Close this search box. Review: Warning OGTask Is a SCAM [10 Signs] Review Warning OGTask Is a SCAM [10 Signs]

A few weeks ago, I received a number of emails from several people asking me if I could create a review about

According to those people, OGTask promised to pay them $100+ per day for completing very simple tasks such as referring friends and installing apps on their phones.

However, despite doing all that stuff, OGTask never really paid any of them a single dime.

So, I decided to join the platform myself to see what it’s really about.

After trying the platform out myself for a couple of days, I had to conclude that is a SCAM that will NEVER deliver any of its promises.

In this review, I am going to be revealing all the 10 Biggest Signs That OGTask is a Big, Fat Scam in an attempt to save as many people as possible from wasting their time, energy, and possibly money in this god-awful platform.

Furthermore, I’m going to point you in the right direction by letting you know about a couple of alternative much more legit and promising opportunities for earning money online.

Without further ado, let’s get this going… Overview

Name: OG Task


  • Unknown


  • Free to join
  • Additional expenses to complete most tasks

Official Website:

Suggested? NOT!


10 Biggest Signs OGTask Is a SCAM!

1 • It's NOT Going to Pay You!

The first and foremost sign that OGTask is a scam is that it’s NEVER going to actually pay you.

For instance, when I first joined OGTask, it told me that in order to be able to cash out the money I earned with it, I’d have to meet certain requirements, such as:

  • get 20 clicks on my referral link
  • refer 5 people to it
  • complete 5 tasks on its $30 TaskWall
  • and generate at least $100 in earnings

Once I met all those requirements and requested a cashout, gave me a payment confirmation number and a payment date.

Up until that point, everything seemed to be unfolding pretty normal…

However, when the day that OGTask was supposed to pay me arrived, I didn’t actually receive a single dime from them.

And not only that but when I logged in OGTask, there was a message telling me that my account was banned using as an excuse that my clicks and referrals were fake (they were not).

This is the actual message I received:

While attempting to submit your payments, our system has deemed some or all of your stats to be unauthentic, Due to that, your payment has been canceled, and your account is pending termination.

Your account will be terminated within 7 days. If you would like to start over the AUTHENTIC way, then you are welcome to do that.

If you think, that was a mistake, you can contact our Fraud Department.

As it seems, every single person who meets OGTask’s cashout qualifications and requests a payment receives the exact same message a few days later.

So, it doesn’t really matter if you refer 2000 people to the platform or complete 1 million of its tasks, the only thing that you are going to receive from OGTask is ZERO DOLLARS and an account ban.

This con alone should be enough to make you run as far away from OGTask as possible…

Now, after I got my account banned I tried to contact OGTask’s Fraud Department as suggested, but I hit yet another dead end because as you’ll see right below, the email address OGTask provides is fake…

2 • Fake Email Address

So, when I found out that OGTask had banned my account, I tried contacting them through an email they provided,

A week passed but I never received an answer…

After running this email address through, it turns out that it’s actually fake (image below). Fake Email Address

OGTask provides no additional contact information whatsoever…

3 • Fake OGTask Payment Proofs

Throughout its website, OGTask has published a number of screenshots of payments the platform claims to have made to its members…

All of them are 100% fake!

Take a look at two of them right below and pay close attention to their dates. Fake Payment Proof 1 Fake Payment Proof 2

One of them seems to have taken place in February and the other in August 2019…

However, as you can see in the image right below, the domain name, was first registered on the 16th of January 2020. Domain Name Registration Date

This means that the platform didn’t exist before that date…

So, how was OGTask paying people months before it even existed?

Well, it really didn’t…

All of the payment proofs on its website are FAKE!

4 • Fake OGTask Testimonials

In addition to the fake payment proofs, in an attempt to trick more people into thinking that it’s legit, has also published a number of fake positive testimonials.

“So, why are OGTask’s testimonials fake?”, you ask…

Well, as you can see in the images right below, the exact same testimonials that can be found on OGTask have also been used by which is actually one of OGTask’s sister scams. Fake Testimonials Fake Testimonials 1

5 • Unknown Owners

One of the most obvious signs that is a scam​ is that it provides no information about its owners.

Scammers never reveal their identity in order to avoid being identified with their fraudulent activities and getting caught.

A legit website/company ALWAYS provides information about its owners.

6 • Unrealistic Claims

Just like the majority of online scams do, makes a lot of unrealistic & absurd claims in order to draw more victims in…

For instance, the first thing that you’ll see when you land on OGTask’s homepage is a huge banner saying “Make $100 Daily” Make $100 Daily

Yeah sure, you almost convinced me there… NOT!

If earning $100 a day was possible through completing surveys and installing apps, everyone owning a smartphone would be a millionaire right now.

That’s such an unrealistic claim it’s actually borderline funny.

In an attempt to further increase its credibility, on its “Payment Proofs” page, claims that it has paid $158 million to over 730,000 of its members.

First of all, as mentioned earlier, OGTask started operating in January 2020… I am writing this review in March 2020…

Are we supposed to believe that OGTask has paid out $158 MILLION in just 2 months?

I don’t think so, dudes…

Okay, let’s say that it did, which it didn’t, but let’s say that it really did!

If you do the math, $158 million paid out to 730k people equal to roughly $216 per person.

That’s not that much money to even bother with OGTask…

7 • You Might Actually Lose Money

Not only you’ll never earn any money with OGTask, but there is a very high possibility that you’ll actually end up losing quite a lot of money to it…

For instance, in order to complete some of the tasks on OGTask’s $30 TaskWall, you’ll be required to submit your phone number (images below). Fill In Your Mobile Task 1 Fill In Your Mobile Task 2

If you do that, you’ll automatically subscribe to various very pricey text message services that will keep forwarding you dozens of promotional text messages per month at your own cost. 

And those text messages aren’t cheap at all.

Just one text message could cost up to $5 and sometimes even more.

Furthermore, other tasks might ask you to fill in your credit card or bank account info and then start charging you for random products and digital services you never actually bought.

If you consider that OGTask will never actually pay you, there’s really no point whatsoever in even bothering to complete its tasks in the first place.

I can’t stress enough that you should never, ever, EVER, submit any personal information anywhere within, especially sensitive ones such as passwords, emails, credit card numbers, telephone numbers, etc.

8 • You Might Get Hacked

In addition OGTask trying to steal your money, it might also attempt to get your devices infected with viruses which will enable hackers to get their hands on personal data and sensitive information of yours, such as the login credentials to your

  • social media accounts
  • email
  • credit cards
  • bank accounts
  • etc

Every single time I attempt to access, my antivirus goes off giving me the alert right below: Antivirus Alert

If you don’t have an internet security or antivirus program installed, make sure to steer clear of OGTask at all costs…

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having any protection in place, I’d suggest that you immediately purchase an antivirus and scan your entire system in order to ensure that it hasn’t been compromised and that your personal data and sensitive information are safe.

9 • Part of a Huge Scam Network is part of an enormous network of dozens of identical scams that have scammed millions of people during the last few years using the exact same scamming techniques.

Some of OGTask’s sister scams that you might have heard of are

just to name a few.

10 • BBB Consumer Alert

In March 2019, the BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

As mentioned right above, Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash are both OGTask’s sister scams.

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received several complaints, negative reviews, and scam reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash.

After conducting an investigation, BBB concluded that the unrealistic earning claims both those platforms make are in violation of BBB’s Code of Advertising.

BBB tried to locate someone in charge of those platforms through email, telephone number, and/or physical address to sort things out but without any luck. 

At that point, BBB rated both of those platforms with an “F” suggesting to the public that they should stay as far away as possible from them.

Quoting BBB:

People sign up to Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash thinking that they are online marketing agencies, where they will earn money by completing “tasks”. The money appears to increase on the platform’s dashboard after completing those tasks, but when the consumer tries to cash out their earnings, often when they reach some set requirements, they report that they are unable to retrieve the promised payment or contact the company for assistance.

BBB goes on to state that one possible purpose of such scams may be data harvesting, for the likely intent of selling the gathered information to spammers. There is also the possibility of identity theft.

Right below you can take a look at a few complaints left under the BBB profiles of Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash from people who have actually been scammed by the platforms.

Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 2
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 3
Kids Earn Money BBB Scam Complaint 4
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 1
Notion Cash BBB Scam Complaint 2

You can take a look at all the complaints about Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash by following the links right below:

While the fact that BBB has issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash doesn’t quite prove that OGTask is a scam as well, would you trust that a platform that is operating exactly like Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash and created by the exact same people would actually pay you any money?

Because I definitely wouldn’t…

Who Is For?

I don’t know who OGTask could be for but I know for a fact that it’s definitely not for those who want to earn money online.

Seriously, you have way more chances of earning $1.000.000 by lying down on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with OGTask.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with OGTask that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong… Review Summary



Don’t expect to earn a single dollar with



Referral link, promotional banners, FAQ center, submission guidelines.

Value for


Free to join. 100% useless. Will try to steal your money & personal info.



The email address it provides is fake. No support whatsoever.



No one has ever made money with OGTask. And neither will you!

Overall Rating


Is Suggested?

OGTask is just a huge waste of time that will never pay you a single dime and only suggested for those whose goal is wasting their time, energy, and possibly money in a scam that’ll never pay them…

If you’ve already signed up and used the platform, then I am sorry but you have completely wasted your time… If not, do yourself a favor and start running in the opposite direction.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

4 Responses

  1. Hey, just want to know how can I delete my account in OGTask. I can’t seem to find an option.

        1. Well, not really…

          They can’t do anything with your account info anyway…

          Unless you are using the same combination of email and password to login to some of your other accounts (e.g. Facebook, email, e-banking, etc). If that’s the case, I’d change the password of my other accounts just to be safe.

          I hope that this helps.

          Stay safe,


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