Covert Commissions is a cloud-based software which lets you deploy fully automated done-for-you sales funnels, each one promoting various products which when people purchase, you’ll be pocketing affiliate commissions.
In addition to those funnels, Covert Commissions also offers training on attracting traffic to those funnels, a WordPress plugin, a WordPress blog, tracking tools, and much more.
Despite Covert Commissions being legit, it’s not as good as most reviews out there claim it to be in an attempt to entice you into buying it. Truthfully, the program has a lot of cons, one of them being a pretty huge deal-breaker to me (click here to jump directly to the cons section).
Anyway, before moving on to the actual Covert Commissions review I want to let you know that if you are in need of a very high-quality, integral MMO (Make Money Online) platform which is proven to have helped thousands of people earn their living online, do yourself a favor, ditch this review, and go ahead and check out Wealthy Affiliate instead.
You’re welcome!
Name of Product:
Covert Commissions
Cindy Donovan Battye & Gary Alach
It has 7 different payment plans.
I’ll show you how to join it and test drive it for FREE later on.
Official Website:
So and so…
Wealthy Affiliate
Project 24

Best Affiliate Marketing Courses
Best Affiliate Courses
Earnings Potential
Potential to earn an extra couple of hundred bucks per month on autopilot.

DFY lead-capturing pages, premade promotional emails, training, tracking, WP blog and plugin, etc.

Value for Money
Not that bad quality. Prices vary. You have the ability to join it for FREE. I’ll show you how later on.

Email support desk + private FB group. You could also contact the owners on their personal FB profiles.

Success Stories
I managed to locate some success stories and testimonials (positive & negative) of people who have used the system.
Overall Rating
- Free to join and test drive
- Affordable membership plans
- Money-Back Guarantee
- 70+ funnels to choose from
- Saves time and effort
- Active and populated private FB group
- WP blog
- Very low-quality training
- Negative testimonials
- Cross promoting other products
- Little control over your business
So and so…
If you are after a system which is PROVEN
to have helped DOZENS of people create a FULL-TIME income online,
I suggest that you check out Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24 at once!
What is Covert Commissions About?
Covert Commissions is a cloud-based platform which offers email-capturing squeeze pages which lead to fully-automated sales funnels.
Those funnels are comprised of follow-up emails, sales pages, download pages, thank you pages, etc, promoting already existing products from large affiliate networks which if someone who entered your funnel ends up purchasing, you’ll earn commissions.
Let me explain how Covert Commissions works in more detail.
How Does Covert Commissions Work?
Basically, the funnel starts at the squeeze page.
When a person lands on your squeeze page, they will be offered a free report, or case study, or guide of some kind in exchange for their email address.
Once they submit their email address, they will receive a confirmation email and once they confirm their email, they will receive a second email with a link to a page where they can download their freebie.
On that same page, they will also be presented with a premium, paid product related to the free guide they just downloaded. For instance, if the free guide is about weight-loss, the premium product will also be about weight-loss.
When someone purchases that premium product, you earn commissions.
However, this is just the beginning… The funnel doesn’t stop there.
Each email a visitor submits to get their freebie makes him a subscriber to a series of follow-up, automated emails which contain promotions of additional premium products relevant to the initial freebie.
This means that just one lead could actually turn into multiple commissions for you over time.
Everything I just mentioned takes place automatically within the Covert Commissions system so basically, all you have to do is 4 things:
- Sign up for the 4 affiliate networks ClickBank, JVZoo, WarriorPlus, PayKickStart (all your sales funnels are going to be promoting products through those 4 networks)
- Get your hands on your unique affiliate IDs
- Fill the unique affiliate ID you got from each network in your Covert Commissions profile
- Get people to the start of your sales funnels, that is, your squeeze pages
In order to get a better grasp of the whole concept, I suggest that you check out some sample Covert Commissions squeeze pages right below.
Tip: Go ahead and submit your email to all of those pages in order to see for yourself how those sales funnels actually work.
Who is Covert Commissions for?
First of all, Covert Commissions is for those who don’t want to make a substantial investment before first getting a taste of how the program works.
As I mentioned earlier, for now, you have the ability to join and test drive CC for free. Even if this option becomes unavailable, there’s a 7-day trial of the program for $1 and you can get a starter membership for as low as $19.97 per month.
In addition, since Covert Commissions is automated in its majority, you won’t even have to invest that much time and effort until you realize if you are truly interested in the system or not.
This kind of automation makes Covert Commissions perfect for absolute beginners who don’t have the technical skills to build websites and pages, write emails, set up autoresponders, etc. Since all of that is taken care of by CC, one has to focus only on sending traffic to their automated funnels which is actually the hardest and most important part of the entire process.
Having said that, CC would be an amazing way for intermediate and advanced business owners who already have an established audience and list to scale up their earnings in no time.
Think about it…
If to earn money with Covert Commissions all you have to do is send traffic to your squeeze pages and you already have a website or blog getting some traffic, you could earn your first commissions with the program almost instantly by redirecting part of your current traffic to CC’s squeeze pages.
Just a heads up, Covert Commissions is only for those who are after earning a few extra bucks per month.
Due to the low-quality of the system’s training, it’s very unlikely that a newbie will be able to build a full-time income with it so if that’s your goal, Covert Commissions will probably not help you meet your monetary goals by itself.
If you are after earning your living online, you should check out Wealthy Affiliate and/or Project 24.
Who is Covert Commissions NOT for?
Covert Commissions is not for those who are after building a sustainable, long-term, full-time income online.
First of all, the amount of money that you’ll be able to earn with this system is directly correlated to the amount of traffic that you drive to your squeeze pages. And unfortunately, CC’s training is not even close to being able to teach anyone how to get enough traffic to reach that full-time income online.
In addition, the model Covert Commissions employs is absolutely not long-term and sustainable.
Everything you build with Covert Commissions is not really yours.
Every single squeeze page you promote is a property of Covert Commissions. Same goes for the autoresponders, the freebies, the follow-up emails, the blog, etc. And the worst part is every single email your squeeze pages capture is stored in CC’s list and you don’t have any kind of access to them – you can’t see them, you can export them or modify them, send them emails you’ve written, nothing.
Not a single ounce of the online business you’ll build with CC will ever be yours to keep.
This means that if Covert Commissions shuts down, you’ll lose everything you’ve built.
This is not as far fetched as you might think… A few weeks ago Cindy closed down a very similar platform she used to own called CB Pirate and everything every single one of its members had built throughout 10 years, disappeared in the blink of an eye.
The exact thing could happen to Covert Commissions a couple of years from now or a week from now.
In my eyes, this is not what a sustainable and long-term business looks like.
If you are after building a sustainable and long-term online business which is going to be 100% yours, you have to consider going for Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24.
Update: From now on, you can actually export and save the emails you’ve captured through your squeeze pages as long as you purchase a pro membership plan which costs $27 per month or $197 per year. You can even import them in another autoresponder of yours and manage them in any way you want. Everything else is still not your property even with a pro plan but at least now if something happens to Covert Commissions, you have the option to keep the emails you’ve been capturing with blood, tears, and sweat. This way, despite losing all your pages and automation, you can still keep promoting offers to your lists manually in order to maintain part of your income so you won’t have to start from zero.
What's Inside Covert Commissions?
Once you join Covert Commissions, you’ll across its main dashboard (see image below).
Through this dashboard, you’ll be able to access almost everything you are going to need to successfully deploy Covert Commissions.
Let me explain further what each section actually is.
This is the home page of the system.
Here you can find a mission overview whereas you can see the latest, most popular and highest converting missions, read posts published on the system’s blog by Cindy and other experts, find out upcoming offers to promote, and much more.
My Missions
“Missions” are the DFY lead-capturing squeeze pages; the beginning of sales your funnels.
Under the “My Missions” tab you’ll see all the squeeze pages you can actually use to gather leads and make money from. For instance, as you can see in the image below, some of the missions I can promote are Covert Commissions, Instant Product Lab, Pixly Pro, and Traffic Ivy.
In addition to the squeeze pages, each mission also contains several tools and resources to promote those squeeze pages such as
- premade emails
- banners
- PPC campaign copy
- and tweets
To gain the “right” to promote a mission you need to “activate it” by spending one Covert Commissions credit (1 credit = 1 mission).
Depending on the CC membership plan you purchase, you get a specific number of credits for free. For instance, the starter membership gives you 2 free credits + 1 additional free credit per month.
If you run out of credits and you want to activate and promote additional missions, you’ll have to purchase more credits within CC’s dashboard.
Make sure to watch the 2 short videos below to get a more solid grasp of how missions and credits actually work.
New Missions
Here, you can find all the available missions you can activate with your credits.
Covert Commissions offers 70+ missions in various niches such as weight loss, dating, making money online, meditation, inspiration, etc so you can choose to activate and promote those which fit your interests and passions the most.
Briefing Room
This section contains an 11-page PDF guide and several 2-minute videos guides on how to navigate and make the most out of Covert Commissions such as
- Covert Commissions System Overview
- Covert Commissions Tracking Data
- Promoting the Covert Commissions System
- Covert Commissions JVZoo Setup
- Using Covert Commissions Credits
Free WP Blog
Here, you can create your very own Covert Commissions WordPress blog.
The blog is created under a subdomain and is also fully hosted on CC’s servers.
You are able to choose among 6 different appearance themes for your blog. You can log in your blog with your Covert Commissions login credentials and you can customize it in any way you want.
Those who have purchased a Covert Commissions pro plan are actually able to build their CC blog for FREE.
If you haven’t purchased a pro plan you can still build your blog but you have to keep paying $19.97 per month just to keep it up and running (it’s actually $19.97 per month for one blog, $49.97 per month for 3 blogs, and $99.97 for 10 blogs).
Below, you can take a look at some blogs created by Covert Commissions members that I managed to locate.
Watch a video below, recorded by Cindy, showing you how to create and customize your blog through the Covert Commissions platform.
WP Plugin
This is basically a WordPress plugin which you can use on your WordPress blog or website which helps you build banner ads for the missions you promote and include them on your widget-ready areas such as the sidebar and footer, within your posts and pages, as a popup, etc.
Below is a video demonstration of how this Covert Commissions WP plugin works:
Just a side note, Covert Commissions does not actually require you to already have a website or a blog of your own. You can still make money just by driving traffic to the ready-made squeeze pages the system provides you.
However, those of you who already have your own WordPress website or blog can use this free WP plugin to easily integrate banner ads promoting your missions to the visitors that your website or blog already gets in order to maximize your earnings.
Weapons Cache
This is where CC’s training on getting traffic to your squeeze pages lies.
As I’ve mentioned earlier, this training is pretty shallow and it’s very improbable that it could teach you to get enough visitors to your pages to make any substantial amount of income.
It’s actually comprised of just 15 videos ranging from 50 seconds the shortest to 10 minutes the longer.
The traffic generation methods that it covers are:
- Using SQZin software
- YouTube
- Quora
- Interviews
- Forums
- Facebook groups
- Email marketing
- Blogging and guest blogging
- Facebook ads
- Using Viral Traffic Machine software
- Solo ads
Here you can find the affiliate ID to promote Covert Commissions, a Covert Commissions squeeze page, plus several premade promotional resources such as swipe emails, tweets, PPC campaign copy, banners, and much more.
Data Evaluation
Track the stats of all your live squeeze pages such as conversion rate, hits, emails captured, etc.
Buy more credits to redeem additional missions.
Private Facebook Group
In addition to everything else, once you join Covert Commissions you gain instant access to a surprisingly active members-only private Facebook group whereas you can interact with other members of the program, ask questions, gain insights, share frustrations, get motivated, seek support from Cindy, etc.
You can find the group I am talking about right here but you won’t get approved unless you actually join Covert Commissions.
Live Webinars
As a Covert Commissions member, you can also attend live webinars on a variety of subjects held by Cindy Donovan.
Furthermore, you can get your hands on the replays of 50+ webinars which have taken place in the past.
You can access this live webinar archive once you get approved to join the private Facebook group.
Note: The live webinars don’t take place weekly as pointed out in CC’s sales page but rather on a bi-weekly and mostly monthly basis.
Covert Commissions Success Stories & Testimonials
The first two things I look for before I consider investing my time, energy, and money in an MMO program are
- success stories of people who have used the program
- testimonials
Thankfully, I managed to dig out some Covert Commissions success stories and testimonials (both positive and negative) and I am going to share everything with you.
Covert Commissions Success Stories
Truth is that locating those success stories was no piece of cake…
You see, I couldn’t really find success stories of people who have used Covert Commissions anywhere online so I went inside the system’s private group and I asked the following question:
“Has anyone succeeded in making any money with Covert Commissions or not?”
Below you can find some of the answers I received.

Covert Commissions Testimonials

Just a heads up, some of those testimonials above could be fabricated.
I am 100% sure that Art Flair, Mosh Bari, and Brendan Mace (the guy in the video) are in some kind of positive testimonial give-and-take scheme.
For instance, Mosh Bari is the creator of a product called News Profix Pro and Art Flair and Brendan Mace have given it a positive testimonial each.
In turn, Mosh Bari has given a positive testimonial to a product Art Flair has created called Blaze.
I am not saying that those testimonials are fake but they are 100% biased.
Anyway, when I started researching about Covert Commissions, I also came across a thread within a forum which included very negative testimonials of some people who had used the system.
You can take a look at that thread right here!
How Much Does Covert Commissions Cost?
Over the years, and probably due to split testing, Cindy has actually created more than a dozen Covert Commissions payment plans each one offering different products, different bundles, and at different prices.
Anyway, after conducting very extensive research and getting a very bad headache (due to the extensive research), I managed to figure out that at the time of me putting together this review, Covert Commissions offers 7 different payment plans.
The first three payment plans can be found inside CC’s member’s area and cost $19.97 per month, $197 per year, and $27 per month.
The other two plans cost $47 every 3 months and a one-time payment of $197 and you can find them through this sales page.
The sixth plan is a trial plan where you can try a Covert Commissions pro plan for 7 days for only $1. Get access to this trial plan right here!
And lastly, we have the free trial plan! To join and test drive Covert Commissions for free head over to, fill in your email address, first name, last name, and a password and click “Create my account”.
Once you do so, you’ll be redirected to a page whereas you’ll be asked to choose a membership plan but you should just close this page. After a while, you’ll receive an email that will request you to confirm your account. Confirm your account, go to, fill in your credentials, hit “Sign In” and voila! You are in for free!
Be aware that most of the plans I just mentioned differ not just in price but in the features they give you access to.
For instance, as you are able to see in the image above, the starter plan gives you 2 free credits plus 1 additional free credit per month whereas the monthly pro plan gives you 5 free credits plus 2 additional free credits per month plus the ability to export and manage the emails you capture through your squeeze pages. On the contrary, the free trial plan gives you no free credits to spend and no additional free credits per month but it allows you to promote 7 predetermined squeeze pages without having to use any credits.
If you are as confused as I was, do the following – get started with the free option following my instructions above, and if you end up liking what you see, then you decide on the plan you are going to pay for (tip: go for a pro plan in order to be able to export the emails you capture).
Lastly, due to regular split testing, be aware that the prices and availability of those plans I just talked about could be changing day after day.
Covert Commissions Pros
- Free to join and test drive
- Affordable premium plans
- Money-Back Guarantee
- 70+ funnels to choose from
- Saves time and effort
- Active and populated private FB group
- WP blog
1 • Free to Join and Test Drive
The first thing I like a lot about Covert Commissions is that it gives you the option to test drive it for free and for as long as you want.
This way, you won’t have to invest any money until you are 100% that is system is for you.
And if not, you just walk away, no harm no foul and all you’d have lost is just some time testing it out.
2 • Affordable Premium Plans
But besides the free trial, most of CC’s premium plans are extremely affordable.
With just $27 per month (monthly pro) you gain full access to every single one of CC’s features including the free blog, and the ability to export your leads.
If you think about it, just a hosting plan for a blog costs $15 per month. Just for $12 per month more, you can get your hands on an entire system which also provides high-converting squeeze pages, fully-automated funnels, training, tracking tools, and much more.
And if you go for the $197 per year plan, you cut the overall cost even further down (if you do the math it’s $0,53 per day).
3 • Money-back Guarantee
The even better news is that even if you decide that the program is not for you after you purchase one of its plans, you can still get a refund as long as you request it from Cindy within 30 days after the initial purchase of the plan.
If you purchased Covert Commissions through ClickBank, you can get a refund directly from them as long as you request it 60 days from your initial purchase.
You can find out how to get a refund directly from ClickBank right here!
4 • 70+ Funnels to Choose From
Another Covert Commissions pro is that it gives you the ability to choose the pages and products you’ll be promoting.
Other similar programs such as ClickBank Pirate, didn’t give you that option.
They just gave you some predetermined squeeze pages which were all in the MMO niche and you had to work with them if you wanted to make money with their system.
With Covert Commissions, you can choose among several niches and pick the one that interests you the most. This way, you might even come across a product which could help you in some way as well.
5 • Saves Time and Effort
While creating squeeze pages, email promotions, freebies, etc is not that hard to do in the first place, it’s rather time-consuming, especially if you take into account that you’ll have to spend a lot of time and energy going through a lot of trial and error until you manage to get everything right.
Covert Commissions saves you from all that trouble and lets you focus on the most important aspect of earning money online which is getting visitors to your pages.
In fact, I have already set up my free Covert Commissions account and I am creating a plan to somehow integrate this system’s automation with this very website. Since this system is mostly hands-off and since I am already working on increasing my website’s traffic, I won’t actually have to do any extra work to make it work.
6 • Active and Populated FB Group
CC’s private Facebook group is very active and populated given its age.
It was created a year ago (in 2018) and it has grown to almost 4000 members which publish somewhat 200 posts per month.
That’s pretty good.
In addition, scrolling through those posts I noticed that Cindy is actively helping her customers with every chance she gets! I came across questions about the membership, people facing technical difficulties and asking for refunds, and Cindy had helped every single one of them.
7 • WP Blog
Blogs are a great way to increase the traffic that sees your offers and thus your earnings. And I definitely like the fact that CC enables you to create a WordPress blog through their platform.
However, there are a couple of catches here.
To get traffic to your blog you need to have it optimized for the search engines, as well as keep publishing blog posts regularly.
The first catch is that blogging is no piece of cake and CC’s training barely scratches the surface of the whole process. It doesn’t talk about long-tail keywords, structuring your content, providing valuable information, targeting the right audience, etc. It’s very unlikely that you’ll manage to get any significant traffic to your blog without having the guidance of a high-quality course on content creation such as Wealthy Affiliate or Project 24.
The second catch is that CC’s blogs have extremely terrible loading speeds (8+ seconds) and this is something that will probably hold you back even further.
Someone else could also say that creating blogs on subdomains is a bad practice but that’s just a myth.
The only problems you might come across with a blog on a subdomain is that it could be difficult to grow your branding (top-level domains are more brandable) plus getting rejected if you apply to other affiliate programs outside the CC system.
Covert Commissions Cons
- Very low-quality training
- Negative testimonials
- Cross promoting products
- Little control over your business
1 • Very Low-Quality Training
The first thing I don’t like about Covert Commissions is that the training it offers is very low-quality.
The videos cover a number of traffic generation techniques but are very short and superficial. I mean, am I supposed to learn how to generate traffic through YouTube by watching a 5-minute video explaining how to create a YouTube channel?
I don’t think so…
Just to give you a frame of reference, Wealthy Affiliate’s and Project’s 24 training is comprised of hundreds of hours of extremely in-depth and high-quality video training and a lot of their members still fail to reach their financial goals.
As you can imagine, the chances of you failing are way greater if the training you follow is low-quality such as CC’s.
Take a look at all the training modules of Covert Commissions right here to see for yourself what I am talking about.
2 • Negative Testimonials
As I stated just above, when I started researching about Covert Commissions, I came across a thread within a forum which included very negative testimonials of some people who had used the system.
This is a bad sign because if one had a negative experience with the system, you could be the next.
3 • Cross Promoting Products
Covert Commissions seems like a product cross-promoting scheme.
What this means is that the system is used to promote other products of Cindy as well as products of people whom Cindy is partnering with.
For instance, one of the videos within CC’s training talks about using another premium piece of cloud-based software called SQZin to drive viral traffic to your squeeze pages. This software costs $47 per month and is also owned by Cindy Donovan.
In addition, the majority of all the available missions in the MMO niche are either products she has created (Videotar, ShopABot, WPCryptocash, WPBlazer, etc) or products partners of hers have created such as Mobilee by Jono Armstrong and Trevor Carr.
Covert Commissions is basically a clever scheme to get newbies to send traffic their way so they can promote their products and as well as the products of their partners to a lot of new people.
4 • Little Control Over Your Business
Covert Commissions might not have that many cons but the fact that it gives you very limited control over everything you build with it is absolutely a deal-breaker for me.
It won’t allow you to modify the squeeze pages YOU purchased, change the autoresponder follow-up emails, host your blog on a better and faster hosting plan or use a top-level domain for it, give away a different freebie to your leads, etc.
This just doesn’t feel like a business that YOU own.
And you really don’t…
Everything you build with Covert Commissions is THEIR property.
This also means that if CC shuts down tomorrow, they will take everything down with them and you’ll lose all you’ve built with it, including your income, in the blink of an eye.
Thankfully, by purchasing a pro plan Covert Commissions enables you to export all the emails you’ve captured through your squeeze pages so even if CC shuts down, you at least get to keep your subscribers, which frankly, are the essence of your online business.
Affiliate marketing FAQs
Affiliate marketing is an online business model that involves promoting products or services created and distributed by third-party online merchants in exchange for getting paid a commission for each sale you refer.
In layman’s terms, affiliate marketing is the process of being compensated for helping businesses sell to more customers.
Here’s a bird’s eye view of how affiliate marketing works.
- You join a merchant’s affiliate program
- The merchant gives you a unique affiliate link that points to their e-shop
- You promote your unique affiliate link online (blog, forums, social media, paid ads, etc.)
- Every time someone clicks on your unique affiliate link and makes a purchase on the merchant’s e-shop, the merchant pays you a commission
There are thousands of successful affiliate marketers all around the world. Some of the most well-known ones are:
- Pat Flynn
- Matt Diggity
- Matthew Woodward
- Doug Cunnington
- & more
You can check out a roundup of my 17 favorite examples of affiliate success and their backstories right here.
- Billion-dollar industry
- Very low startup & operational expenses
- Huge income potential
- Flexible & versatile
- Passive income
- Simple to implement
- No technical background
- No customer support
- No physical setup
Affiliate marketers can be divided into five main income groups:
- Total beginners: $0 – $20,000 per year
- Low-level affiliates: $20,000 – $50,000 per year
- Intermediate affiliates: $50,000 – $100,000 per year
- High-level affiliates: $100,000 – $500,000 per year
- Super affiliates: $500,000+ per year
According to PayScale, the average annual income for affiliate marketers in the US is over $54,000 per year. Statistics reveal that 13% of affiliates earn more than $75,000 per year.
Some of the factors that influence how much you earn as an affiliate marketer include:
- seniority
- target niche
- available resources
- previous experience
- marketing efforts
- & overall mindset
Here’s a rough income growth timeline of a typical affiliate marketing business:
- months (0-3): no earnings
- months (3-6): first affiliate sale
- months (6-12): $100-$500 monthly
- months (12-18): $1000 monthly
- months (18-24): $3000+ monthly
This timeline isn’t a guarantee of future performance but rather a mere approximation of the income growth of an average affiliate business. Your own timeline could be shorter or longer than projected.
Over the years, I’ve seen aspiring affiliates striking a gold vein just a few months into the industry. On the other hand, I personally know people who’ve been struggling to grow their affiliate revenue to $1000 per month for several years.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most affordable money-making models out there.
Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to get started as an affiliate marketer along with their associated costs:
- web hosting & domain name: $2.95/month (Bluehost)
- keyword research tool: $49/month (Jaaxy)
- expert guidance: $49/month (Wealthy Affiliate)
- email autoresponder: Free for up to 1000 subs (MailerLite)
Please note that on top of expert guidance, Wealthy Affiliate also provides free access to hosting and a keyword research tool so you don’t have to purchase them separately.
Yes, you can do affiliate marketing without a website by promoting your affiliate links on other marketing channels, such as:
- Social Media
- Paid Ads
- YouTube
- Podcast
- etc.
The process of getting started with affiliate marketing can be broken down into the following four simple steps:
- Pick a niche
- Launch a blog
- Build an audience
- Promote affiliate products
No, you don’t.
Affiliate marketing is very simple to get started with by virtually anyone regardless of age, education, background, available capital, tech-savviness, professional network, etc.
In fact, most 6-figure affiliate marketers were no more experienced than you currently are when they first ventured into the affiliate marketing industry.
Nonetheless, being knowledgeable in fields like marketing, sales, content production, business management, etc., could help you reach your financial goals somewhat faster.
So, What Now?
Okay, so you read this Covert Commissions review in its entirety…
Now what?
Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options…
- You either give Covert Commissions a try
- You check out my top suggestions Project 24 or Wealthy Affiliate, which are proven to have helped hundreds of people earn their living online (optimal choice)
- You take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find something which suits you better there
- Or you walk out of here completely empty-handed, you never take the first step towards earning your living online and you move on living your current life for the years to come, always wondering what would have happened if you had taken action right this very moment
If I were where you are (which I’ve been), I would join Wealthy Affiliate (which is what I actually did).
Here’s why…
- Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best MMO platforms that currently exist
- I’ve actually been a premium Wealthy Affiliate member for almost 3 years now and I couldn’t be more satisfied with it
- Wealthy Affiliate has the most success stories I’ve ever seen in an MMO course. Dozens more are being published daily within its forum-like community
- It is completely FREE to join
As a free WA member, you
- have access to some basic affiliate marketing training
- can get your very first online business up and running
- host up to 2 websites for free on Wealthy Affiliate’s private hosting platforms
- use the keyword research tool
- interact with other members of the platform through a live chat
- publish posts and ask questions within its forum-like community
If you want to gain access to the entirety of the Wealthy Affiliate’s features, you will need to upgrade your membership to premium which costs $49 per month at worst (you can get a better deal by paying upfront for 6 months, 1 year, or taking the Black Friday offer).
Find out more about every single one of Wealthy Affiliate’s features and pricing plans by taking a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review.
So, what are you going to do?
12 Responses
That’s a great review and I really appreciate your effort, it has given me much information on Covert Commission and a much better recommendation for me to select from.
I really look forward to joining Wealthy Affiliate to build a long-term full-time income to secure my financial future.
How much do you think a person can earn from Wealthy Affiliate? Just a bit curious to know about what I will be getting in to lol.
Well, the amount of money you could earn with Wealthy Affiliate depends on so many factors such as the niche, competition, your work ethic, the amount of time you devote, the monetization methods you’ll employ, the age of your business, etc that it’s very difficult to pinpoint.
If I had a gun to my head, I’d say that you can earn somewhere between zero and a bazillion dollars. I know people who have never made a dime until they quit and others earning a 6-figure income in just a couple of years.
To get a more clear view of the amount of money you could earn with Wealthy Affiliate, I suggest that you go ahead and take a look at those Wealthy Affiliate success stories.
Timely article Harry,
I have to admit, I was rather intrigued by Convert Commission’s sales funnel strategy, I mean who wouldn’t want to hop in if it’s as easy as getting emails and convert that into money, right?
But thinking back, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Out of curiosity, do you think we have the freedom to promote anything we want including other programs on the sales funnel?
Great question Riaz!
The sales funnels are 100% premade and you can’t edit them so you can’t include any other offers besides those already included. Same goes for the freebies – everything is preset!
However, you can choose among 70+ DFY sales funnels, each one promoting different programs in various niches so you could find something that interests you.
I hope this helps!
Well, Cover Commissions doesn’t look like a scam.
It has a free trial for newbies like me and it seems that its automation is pretty awesome especially for people who are just starting up and don’t know how to go around building a website and an email list.
I guess at the end of the day, a red flag is a red flag and testimonials that are not genuine are definitely a red flag. I want something I can earn from full time and Covert Commissions doesn’t seem like the best choice for me.
Thanks for the info anyway.
It’s definitely not a scam.
As far as the positive testimonials are concerned, I can’t be 100% sure that they are fabricated. It’s just a suspicion of mine.
If you are after building a full-time income online, make sure to check out my suggestions, Wealthy Affiliate and Project 24.
They both provide very high-quality resources and have helped dozens of people build a full-time living online throughout the years.
I believe for every affiliate marketer to be successful, they will need to get all the training necessary. And not just the basics but the comprehensive. I find programs that have low quality training a turn-off and I am convinced that the owners are just there to make money for themselves only.
But I am in awe of their automatic program. It is like I will have zero input other than filling in my details and payment. But is it practical? After all, the main reason for getting into online business is to make a full-time sustainable income.
Thank you so much for this thorough review.
Well as I mentioned within my review, the amount of money you’ll make with Covert Commissions is directly proportionate with the amount of targeted traffic you are getting on your squeeze pages. The more traffic you get the more money you’ll make.
Unfortunately, CC’s training is very unlikely to help you get enough traffic to reach full-time with it. If that’s your goal, I’d suggest going for Wealthy Affiliate and/or Project 24 and when you are confident that you can get a lot of traffic to your offers, you could give Covert Commissions a try as well.
Interestingly, Convert Commissions seems to be a great platform… I kind of like all the features it has to offer.
I like that I can try it for free in order to know what to expect and if I like it, then I can go for one of its premium plans which are very cheap as well.
But based on the quality of the training that is substandard, I think I will pass.
Since it’s free to join you could try it out for a while and see how it goes… You could also combine it with higher-quality training of another platform such as Wealthy Affiliate or Project 24.
This is exactly what I am doing! I have been cultivating my traffic by following Wealthy Affiliate’s and Project’s 24 training for a while now and since Covert Commissions is free to join and requires minimal effort to set up I have created a plan to integrate it into my business.
Hello Harry :),
First of all, I loved the catchy headline, really had me hooked and this is an impressive review on Covert Commissions.
This sounds like a nice DFY platform and I love the fact that it is very beginner-friendly and seems easy to follow. Definitely worth checking out to see if it is for me!
Thank you for your kind words 🙂
Let me know how it goes once you try it out for a while.