe from such services, I would never trust a scam like LiteBucks with my mobile phone number.

Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account information.

If you don’t want to end up having money sucked out of your accounts by people you don’t know for products you didn’t buy, don’t even think about it.

Plus, if you consider that LiteBucks will ban your account the moment you request a cashout, there’s really no point whatsoever in trying to complete those tasks in the first place. Pros

  • Free to join

1 • Free to Join

The only thing I kinda like about LiteBucks is that it’s free to join.

This way, if someone is unfortunate enough to believe all the crap LiteBucks is trying to feed them and ends up joining the platform, they will waste only some of their time but not any of their money until they realize that the platform is a scam which never intended to pay them in the first place, assuming of course that they don’t submit their mobile phone number or credit card info anywhere within it. Cons

  • Has just one pro
  • Unrealistic claims
  • Additional charges to complete tasks
  • Fake contact information
  • Fake payment proofs and testimonials
  • Unable to cashout
  • Potential hacking danger
  • BBB consumer alert

1 • Has Just One Pro

LiteBucks has just one pro and like a bazillion cons.

If this isn’t enough to keep you away from the platform, I don’t know what is…

2 • Unrealistic Claims

Just like the majority of completely useless MMO platforms do, LiteBucks uses a lot of unrealistic earning claims in order to convince people to sign up with it.

For instance, on its homepage, LiteBucks claims that you can make an instant $300 per day with your social media if you join it.

LiteBucks Make Instant $300 a Day Claim

Yeah, if earning $300 a day with social media was that easy and instant, everyone in the world having a smartphone would be rich by now…

I am not claiming that there aren’t people who are earning a lot of money per day online, because there absolutely are! However, it definitely doesn’t happen instantly… It takes years of hard work, effort, and trial and error.

LiteBucks can never take you there, not even in a million years… No matter what LiteBucks claims, the platform will NEVER pay you. It doesn’t matter if you refer 20 or 2000 people to it or if you complete thousands of its tasks, the amount of money that this platform is going to pay you is exactly the same -> ZERO dollars.

Furthermore, on its “Payment Proof” page LiteBucks goes on to claim that they have paid 351 million dollars to over 954k members (see image below).

LiteBucks Unrealistic Claim 1

I really doubt that a one-month-old platform has paid so much money to so many people.

Well, let’s assume that LiteBucks doesn’t lie its ass off and that it has really paid $351 million to 900k of its members okay? The numbers sound awesome and huge for sure but if you do the math, $351 million to 900k members translate to an average of $370 per member.

That’s not that much money…

The funny thing is that on its “FAQ” page, LiteBucks claims that it has paid $44 million to 300k members.

Seriously, even a monkey would have done a better job keeping this website more consistent guys.

3 • Additional Charges

As I’ve mentioned earlier, in order to be able to cash out your LiteBucks earnings you need to complete at least 5 tasks on its $30 TaskWall among other things.

However, in order to complete most of those tasks, you’ll be required to submit your phone number and agree to subscribe to paid text-message services which could cost you a ton of money.

Other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.

This way you could end up losing a ton of money while attempting to complete tasks in order to qualify for your first LiteBucks cashout which is never going to actually take place because LiteBucks will ban your account once you request it.

Stay away, people!

4 • Fake Contact Information provides a Skype address of an “account manager” (@litebucks.anda) as well as the email address to contact in case you need help or support regarding the platform.

I used an email-checker to check if the email address is legit.

As you can see in the image below, it’s not. 

LiteBucks Fake Email

The Skype address is fake as well.

Also, the image that is supposedly depicting LiteBucks’s account manager is actually an image of a Canadian actress called Shay Mitchell (see images below).

LiteBucks Account Manager
LiteBucks Shay Mitchell Account Manager

5 • Fake Payment Proofs and Testimonials

Platforms such as which employ fake success stories, fake testimonials, and fake payment screenshots in order to make themselves seem more credible and trustworthy, just suck hard, period!

First of all, the fake payment screenshots that LiteBucks uses, prove that it indeed doesn’t pay its members… If it did, they wouldn’t publish fake payment proofs and risk losing their credibility and trustworthiness. They would just publish some real ones!

Secondly, the fact that the creators of Litebucks have published fake positive testimonials shows that they know their platform sucks so bad that it would never get authentic positive testimonials from people who have actually tried it.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), using fake positive testimonials/success stories is considered illegal and subject to huge penalties as it encourages customers to invest in a product or service they otherwise wouldn’t if those fake testimonials/success stories didn’t exist, thereby defrauding them.

6 • Unable to Cashout

The biggest con of LiteBucks is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.

Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of joining and using the platform in the first place.

Trying to make money with LiteBucks is as pointless as trying to hammer a nail on the air.

7 • Potential Hacking Danger

Yesterday, I came across a task on LiteBucks’s $30 TaskWall which didn’t require me to submit any personal info, mobile phone, or credit card number.

It was actually a survey so I tried to complete it.

However, before I even got to access it, my antivirus went off giving me the alert below…

Referral Pay Task Antivirus Block

Apparently, some of the tasks lead to 3rd party websites that contain viruses that could enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours such as the login credentials to your social media, email, credit cards, or even your bank accounts.

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed make sure to stay clear of LiteBucks at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, you must immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that your computer hasn’t caught a virus and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.

8 • BBB Consumer Alert

A few months ago BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash both of which are scams identical to LiteBucks.

You can take a look at those alerts for yourself right below

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received 27 complaints, 35 reviews, and 6 Scam TrackerSM reports about Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

BBB has also concluded that the unrealistic earning claims these platforms make are in violation of the BBB Code of Advertising. BBB tried to locate someone in charge of those platforms to sort things out but without any luck. 

BBB Metro New York has assigned both of those companies an “F” rating suggesting that everyone should stay away from them.

LiteBucks is actually a successor of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash. The exact same people have created all of those platforms.

So, whether you read about Kids Earn Money or Notion Cash or LiteBucks you are basically reading about the exact same scam…

So, What Now?

Okay, so you read this review in its entirety…

Now what?

Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options!

  1. Waste your time, energy, and possibly money trying to make money with LiteBucks (awful choice)
  2. Take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find a money-making opportunity which suits you better
  3. Walk out of here completely empty-handed
  4. Make some extra money per month by filling in surveys and completing tasks with Survey Junkie and Swagbucks
  5. Or, you check out my top MMO (Make Money Online) suggestions Project 24 and/or Wealthy Affiliate, both of which are proven to have helped dozens of people build a full-time source of income online (optimal choice)

Your call…

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

12 Responses

  1. It appears that scam sites like LiteBucks are not ready to stop playing these games. 

    These scam sites should be taken care of by government bodies in order to save people from wasting their time and in some cases, their money as well with them.

    It pleases me to see reviews like yours exposing such sites. 

    Best regards.

    1. Hopefully, scam platforms like LiteBucks will cease to exist when their creators go to jail (at some point they will).

      Until then, I’ll try my best to expose as many of them as possible for what they are and save as many people as I can from wasting their time and money on them.

      Stay tuned for more!


  2. Thanks for sharing the information you’ve gathered about this LifeBucks platform.

    This review will help those who haven’t yet joined this platform avoid it and maybe alert those who have already joined it to quit before they waste more of their time and energy.

    People who fall for such scams are usually those who are looking to make money quick.

    1. I am creating those reviews in order to get as many people as possible away from those scams and maybe point them in the right direction.

      I agree that 99.9% of those who fall for those scams are people who are looking for an easy way out without doing any real work.

      Unfortunately, this is not how money or the world works. You always get what you give. You give little, you get little… You give nothing, you get nothing.

      If more people knew that, scams like LiteBucks would cease to exist.


  3. Wow! A whole shed load of information here about LiteBucks… I feel that I have had a great warning not to become involved with them.

    It’s so important to do all the research before committing to any of these money-making scams.

    How did you find the stats with the dates of “proof” of earnings? 

    Brilliant information and would put anyone on high alert about the veracity of this company. How does LiteBucks make its money? I understand from your blog, that they say that they pay you a signup fee, but where are they making their money?

    1. Well, the payment proofs were on LiteBucks’ website and I just used to figure out when their domain name was registered.

      Since the domain name was registered after the dates that the payment proofs were supposedly made, then those payment proofs must be fake.

      LiteBucks is making its money through the tasks that it gets people to complete. Those tasks are CPA offers which means that when people perform specific actions such as submitting their email, phone number, answer a quiz, fill in a survey, etc, LiteBucks earns money.


  4. I just heard about LiteBucks a couple of days ago.

    You make some very compelling arguments to NOT get involved! 

    You have definitely spelled out what they want you to do, what you will get, what you will not end up with, and the end result.  

    Pretty straight forward. Thanks a lot for the heads up!

  5. There are a lot of scams out there, but LiteBucks seems just awful…

    They’re obviously being paid by the companies that are bombarding their members’ phones with ads. But the scariest thing is the survey that leads to a dangerous website. 

    Most scammers are happy to have whatever money their initial scam gets them. This is the first scam I’ve seen in  which you have to worry about hackers getting your credit card info. 

    I hope other scammers don’t start doing the same.

    1. Truthfully, LiteBucks is one of the worst scams I’ve ever come across… This platform is dangerous in every single aspect.

      Unfortunately, such scams have been running for years and until they manage to imprison the people behind them, they are not going to stop.

      That’s why I am here though… To open as many people’s eyes as possible to those scams.


  6. I am actually very cynical when it comes to online get rich quick schemes, I was waiting for you to tell me that this was a scam! 

    Although how is it a scam if it is free to join? What are they trying to scam us out of? 

    This Wealthy Affiliate you mention at the end is intriguing, are you a member of that site? 

    1. They are mostly scamming you out of your time! 

      Those tasks that they get you to complete are actually CPA offers, meaning that when you or other people complete specific actions such as submitting your email or filling in a survey, LiteBucks makes a profit.

      In addition, the tasks that require you to fill in your mobile phone number are actually paid text message services that will keep sending you text messages at your own charge and LiteBucks will earn a commission based on what you pay per text message you receive.

      I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for more than 3 years now. The platform is 100% legit and has helped hundreds of people earn their living online.

      I am on my way there as well!

      Let me know if you need any further help!


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