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Is a Scam? You NEED to See This ASAP [Review] Review Featured Image

A couple of days ago, you joined hoping to make some extra money from home.

However, something about the platform doesn’t quite add up…

As such, you decided to do your due diligence.

If that’s the case, you’re definitely in the right place!

Truth is that is NOT what it claims to be and in this review, I’m going to help you fully understand why it’s in your best interest to stay as far away from this platform as possible.

Let me explain further…

Table of Contents Overview

Income Potential: $0/Month (It's a Scam)
Owner: Unknown
Official Website:
Price: Free to Join
Best For: Nobody
Launch Date: 30th of October 2020
  • It'll Ban Your Account
  • Fake Testimonials
  • Fake Contact Info
  • Unknown Owner
  • Fake Company
  • Hacking Danger
  • Part of Huge Scam Network
  • BBB Consumer Alert

  • Jump to the Cons Section
Suggested: Absolutely NOT!
Overall Rating:

What is CashJunky?

CashJunky is a GPT (Get Paid To) platform that promises to pay you a lot of money for completing simple tasks such as installing apps, filling in surveys, playing online games, and making referrals.

However, contrary to legit GPT platforms such as Swagbucks and PrizeRebel, CashJunky will lie to you, scam you, and never pay you a single dime.

As a matter of fact, as you’ll find out later on, CashJunky is part of an enormous network of dozens of nearly identical platforms that have scammed thousands of people during the last few years.

If you’ve already signed up and used the platform, then I am sorry but you have completely wasted your time.

If not, do yourself a favor and start running in the opposite direction.

Let me explain further how the CashJunky scam works.

First, lures you in with a $50 signup bonus and promises of paying you a crapload of money for completing simple tasks, such as

  • Installing applications
  • Filling in surveys
  • Making referrals
  • Signing up for free trials
  • Promoting it on social media
  • & more

However, CashJunky will NEVER really pay you any of the money it promises.

That’s the case because the sole purpose of CashJunky is to generate money for its owners.

For example, every task within CashJunky that involves installing an app, completing a survey, submitting an email/phone number, and signing up for a free trial is a CPA (Cost Per Action) offer.

Every time you or somebody else completes one of those CPA offers, CashJunky’s owners pocket money.

The rest of CashJunky’s tasks are geared towards attracting more members to it.

That’s because the more members CashJunky gathers, the more people will complete its CPA offers and refer even more people to it who will, in turn, complete even more of its CPA offers and refer even more people to it, and so on.

For instance, claims that it’ll pay you $2 per referral link click to get you to share your referral link with as many people as possible.

The more people you share your referral link with, the more people could end up joining the platform.

Likewise, CashJunky supports that it’ll pay you $15 per referral to encourage you to refer more people to it. Referral Program

Similarly, promises to pay you up to $30 for promoting it on various social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok to make you attract even more potential victims through them… Social Media Submissions

Now, every time you complete one of its tasks, CashJunky will increase your “account balance” based on the amount of money that task was worth. Fake Account Balance

For instance, if you make a referral, CashJunky will credit your balance with $15.

However, in reality, that’s just to trick you into believing that you’re making progress so that you’ll keep investing time and energy in completing more of its tasks and making more referrals.

That’s because the more tasks you complete and the more referrals you make, the more money CashJunky’s owners will ultimately pocket.

Lastly, CashJunky states that to let you cash out your “earnings” you’ll have to get at least 25 clicks on your referral link, make at least 5 referrals, publish at least 10 promotional posts, as well as complete at least 6 tasks. Minimum Cashout Requirements

However, those “cashout requirements” are just CashJunky’s way of ensuring that you’ll complete at least a few of its tasks and make a couple of referrals before you realize that it’s a scam.

Pretty evil, right?

Well, this is it… This is exactly how CashJunky scams people.

Get this very well in your head, will NEVER pay you a single dime. You will NEVER earn any money with it.

If you value your time and energy, I suggest that you stay as far away from that sh*thole as possible! Pros

1. Free to Join

The only upside of is that anyone can join it for free.

Everything just goes downhill from there… Cons

1. It'll Ban Your Account

Not only will NEVER pay you, but after requesting a cashout of your earnings, it’ll shut down your account using as an excuse that you committed fraud and that all your clicks and referrals were fake.

This is the actual message they’ll send you:

While attempting to submit your payments, our system has deemed some or all of your stats to be unauthentic, Due to that, your payment has been canceled, and your account is pending termination.

Your account will be terminated within 7 days. If you would like to start over the AUTHENTIC way, then you are welcome to do that.

If you think, that was a mistake, you can contact our Fraud Department.

Now, if you try to contact its Fraud Department as suggested, you’ll hit a dead-end because all the contact information on its website is fake (more on that later on).

Seriously, you have way more chances of having $1.000.000 landing on your lap while lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with CashJunky.

In fact, I am so confident that will never pay you a single dime that if it does, please contact me with proof and I’ll deposit $1000 more in your account just for being wrong…

2. Fake Testimonials

In an attempt to trick potential victims that it’s legit, on its homepage, CashJunky has posted a couple of fake positive testimonials.

For instance, in the testimonial right below, Influencer BandMan Kevo supposedly claims that he tells all his fans about CashJunkly as much as possible. Fake Testimonial 1

However, after going through several posts and videos on his Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube channel, I didn’t manage to locate a single mention of CashJunky…

The second testimonial features a woman named “Tiffany Banks”. Fake Testimonial 2

However, as you can see right below, the picture that supposedly depicts Tiffany Banks corresponds to a Twitter profile with the name “KayBae”.

KayBae Twitter Profile

As such, I have to conclude that both of those testimonials are fake.

3. Fake Contact Information

Another sign that is a scam is that all its contact information is fake.

For example, if you try to contact your “account manager” through Skype, you’ll never receive a reply.

Moreover, CashJunky’s community chat seems to be down due to supposed scheduled maintenance. Chat Locked For Maintenance

However, I’ve never actually seen it operating since I first came across the platform a month ago.

That’s really no surprise…

After investigating the source code of the page that contains the chat, I found out that it consists of static HTML code.

This basically means that CashJunky’s community chat isn’t really a chat and that all the messages you see there have been planted by CashJunky’s owners to trick you into believing that the platform is active and legitimately paying its members a lot of money.

4. Unknown Owners

Another red flag that is a scam​ is that it provides no information about its owners.

Scammers never reveal their identity in order to avoid being identified with their fraudulent activities and getting caught.

A legit website/company ALWAYS provides information about who owns and runs it.

5. Fake Company

On its “About Us” page, CashJunky claims that it’s a subsidiary of CashJunky PTY a leading internet and media company located in El Segundo, California. Company Info And US Address

However, after looking around a bunch of US-based business databases I found no company registered under the name CashJunky, PTY.

Also, the “PTY” abbreviation is used only by companies located in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Africa.

After closer investigation, under its Terms of Use, CashJunky does state that its customer service department is located in Melbourne, Australia. Terms of Use Australia

However, there’s no company named CashJunky PTY in Australia either.

Such inconsistent information is yet another sign that is a scam.

6. Potential Hacking Danger

Every time I attempt to visit, my antivirus blocks access to the website due to potential data loss (image below). Threat of Data Loss Antivirus Alert

What this means is that accessing CashJunky might infect your devices with viruses that could enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours, such as

  • social media accounts
  • emails
  • credit cards
  • bank accounts
  • etc

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed, make sure to steer clear of CashJunky at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, I’d suggest that you immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system to ensure that it hasn’t been compromised.

7. Part of a Huge Scam Network

CashJunky is part of an enormous network of dozens of almost identical scams that have scammed millions of people during the last few years using the same scamming techniques.

Some of CashJunky’s sister scams that you might have heard of are:

just to name a few.

Right below you can see for yourself how CashJunky is basically a clone of StudentsEarnCash. Homepage Homepage

8. BBB Consumer Alert

In March 2019, the BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash, both of which are CashJunky’s sister scams.

BBB KidsEarnMoney And Notion Cash Consumer Alert Warning

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received several complaints and scam reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

After conducting an investigation, BBB concluded that the unrealistic earning claims both those platforms made were in violation of BBB’s Code of Advertising.

BBB attempted to locate the owners of the platforms through email, telephone number, and/or physical address to sort things out but without any luck. 

At that point, BBB rated both Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash with an “F” suggesting to the public that they should stay as far away as possible from them.

According to BBB, people who sign up for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash think that they are online marketing agencies that will pay them money for completing “tasks”.

The money appears to increase on the platform’s dashboard after completing those tasks, but when the consumer tries to cash out their earnings, often when they reach some set requirements, they report that they are unable to retrieve the promised payment or contact the company for assistance.

BBB supports that the purpose of such scams may be data harvesting, for the likely intent of selling the gathered information to spammers. There is also the possibility of identity theft.

Right below you can take a look at what people who have been scammed by Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash have to say about the platforms on BBB. BBB Complaint 3 BBB Complaint 2 BBB Complaint 1 BBB Complaint 5 BBB Complaint 1

You can take a look at all the complaints about Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash by following the two links right below:

While the fact that BBB has issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash doesn’t quite prove that CashJunky is a scam as well, would you trust that a platform that is operating exactly like Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash and created by the same people would actually pay you any money?

Because I definitely wouldn’t… Review Summary



CashJunky will NEVER pay you a single dime.



Offers no valuable resources whatsoever

Value for


It’s a waste of time that’ll infect your system with viruses



Fake Skype address. Fake Chat. No email address



Payment proofs and testimonials are all fake

Overall Rating


Is Legit or a Scam?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but is a SCAM.

If your goal is wasting your time and energy in a scam that’ll never pay you even if your life depended on it, then CashJunky is probably exactly what you are looking for.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the information. I have signed up for CashJunky but I will do as you said. Is there any real site that pays passive income? If there is let me know here is my number (omitted) or email me at (omitted).

    1. Hi Ani.

      There’s no site or platform (that I know of) that can pay you a passive income…

      Passive income is generated mostly through business endeavors, investments (stocks, rental property, etc), and/or royalties.

      Nonetheless, there are definitely courses that could teach you how to build a passive income online in many ways, such as blogging, affiliate marketing, dropshipping, etc.

      I hope this helps,

      All the best,


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