Let me guess…
You’ve been trying to make money with Tap2Earn.co for a while now. You got hundreds of clicks on your link, you referred a lot of other people to the platform and you completed dozens of its tasks.
You probably have $300 or maybe, even more, sitting in your Tap2Earn account but you’ll get your hands on all that money pretty soon, you’d think…
You requested a cashout and Tap2Earn told you that they are processing your payment and they even gave you a payment number that looks something like this -> #732672229
Everything seems to be unfolding smoothly, exactly as it should.
The only problem is, Tap2Earn hasn’t yet deposited a single dime in your account and you have started becoming worried and uneasy…
You can’t help but wonder
- “Is Tap2Earn.co legit?”
- “Is it going to pay me after all?”
- “Or is Tap2Earn a scam that wasted my precious time for nothing?”
Well, this is your lucky day because, in this review, I will go over exactly
- What Tap2Earn really is
- How it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work)
- Why it might be of your best interest to steer clear of it…
- Plus, a couple of better alternatives to earning money online
This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether Tap2Earn.co is worth your time (spoiler alert -> it’s not) or if you’d better shift your attention towards a more legit and promising money-making opportunity.
Tap2Earn.co Overview
Name: Tap2Earn PTY LTD
- Henry Chaplin
- Davis O’Brien
- Free to join
- Additional charges apply within the platform
Official Website: tap2earn.co
Suggested? It is suggested to run towards the other direction!
- Free to join
- Fake payment proofs
- Fake testimonials
- Unrealistic claims
- Additional charges to complete tasks
- Fake contact information
- Fake owners
- Fake parent company
- Unable to cashout
- Potential hacking danger
- Part of a huge scam network
- BBB consumer warning
What is Tap2Earn.co About?
Is It Legit?
Tap2Earn.co actually presents itself as the “#1 influencer network in the world”.
Yeah right, you almost convinced me there…
The platform will supposedly pay you a lot of money for referring people to it using your unique referral link as well as for completing a variety of other very simple tasks such as filling in surveys.
More specifically, Tap2Earn.co claims that it will pay you
- $25 just for signing up
- $2 for each person who clicks on your Tap2Earn referral link
- an additional $10 for each person who joins Tap2Earn after clicking on your referral link
- $30 for filling in surveys and entering contests
- $10 for installing applications on your mobile phone
- $50 for creating YouTube videos promoting Tap2Earn
I know that everything about Tap2Earn.co sounds pretty simple and straightforward up to this point.
But, fortunately for you, I dug deeper… A lot deeper!
And what I discovered is that Tap2Earn.co is as far from being a legit money-making opportunity or the #1 influencer network as a platform could possibly be.
Let me explain further…
How Does Tap2Earn.co Really Work?
First of all, Tap2Earn lures you in with the promise of a $25 sign up bonus…
Many people join Tap2Earn thinking that they can get their hands on that $25 bonus right after creating their account.
This is exactly how I ended up joining Viral Pay, one of Tap2Earn’s sister scams, for the first time a few months ago.
However, what most people don’t know is that in order to get that $25 signup bonus you need to first meet the following qualifications:
- refer at least 5 people to the platform
- complete at least 5 tasks on the $30 TaskWall
- have at least 20 clicks on your unique referral link
Some people will quit Tap2Earn once they realize that they have to actually work a little bit more to get the $25 signup bonus they were promised. What’s pretty funny is that those are actually the lucky ones.
However, there are others who will say “What the hell, the tasks I have to complete to qualify for payment are not so hard to complete. Plus, I can earn even more money by completing them. Let’s give it a try!” … Those are the ones who end up being scammed.
They start devoting time and energy into referring people to the platform and completing several tasks, thinking that the next time they hit that “Request Payment” button, they’ll get hundreds of dollars deposited in their bank account.
However, what they don’t know is that Tap2Earn will ban their account the moment they request a payment using as an excuse that all the clicks they got on their link and all the people they referred to the platform are fake.
This way, the only winner out of this pathetic charade is Tap2Earn.
- First, it lures you in with a $25 signup bonus
- Then it tells you that in order to get that signup bonus you need to meet certain qualifications (get 20 clicks on your referral link, 5 referrals, complete 5 tasks)
- It also tells you that for every click, and referral you get for every task you complete you’ll earn even more money
- So, you start trying to meet those payment qualifications as well as increase your earnings
- When you finally meet every single one of those qualifications and you request for the money you’ve earned fair and square, they kick you out leaving you high and dry
This way, Tap2Earn got you to complete several tasks which bring a profit to its owners as well as drive more people to the platform which will, in turn, complete even more tasks which will, in turn, bring even more profit to its owners and all that, without having to pay anyone a single dime for their work.
Pretty appalling right?
Well, this is it… This is how Tap2Earn works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.
Get this very well in your head, Tap2Earn will NEVER pay you a single dime! You will NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make Tap2Earn work is just a huge waste of your time and energy because it can never really work.
My advice?
Stay as far away from Tap2Earn.co as possible!
Who is Tap2Earn.co for?
Tap2Earn is for no one…
The platform is more useless than a meshed parachute.
Seriously, you have way more chances of earning $1.000.000 by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with Tap2Earn.
In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with Tap2Earn.co that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong…
How Much Does Tap2Earn.co Cost?
Tap2Earn is free to join.
However, keep your eyes open because it might not 100% free to use.
You see, in order to complete some of the tasks on Tap2Earn’s $30 TaskWall, you’ll be asked to submit your mobile phone number and subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will keep forwarding you dozens of promotional text messages per month at your own cost.
And those text messages aren’t cheap at all.
Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.
Despite the fact that there are probably ways to unsubscribe from those text message services, I would never trust a scammy platform such as Tap2Earn.co with my mobile phone number.
Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account information.
If you don’t want to end up having money sucked out of your bank accounts by people you don’t know, do NOT even think about it!
Plus, if you consider that Tap2Earn.co will ban your account the moment you request a cashout, and will never actually pay you, there’s really no point whatsoever in trying to complete those tasks in the first place.
Tap2Earn.co Pros
- Free to join
1 • Free to Join
If I had a gun on my head and the only way to keep it intact was to come up with a positive thing about Tap2Earn, the fact that the platform is free to join would be it.
If you are unfortunate enough to fall for Tap2Earn’s lies and end up joining the platform you will waste only some of your time but none of your money until you realize that the platform is a scam that never intended to pay you in the first place (assuming of course that they don’t submit your mobile phone number or credit card info anywhere within it).
That’s something…
P.S. If I had to come up with 2 pros, I’d probably get my brains blown out.
Tap2Earn.co Cons
- Fake payment proofs
- Fake testimonials
- Unrealistic claims
- Additional charges to complete tasks
- Fake contact information
- Fake owners
- Fake parent company
- Unable to cashout
- Potential hacking danger
- Part of a huge scam network
- BBB consumer warning
1 • Tap2Earn's Payment Proofs = Fake
Tap2Earn has an entire page dedicated to displaying dozens of screenshots of payments supposedly made by the platform to its members.
Just a heads up, every single one of those payment proofs is fake.
Take a look at some of them right below and pay close attention to the dates that they have taken place…

Okay, so what about their dates?
Well, as you can see in the image right below, the domain name tap2earn.co was first registered on the 10th of September 2019 something that proves that the platform didn’t even exist before that date.
So, how could Tap2Earn.co pay people months before it even started operating?
Well, it didn’t because all its payment proofs are obviously photoshopped and thus fake!
2 • Tap2Earn's Testimonials = Fake
Besides the fake payment proofs, in an attempt to further increase its credibility and trustworthiness, Tap2Earn.co has also published a number of positive testimonials on its website.
Too bad, all of those testimonials are fake as well.
For instance, in the video testimonial below, Austin claims that he earned money by posting his Tap2Earn referral link on his social media.
However, Austin is not really Austin and is not really a member of Tap2Earn either…
This guy’s name is Teddy and he is a freelance paid actor who Tap2Earn paid to record this testimonial.
Take a look at his Fiverr gig right below.

Busted x2!
Platforms such as Tap2Earn which employ fake success stories, fake testimonials, and fake payment screenshots in order to make themselves seem more credible and trustworthy, just suck hard, period!
First of all, the fake payment screenshots that Tap2Earn uses, prove that it indeed doesn’t pay its members because if it really did, why would it publish fake payment proofs and risk losing its credibility and trustworthiness and just publish some real ones right?!
Secondly, the fact that Tap2Earn’s creators have published fake positive testimonials shows that they know their platform sucks so bad that it would never get authentic positive testimonials from people who have actually tried it.
Lastly, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), using fake positive testimonials/success stories is considered illegal and subject to huge penalties as it encourages customers to invest in a product or service they otherwise wouldn’t if those fake testimonials/success stories didn’t exist, thereby defrauding them.
3 • Unrealistic Claims
Just like the majority of completely useless MMO platforms do, Tap2Earn uses a lot of unrealistic earning claims in order to trick people into joining and using it.
The first thing that you see when you land on Tap2Earn’s homepage is a huge banner saying “Make $500 Today!”
Yeah sure, if making $500 a day was that easy, everyone in the world would have turned rich by now…
Furthermore, on its “Payment Proofs” page, Tap2Earn claims that it has paid $68 million to 455k of its members.
As we saw earlier, Tap2Earn started operating on 10/09/2019. I am writing this review on 20/09/2019 so right now the platform is just 10 days old.
Do you really believe that Tap2Earn really paid $68 million to 455k people in just 10 days?
Let’s say that it did, which it didn’t… But let’s say that it really did!
If you do the math $68 million to 455k people equal to $149.5 per person.
That’s not that much money.
4 • Additional Charges
As I’ve mentioned earlier, in order to qualify for a cashout of your Tap2Earn earnings you need to complete at least 5 tasks on its $30 TaskWall.
In order to complete some of those tasks, you’ll be required to submit your phone number and agree to subscribe to paid text-message services which could cost you a ton of money.
Other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.
This way you could end up losing a ton of money while attempting to complete tasks in order to qualify for your first Tap2Earn cashout which is never going to actually take place because Tap2Earn will ban your account once you request it.
Stay away, people!
5 • Fake Contact Information
Tap2Earn.co provides 3 means of communicating with them in case you need help or support.
- an email address (info@tap2earn.co)
- two Telegram addresses of Tap2Earn’s account managers (@kaylat2e & @jesset2e)
- as well as an actual physical address (Laan van Langerhuize 1, Amstelveen, 1186 DS Netherlands)
First of all, I checked the email address against an email checker software and as it turns out it’s not valid (see image below).
Secondly, I tried to contact the “account managers” through their Telegram addresses but they haven’t replied back in a week and frankly, I don’t think that they ever will…
After digging a little deeper I discovered that the images that supposedly depict the two Tap2Earn’s account managers are actually fake.
Here is the image of the first account manager, “Jesse Rodriguez”.

As you can see in the image right below, the picture of the exact same girl wearing a t-shirt with a different stamp has been used by an online t-shirt store.

The image of the second account manager, “Kayla Thomas” is actually a t-shirt mockup image used by placeit.net, a company that provides image templates and mockups.

This concludes that both Tap2Earn’s account managers are fake!
Unfortunately, since I don’t live in Amstelveen Netherlands, I can’t confirm if Tap2Earn is actually located at the given address or not.
However, based on what I’ve seen up until now, I’d easily bet that it isn’t.
6 • Fake Owners
Tap2Earn.co is supposed to have been founded by Henry Chaplin and Davis O’Brien in 2013.
First of all, as we saw earlier, the platform started operating in 2019.
In addition, both Henry Chaplin and Davis O’Brien are aliases and not real people.
Neither of them has a digital footprint.
No images online, no social media accounts, no information about them on Google or Wikipedia, nothing.
While this doesn’t prove that Tap2Earn’s founders are fake, the fact that Tap2Earn launches lie after lie makes me lean that way…
7 • Fake Parent Company
On Tap2Earn’s FAQ section there is a claim that the platform is a subsidiary of a larger parent company called Zindex which has been providing online marketing solutions since 2005.
After searching around for a bit, I managed to locate one Indian company called “Z-index” but it’s not tied with Tap2Earn in any way.
Yet another lie…
8 • Unable to Cashout
The biggest con of Tap2Earn.co is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.
It doesn’t really matter if you refer 2000 people to the platform or complete 1 million of its tasks, the amount of money that you’ll earn with Tap2Earn remains exactly the same -> ZERO.
Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of joining and using the platform in the first place.
Trying to make money with Tap2Earn is as pointless as trying to hammer a nail with a glass hammer.
9 • Potential Hacking Danger
Before I started putting together this review, I attempted to complete some of Tap2Earn’s tasks that didn’t require me to submit my mobile phone number or any credit card info.
However, before I even got to access the first task, my antivirus went off giving me the alert below…
Apparently, Tap2Earn’s tasks lead to 3rd party websites that contain viruses which could enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours such as the login credentials to your social media, email, credit cards, or even your bank accounts.
If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed make sure to stay clear of Tap2Earn at all costs…
If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, you must immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that your computer hasn’t caught a virus and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.
10 • Part of a Huge Scam Network
Unfortunately, Tap2Earn.co isn’t the only “#1 influencer network” out there…
Truth is that Tap2Earn is part of an enormous network of hundreds of identical scams that have been scamming people for many years now, such as
- Kids Earn Money
- Notion Cash
- Referral Pay
- InfluencerCash
- Kash Tree
just to name a few.
Take a look at the images below to see for yourself how all those platforms are basically clones of one another…

12 • BBB Consumer Alert
A few months ago BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash which as we saw right above are two of Tap2Earn’s sister scams.
You can take a look at those alerts for yourself right below
According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received 27 complaints, 35 reviews, and 6 Scam TrackerSM reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.
In addition, the unrealistic earning claims these platforms make are in violation of the BBB Code of Advertising. BBB tried to locate someone in charge of those platforms to sort things out but without any luck.
BBB Metro New York has assigned both of those companies an “F” rating suggesting to the public that they should avoid joining them.
Whatever applies to Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash applies to Tap2Earn as well.
Tap2Earn.co Review Summary
Tap2Earn will never pay you so your income potential is ZERO.
Referral link, promotional banners, FAQ center, submission guidelines.
Value for
Free to join. Additional charges may apply inside the platform. Tap2Earn = 100% worthless.
Provides ZERO support. Email, and Telegram address are both fake.
Not a single person has made actual money with Tap2Earn.
Overall Rating
Is Tap2Earn.co Suggested?
If your goal is wasting your time on a scam that will never pay you a single dime, then Tap2Earn.co is exactly what you are looking for.
52 Responses
Awesome! I found this Tap2Earn from Pinterest! You’ve written a detailed post. Thanks.
BTW, what plugin are you using for rating and other stuff! Let me know.
Hi Ramesh.
Thanks a lot for your kind words mate!
The plugin I’m using to build all my posts and pages is called Elementor. The rating stars are one of its built-in functions.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
I couldn’t resist commenting. Very well written!
Thanks a lot for your kind words!
I am glad that you liked it.
Best wishes,
Good website you’ve got here… It’s hard to find quality writing like yours these days. I honestly appreciate people like you!
Take care!!
Wow, thanks a lot for your very kind words! They’re truly motivating for me.
I always do my best to provide as much value as possible to my readers and I am so glad that all this effort doesn’t go unnoticed.
My best regards to you,
Wow, that was strange. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say wonderful blog!
I am so sorry for the inconvenience, I don’t know what could have possibly happened…
Thanks a lot for your very kinds words anyway!
My best wishes,