Simply put, EmotePay is a platform which claims that it could help you turn your social media accounts into money-making machines easily and effortlessly by driving your friends and followers to join the platform as well as completing some other very simple tasks.
The only problem is that EmotePay is a scam. It doesn’t really intend to teach you anything of value or help you earn any money whatsoever.
Every single one of its claims is in favor of tricking unware people into joining and using it enough for its owners to make money.
In fact, EmotePay is part of a huge scam network which has been plaguing the internet for many months now. Some scams identical to EmotePay that you might have heard about are
Anyway, in this review, I will go over exactly what EmotePay really is, how it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work), and why it might be of your best interest to steer clear of it… This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether you should invest your time and energy in this platform or not.
Spoiler alert: You shouldn’t!
And you are about to find out why… Overview
Name of Product: EmotePay
Owners: Unknown
Price: Free to join. Additional charges apply within the platform
Official Website:
Suggested? Absolutely NOT!
Counter-Suggestion(s): Wealthy Affiliate – Project 24

Earnings Potential
You’ll never earn a single penny with EmotePay, not in a million years.

Referral link, promotional banners, FAQ center, submission guidelines.

Value for Money
Free to join. Additional charges may apply after you join. The platform is 100% useless.

Provides Skype, email, and telephone number for support. All of them are fake.

Success Stories
Not a single EmotePay success story. I managed to dig out a couple of negative testimonials.
Overall Rating
- Free to join
- Has just one pro
- Unrealistic claims
- Additional charges to complete tasks
- Fake contact information
- Unable to cashout
- Potential hacking danger
Is EmotePay Suggested?
100% NOT!
If you are serious about earning real money online, it might be a smart choice to ditch this review and check out Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24 instead!
What is EmotePay About?
EmotePay is advertised as a platform which will help you monetize your social media usage by sharing with your social media friends and followers a unique referral link the platform provides you (see image below).
In addition to that, EmotePay is supposed to pay you a lot of money for completing a variety of other very simple tasks which require no previous experience.
More specifically, EmotePay claims that it will pay you
- $25 just for signing up
- $2 for each person who clicks on your EmotePay referral link
- an additional $10 for each person who signs up to EmotePay after clicking on your referral link
- $30 for filling in surveys and entering contests
- $10 for installing applications on your mobile phone
- $50 for creating YouTube videos promoting EmotePay
- $10 for publishing EmotePay promotional posts of Instagram/Facebook/Twitter every 48 hours
Okay, everything seems pretty straightforward up until this point.
Almost too good to be true someone could say…
Well, you couldn’t be more right!
EmotePay is actually a big fat scam which will NEVER actually let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned fair and square through it.
Let me explain further…
How Does EmotePay Work?
First of all, EmotePay lures you in with the promise of a $25 sign up bonus…
Many people join EmotePay thinking that they can get their hands on that $25 bonus right after creating their account.
This is exactly how I ended up joining Viral Pay, a scam identical to EmotePay, for the first time a few months ago.
However, in order to qualify to cash out any of your EmotePay earnings, you need to
- refer at least 5 people to the platform
- complete at least 5 tasks on the $30 TaskWall
- have at least 20 clicks on your unique referral link
- have been credited with at least $100 by EmotePay
Some people will quit EmotePay once they realize that they have to actually work a little bit more to get the $25 signup bonus they were promised. What’s pretty funny is that those are actually the lucky ones.
However, there are others who will say “What the hell, the tasks I have to complete to get paid are not so hard. Plus, I can earn even more money by completing them. Let’s give it a try!” … Those are the ones who will inevitably end up blaming their bad luck for coming across and trusting EmotePay.
They start devoting time and energy into referring people to the platform and completing tasks, thinking that the next time they hit that “Request Payment” button, they’ll get hundreds of dollars deposited in their bank account.
However, what they don’t know is that EmotePay will ban their account the moment they request a payment using as an excuse that they faked their clicks and referrals.
This way, the only winner out of this pathetic charade is EmotePay.
- First, it lures you in with a $25 signup bonus
- Then it tells you that in order to be able to get your signup bonus you need to meet certain criteria (get 20 clicks on your referral link, 5 referrals, complete 5 tasks, earn $100)
- You start trying to meet those criteria in order to qualify for a payment
- In the meantime, EmotePay credits your account with even more money for every task you fulfill. This motivates you to keep going
- When you finally meet every single one of those criteria and you request for the money you’ve earned fair and square, they kick you out leaving you high and dry
This way, EmotePay got you to complete several tasks which bring money to its owners as well as drive more people to the platform which will, in turn, complete even more tasks which will, in turn, bring even more money to EmotePay’s owners and all that, without having to pay anyone a single dime for their work.
Pretty appalling right?
Well, this is it… This is how EmotePay actually works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.
Get this very well in your head, EmotePay will NEVER pay you a single dime! You can NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make it work is just a waste of time and energy.
Who is EmotePay for?
EmotePay is for no one… The platform is inherently useless.
The chances of earning money online by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long are so much more than the chances of earning money with EmotePay.
In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with EmotePay that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong…
Who is EmotePay NOT for?
EmotePay is definitely NOT for people who want to earn money online.
If you
- want to build a full-time income online to quit your job
- are in need of some extra money to provide for your family
- are working a part-time job and need a supplementary income to cover your expenses
- want to gain the freedom to work whenever you want and from wherever you want in order to be able to travel around the world
- have tried other MMO and GPT platforms and systems but failed to meet your financial goals and you are still looking for the real deal
then you should probably ditch this EmotePay review and instead, check out Wealthy Affiliate or Project 24 because EmotePay is never going to help you fulfill your financial goals.
What's Inside EmotePay?
EmotePay basically consists of the main members’ dashboard that you can see in the image right below.

On this dashboard, you’ll find
- your unique referral link
- an overview of the total clicks on your referral link
- the total number of people you have referred to EmotePay
- the number of tasks you have completed
- the amount of money you’ve been credited
- a leaderboard
- a bunch of other navigational links and social media sharing buttons
On the very left of the dashboard, there is a menu which helps you easily navigate through the entire platform.
Below the menu, you can find a Skype address of an account manager who you can contact in case you have any questions or require support.
Let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?
Refer & Earn
This section contains
- your unique EmotePay referral link
- a bunch of social media sharing buttons to easily share it
- the names of your EmotePay referrals
$30 TaskWall
This is where you can access all the tasks that are available for you to complete in order to qualify for your first cashout as well as earn more money, such as
- filling in surveys
- installing applications on your mobile phone
- and participating in contests
Promotional Posts
Contains several image banners to share online in order to increase your EmotePay referral rate.
YouTube/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter Submission
Guidelines and instructions on how to further increase your EmotePay earnings by publishing videos and posts promoting EmotePay on YouTube/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter.
Rewards Center
Redeem your EmotePay points (1 point = $1) for a variety of rewards such as
- Gift cards
- iPads, iPhones, Macbooks
- etc
My Account
Fill in your name, email address, and choose your preferred method of payment.
Monitor your total earnings, your unclaimed earnings, pending payments, payment method, and payment history.
Request payment of the money you’ve earned through EmotePay.
Also, track how close you are to meeting the requirements for your first cashout.
This section contains answers to some frequently asked questions people have about EmotePay.
Account Manager Skype
A Skype address of an “account manager” to contact when you need answers or require support.
The Skype address (@jessica.emotepay) is actually fake so don’t expect that you’ll get neither.
More on that later on.
EmotePay Success Stories & Testimonials
There are no EmotePay success stories anywhere online.
Nonetheless, I managed to dig out a few testimonials about the platform under some YouTube videos which promoted it.
All of them were negative… Big surprise right?

How Much Does EmotePay Cost?
EmotePay is free to join.
However, it’s not really free to use in its entirety.
You see, in order to be able to complete some of the tasks on its $30 TaskWall, you’ll be asked to submit your mobile phone number.
If you do so, you’ll start receiving dozens of promotional text messages per month by various services at your own cost. And those text messages aren’t cheap at all. Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.
Despite the fact that there are probably ways to unsubscribe from those services, I would never trust scammy platforms such as EmotePay with my mobile phone number in any way.
Plus, if you think about it since EmotePay will ban your account the moment you request a cashout, there’s really no point whatsoever in trying to complete those tasks in the first place.
EmotePay Pros
- Free to join
1 • Free to Join
The only EmotePay pro is that you don’t have to spend any money to join it.
This way, if you decide to try the platform out, you’ll just waste some of your time and energy and not any of your money.
Be careful though not to submit your phone number anywhere within EmotePay or you’ll probably end up wasting money as well after all.
More EmotePay Cons
- Has just one pro
- Unrealistic claims
- Fake video
- Additional charges to complete tasks
- Fake contact information
- Unable to cashout
- Potential hacking danger
1 • Has Just One Pro
The fact that I have been trying to come up with a second EmotePay pro for the last hour without any luck just bums me out.
2 • Unrealistic Claims
Truth is that compared to some of its sister scams (Referral Pay, Kash Tree, Rain Money), EmotePay has toned down its unrealistic claims a whole lot!
The first unrealistic claim exists on EmotePay’s home page where they say that “Making money online has never been easier”… Okay, that’s not so bad.
However, further down you’ll see some claims that EmotePay has 500K members, has won 12 awards, has paid $1,5 million to its members, and gets 839 new users daily.
All those claims are 100% fake for just one very simple reason.
As you can see in the image right below, the domain name was registered on the 31st of August 2019.
I am writing this review on the 11th of September 2019. This means that right now EmotePay is only 11 days old.
It’s 100% impossible that an 11-day old platform has gathered so many members and paid so much money to them in such a short amount of time.
A great way to confirm that EmotePay is using fake numbers is by taking a look at its Facebook page which has only 3 followers (see image below).
I mean yeah, a website which claims to have 500k members and has apparently paid out millions of dollars to them for sharing the platform to Facebook has only 3 followers.
Yeah right… Who would fall for that?
As far as the 12 awards are concerned, yeah… EmotePay could have indeed won 12 awards if those are awards for the worst MMO (Make Money Online) platform that has ever existed on the face of the Earth.
3 • Additional Charges
As I’ve mentioned earlier, in order to qualify for a cashout of your EmotePay earnings you need to complete at least 5 tasks on its $30 TaskWall.
In order to complete those tasks, you’ll be required to submit your phone number and agree to subscribe to paid text-message services which could cost you up to $50 dollars per month and maybe even more.
So, not only EmotePay will never let you get your hands on your earnings, but you could also end up losing a lot of money while attempting to complete tasks in order to qualify for your first cashout.
4 • Fake Contact Information
On EmotePay’s contact page, you’ll find a telephone number, an email address, and yes, an actual physical address of the company!
At first, all this gives you the impression that EmotePay must be legit since you can contact them in many ways and hey, you could even drop by their premises to say hello to their happy workers and brighten their day with some donuts and stuff.
Upon taking a second look though, their telephone number is a number sequence counting up from 0 to 8, ergo, fake!
Their email is fake as well.
Besides the fact that is doesn’t even belong to EmotePay because its domain part (the part of the email after the @) is, after using an email checker to determine if the email is valid or not, as it seems the email doesn’t even exist.
As far as the address of the company is concerned, after checking Google maps, there’s nothing at 78 st Merrick Boulevard, New York besides an empty park.
Nonetheless, EmotePay also gives you a Skype address of an account manager to contact in case you have questions or require support. You can find this address at the bottom left of EmotePay’s main members’ dashboard.
Besides the fact that the Skype address says Jessica when your account manager’s name is actually Miranda (LOL) if you try to reach that given address through Skype you’ll realize that it’s not working either.
And lastly, as it seems, the image EmotePay has used for Miranda (or Jessica) is actually an image of a random girl being used all around the web.
So, busted!
5 • Unable to Cashout
The biggest con of EmotePay is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned by referring people to it or completing its other tasks.
Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of investing any time and energy in the platform in the first place.
Trying to make money with EmotePay would be like buying a car with no wheels to go on a road trip – it’s just pointless…
6 • Potential Hacking Danger
Every once in a while, you’ll come across a task on EmotePay’s $30 TaskWall which won’t require you to submit your phone number in order to complete it.
Today, I actually came across one and I thought that I should give it a try…
However, before I even got to access it, my antivirus went off giving me the alert below:
As it seems, some of EmotePay’s tasks lead to 3rd party websites which contain viruses that could damage valuable files and information on your computer or phone.
However, the worst part is that those viruses could enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours such as the login credentials to your social media, email, or even your bank accounts.
If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed make sure to stay clear of EmotePay at all costs…
If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, you must immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that your computer hasn’t caught a virus and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.
So, What Now?
Okay, so you read this EmotePay review in its entirety…
Now what?
Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options…
- You either waste your time and effort trying to make money online with EmotePay (awful choice)
- You check out my top suggestions Project 24 or Wealthy Affiliate, which are proven to have helped hundreds of people earn their living online (optimal choice)
- You take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find something which suits you better there
- Or you walk out of here completely empty-handed, you never take the first step towards earning your living online and you move on living your current life for the years to come, always wondering what would have happened if you had taken action right this very moment
If I were where you are (which I’ve been), I would join Wealthy Affiliate (which is what I actually did).
Here’s why…
- Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best MMO platforms that currently exist
- I’ve actually been a premium Wealthy Affiliate member for almost 3 years now and I couldn’t be more satisfied with it
- Wealthy Affiliate has the most success stories I’ve ever seen in an MMO course. Dozens more are being published daily within its forum-like community
- It is completely FREE to join (no credit card required and no catches whatsoever)
Make sure to go ahead and find out more about Wealthy Affiliate by taking a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review.
So, what are you going to do?
8 Responses
Exactly like KashTree with their luring tactics.
You know, I actually joined KashTree when I was ignorant of online scams.
EmotePay uses the exact same scammy tactics KashTree used. Honestly, I think that the owners of both platforms are the same people. Like you said, in a million years, one can never make money with EmotePay.
I’m happy people like you are out here helping people stay away from this scams.
EmotePay is actually identical to many other well-known scams such as KashTree, Viral Points, Rain Money, etc. They are all definitely owned by the exact same people.
More and more keep appearing on a monthly basis so make sure to keep your eyes open.
Thank you for this post. I wasn’t aware of EmotePay until today.
That said, I’m so tired of all the fraudulent programs out there just trying to get your money. This one seems to hit all the marks; fake videos, unable to cash out, must pay once you’re in the program and so on.
How would such a program stay in business with all the lucrative payouts they claim to offer?
I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to help educate others and warn them of this scam.
Thanks again,
The never actually proceed to make those payouts they claim the offer, that’s how 😉
I am glad my review was of good value to you sir!
Even if EmotePay is free to join what is even the point?
Thinking that you can earn $2 just by getting someone to click on a link is funny. I know such programs too well. They give you an account that shows you have earned money, and even if the money keeps accumulating, you will never cash out.
Of course, their only intention for you and your referrals is to sign up and complete simple tasks for them to make money.
Thank you for giving us this honest and blunt review of EmotePay. This one is completely out of question!
This is exactly how they operate Carol.
They just trick into thinking that they could pay you a lot of money without working in order to make you complete tasks. And then, when they don’t need you anymore, they ban you.
They are basically farming humans if you think about it…
Thanks for a great and informative article! I will say my dear boss that I quit tomorrow cause I have found the superb and easy way to create a million-dollar business within some days; EMOTEPAY!
Jokes aside, I have heard EmotePay mentioned on some forums but this was actually the first review I read about it and sounds like a pretty horrible program! It is great we have your kind of people and sites like yours, offering free and useful information not only on how to make money but also how to AVOID scams!
I am glad to be of good service!
I laughed a lot by the way with your first comment… At first, I thought, “WTF is he talking about didn’t he understand the review at all?” haha!
My regards,