Close this search box. Review: Don’t Even Bother… It’s a SCAM! Review Don't Even Bother... It's a SCAM!

A week ago, I came across a couple of videos about on YouTube…

The people who had recorded those videos were talking about how they had made hundreds of dollars with the platform in just a few hours by completing some very simple tasks and installing apps on their smartphones.

Frankly, had “SCAM” written all over it and since I love exposing scams I thought that I should join the platform myself to see what it’s really about.

After trying the platform for a few days I concluded that my suspicions were 100% correct. is indeed a SCAM!

In this review, I’m going to expose all of RewardDollars’ dirty little secrets in an attempt to save as many people as possible from wasting their time, energy, and possibly money in this god-awful platform.

Furthermore, I am going to point you in the right direction by letting you know about a couple of alternative much more legit and promising opportunities for earning money online.

Let’s get started. Overview

Name: Reward Dollars


  • Unknown


  • Free to join
  • Additional expenses to complete most tasks

Official Website:

Suggested? Only if your goal is to get scammed.


What is Reward Dollars About?
Is Legit? poses as a GPT (Get Paid To) platform…

GPT platforms are basically websites that pay you for completing simple tasks, such as

  • filling in surveys
  • installing apps
  • watching ads
  • making referrals
  • etc

Truthfully, I’ve come across a lot of legit GPT platforms but unfortunately, is NOT one of them…

You see, contrary to legit GPT platforms that actually pay their members for their work, RewardDollars is just a huge waste of time that will never pay you a single dime.

If you’ve already signed up and used the platform, then I am sorry but you have completely wasted your time… 

If not, do yourself a favor and start running towards the opposite direction as fast as possible!

Before I reveal to you everything about, such as the fact that it is part of a huge network of scams that have been scamming of people for many years, I think that it’s important for you to understand exactly how the platform scams people.

And in order for you to understand how RewardDollars scams people, you first need to understand how it generates money for its owners.

How RewardDollars Generates Money for its Owners generates money through CPA (Cost Per Action) offers.

Basically, CPA offers pay publishers (e.g. commissions for getting other people (e.g. you & me) to perform certain actions, such as

  • Submitting an email or telephone number
  • Filling out a form
  • Installing an application
  • Signing up for a trial
  • Completing a survey
  • etc

The CPA offers through which generates money are located on its “$50 TaskWall”, which is a page comprised of a number of tasks that supposedly pay you $50 for completing them (see images below). Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

As you can see in the images right above, one task requires you to create an account, the other to subscribe to the platform, and the other to enter your email.

Each one of those tasks is actually a CPA offer.

This means that every time somebody completes a task on RewardDollars’ $50TaskWall, a CPA network pays RewardDollars’s owners money.

Okay, now that you know, let’s see how RewardDollars actually scams people.

How Scams People

So, first of all, baits people in by promising to pay them $25 just for signing up and $500-$1000 daily.

Who wouldn’t want to make an instant $25 & $500-$1000 per day, am I right?

To be more specific, RewardDollars claims that it’ll pay you

  • $2 for each click you get on your unique referral link
  • an additional $20 for each person who joins RewardDollars after clicking on your unique referral link
  • $50 for each task you complete on its TaskWall
  • $40 for installing apps on your smartphone
  • $50 – $150 for creating videos promoting the platform on Youtube/TikTok/Snapchat/Facebook
  • etc

That’s good money for basically doing nothing…

However, there’s a catch here…

In order for RewardDollars to let you cash out any of your earnings, you’ll first need to

  • Refer at least 5 people to the platform
  • Complete at least 5 of the tasks on its $50 TaskWall
  • Have at least 20 clicks on your unique referral link
  • Generate at least $100 in earnings

When you meet all those requirements and request a cashout of your money, RewardDollars will give you a payment number and a payment due date.

However, RewardDollars will never actually pay you…

And not only that but a few days after requesting your first cash out, it’ll ban your account using as an excuse that your clicks and referrals were fake.

This is the actual message you’ll receive:

While attempting to submit your payments, our system has deemed some or all of your stats to be unauthentic, Due to that, your payment has been canceled, and your account is pending termination.

Your account will be terminated within 7 days. If you would like to start over the AUTHENTIC way, then you are welcome to do that.

If you think, that was a mistake, you can contact our Fraud Department.

Now, if you try to contact RewardDollars’ Fraud Department as suggested, you’ll hit yet another dead-end because the email address it provides is actually fake (more on that later on).

Basically, the reason that scams people like that is twofold:

  1. to get people to complete its CPA offers and generate money for its owners
  2. and to get people to market and promote the platform for free

Think about it…

First, RewardDollars promises a $25 signup bonus and earning a lot of money fast and easy.

Once you join, it tells you that in order to cash out your money you will need to meet the following requirements

  • get 20 clicks on your referral link
  • make 5 referrals
  • complete 5 tasks
  • and generate $100

You start working to meet those cashout requirements.

You complete the 5 tasks which are basically CPA offers -> RewardDollars’ owners earn money…

You make 5 referrals-> Those 5 referrals will, in turn, complete 5 more tasks and refer 5 more people each, and so on, and so forth…

You create videos promoting on YouTube/TikTok/Snapchat in order to generate more money -> You draw even more people into RewardDollars through YouTube/TikTok/Snapchat…

When you finally request a cashout, you’ll receive $0 and an account ban because you already did all the work RewardDollars wanted you to do completely for free.

Pretty evil, right?

Well, this is it… This is how and why scams people! 

Get this very well in your head, RewardDollars will NEVER pay you a single dime. You will NEVER earn any money with it.

If you value your time, energy, and money, stay as far away from as possible!

Who Is For?

I don’t know who RewardDollars could be for but I know for a fact that it’s definitely not for those who want to earn money online.

Seriously, you have way more chances of earning $1.000.000 by lying down on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with RewardDollars.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong… Pros

1 • Free to Join

If I just had to choose something that I like about RewardDollars, I would say that the only thing I like about it is that it’s free to join.

Believe it or not, I have come across dozens of online scams that require you to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars just to get in only to realize in the hindsight that you got scammed. doesn’t have any admission fees so if you don’t submit your mobile phone number or credit card info anywhere within the platform you won’t lose any money to it…

That’s something, I guess… Cons

1 • Unable to Cashout

As mentioned dozens of times throughout this review, will never pay anyone a single dime for their work.

It doesn’t really matter if you refer 2000 people to the platform or complete 1 million of its tasks, the amount of money that you’ll earn with RewardDollars will always remain exactly the same -> ZERO DOLLARS!

This con alone should be enough to make you wanna avoid for good.

If not, then keep reading…

2 • Fake RewardDollars Payment Proofs

Throughout its website, RewardDollars has published a number of screenshots of payments the platform claims to have made to its members…

All of them are 100% fake!

Take a look at two of RewardDollars’ payment proofs right below and pay close attention to their dates. Fake Payment Proof 1 Fake Payment Proof 2

One of them seems to have taken place in May and the other in August 2019.

However, as you can see in the image right below, the domain name, was first registered on the 30th of March 2020. Domain Name Registration Date

This means that the platform didn’t exist before that date…

So, how was RewardDollars paying people months before it even existed?

Well, it really didn’t…

All of the payment proofs on its website are FAKE!

3 • Fake RewardDollars Testimonials

In addition to the fake payment proofs, in an attempt to trick more people into thinking that it’s legit, has also published a number of fake positive testimonials.

The reason that RewardDollars’ testimonials are fake is that the exact same testimonials have also been used on the websites of several of its sister scams, such as & (see images below). Fake Testimonial 1 Testimonial Fake Testimonial 1 Testimonial Fake Testimonial 2 Testimonial Fake Testimonial 2 Testimonial

In addition, on RewardDollars’ home page, you’ll also find a few video testimonials…

All of those videos are also fake as they have been recorded by people just because promised to pay them $50 (which of course will never actually pay) as you can see in the image below. Youtube Submission

4 • Unrealistic Claims

Just like the majority of online scams do, makes a lot of absurd claims in order to draw more victims in…

For instance, the first thing that you’ll see when you land on RewardDollars’ homepage is a huge banner saying “Make $500-$1000 Daily”. Make $500-$1000 Daily

Yeah sure, I almost fell for that… NOT!

If earning $1000 per day was possible through completing surveys and installing apps, everyone owning a smartphone would be a millionaire right now.

That’s such an unrealistic claim it’s actually borderline funny.

Furthermore, RewardDollars claims that it has paid out $6.7 million to 321k of its members. Unrealistic Claim 1

As mentioned earlier, RewardDollars started operating on the 30th of March 2020… I am writing this review on the 5th of April 2020…

Are we supposed to believe that a platform that has been operating for less than a week has paid out $6.7 MILLION to 320k people?

I don’t think so, pals…

Lastly, RewardDollars claims that it has been operating since 2000 (image below). Fake Founding Date

For the thousandth time, RewardDollars didn’t exist before the 30th of March 2020.

5 • Fake Contact Information

As mentioned earlier, RewardDollars provides a contact email address that is actually fake (image below). Fake Email Address

RewardDollars also provides a physical address, 20 Rollins Road Cotesfield, NE 68829, in case you want to drop by and give them a piece of your mind…

However, well, you guessed it…

If you head over to Google Maps and search for that address, you’ll find out that such it doesn’t even exist.

In addition, the exact same address was being used by which is actually the predecessor of RewardDollars.

Basically, all the contact information on RewardDollars’ website is 100% fake.

This is one of the most obvious signs that RewardDollars is a scam.

Scammers always provide either fake or no contact information at all for obvious reasons…

6 • Unknown Owners

Another pretty obvious sign that is a scam​ is that it provides no information about its owners.

Scammers never reveal their identity in order to avoid being identified with their fraudulent activities and getting caught.

A legit website/company ALWAYS provides information about its owners.

7 • You Might Actually Lose Money

Not only you’ll never earn any money with RewardDollars, but there is a very high possibility that you’ll actually end up losing quite a lot of money to it…

For instance, in order to complete some of the tasks on RewardDollars’s $50 TaskWall, you’ll be required to submit your phone number (images below). Tasks That Require Phone Number
If you do that, you’ll automatically subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will keep forwarding you dozens of promotional text messages per month at YOUR OWN COST!

And those text messages aren’t cheap at all.

Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.

Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.

If you consider that RewardDollars will never actually pay you, there’s really no point whatsoever in even bothering to complete its tasks in the first place.

I can’t stress enough that you should never, ever, EVER, submit any personal information anywhere within, especially sensitive ones such as passwords, emails, credit card numbers, telephone numbers, etc.

8 • You Might Get Hacked

In addition to RewardDollars trying to steal your money, it might also attempt to get your devices infected with viruses which will enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours, such as

  • social media accounts
  • emails
  • credit cards
  • bank accounts
  • etc

Every single time I attempt to access, my antivirus goes off giving me the alert right below: Antivirus Alert

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed, make sure to steer clear of RewardDollars at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, I’d suggest that you immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that it hasn’t been compromised and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.

9 • Part of a Huge Scam Network is part of an enormous network of dozens of almost identical scams that have scammed millions of people during the last few years using the exact same scamming techniques.

Some of those scams that you might have heard of are

just to name a few.

In fact, InboxDollar is the predecessor of RewardDollars… If you type in your browser the address you’ll be automatically redirected to RewardDollars’ website.

10 • BBB Consumer Alert

In March 2019, the BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash are both RewardDollars’ sister scams.

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received several complaints, negative reviews, and scam reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

After conducting an investigation, BBB concluded that the unrealistic earning claims both those platforms make are in violation of BBB’s Code of Advertising.

BBB tried to locate someone in charge of those platforms through email, telephone number, and/or physical address to sort things out but without any luck. 

At that point, BBB rated both of those platforms with an “F” suggesting to the public that they should stay as far away as possible from them.

According to BBB, people sign up to Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash thinking that they are online marketing agencies, where they will earn money by completing “tasks”. The money appears to increase on the platform’s dashboard after completing those tasks, but when the consumer tries to cash out their earnings, often when they reach some set requirements, they report that they are unable to retrieve the promised payment or contact the company for assistance.

BBB goes on to state that one possible purpose of such scams may be data harvesting, for the likely intent of selling the gathered information to spammers. There is also the possibility of identity theft.

Right below you can take a look at a few complaints left under the BBB profiles of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash from people who have actually been scammed by the platforms.

Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 2
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 3
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 4
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 1
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 2

You can take a look at all the complaints under the BBB profiles of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash by following the links right below:

While the fact that BBB has issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash doesn’t quite prove that RewardDollars is a scam as well, would you trust that a platform that is operating exactly like Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash and created by the exact same people would actually pay you any money?

Because I definitely wouldn’t… Review Summary



You’ll never earn a single dollar with RewardDollars. They should rename it to ZeroDollars



Referral link, promotional banners, submission guidelines.

Value for


Free to join. 100% worthless. Contains viruses. You might end up losing money to it.



Fake email & physical addresses. It provides no support whatsoever.



Fake payment proofs. Fake testimonials. NO real success stories whatsoever.

Overall Rating


Is Suggested?

If your goal is wasting your time, energy, and possibly money in a scam that’ll never pay you, RewardDollars is probably exactly what you are looking for.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

6 Responses

  1. me gusto lo que comento sobre esa gran estafa…quiero generar dinero sin invertir en alguna pagina..cual me recomiendas

    1. Translate: I liked what you said about that scam … I want to generate money without investing in any page… Which one would you recommend?

      Hello Jose.

      I’m glad I could be of help!

      The only websites (that I know of) that will pay you money without investing any of your own are survey and GPT websites…

      You can take a look at my top suggestions -> here.

      Best wishes,


    1. Translation: “This site is a fraud, do you have any research site that really pays?”

      Hey Romissom,

      I’ve mentioned some legit GPT websites and other money-making opportunities throughout my review…

      Best regards,


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