Close this search box. Review: 8 Signs It’s a SCAM Review Featured Image

A few days ago, you signed up for, hoping to earn some fast and easy money online right from your mobile device.

Frankly, that’s totally understandable. After all, who would say no to a few relatively effortless hundred dollars, right?

I know I wouldn’t.

However, there’s a major downside to Unfortunately, the platform is a SCAM!

In an attempt to protect you from wasting your time, energy, and money on this horrible, deceptive scheme, this review is geared towards revealing 8 signs that prove ItsDollar’s fraudulence.

Furthermore, I’m going to point you in the right direction by sharing with you a couple of much more promising money-making opportunities that are actually worth your attention.

Let’s take a closer look.

Table of Contents

1. Unrealistic Earning Claims

The first sign that is a scam is that it makes unrealistic earning claims.

For instance, right on its homepage, ItsDollar supports that it’ll help you make $500 the same day you sign up to it.

ItsDollar Make $500 Today

Frankly, that’s absurd.

I guarantee that whoever promises such high financial gains in a single day without any upfront work by performing simple tasks that require zero skill is trying to scam you.

2. False Statements

On top of its unrealistic earning claims, ItsDollar is swarming with tons of false statements.

For example, on its “About Us” page ItsDollar states that it got launched in March 2015. March 2015

However, upon closer investigation, the domain name “” was registered on the 5th of March 2020, signifying that the platform couldn’t have existed 5 years earlier. Domain Name Registration Date

Furthermore, ItsDollar supports that it has been mentioned by many top publications like Forbes. Mentioned On Forbes

However, as you can see in the screenshot below there’s not a single mention of ItsDollar anywhere on Forbes.

No Mention Of On Forbes

Moreover, ItsDollar claims that it has participated in over 30 advertisement summits throughout 2018 as well as that it has won several awards for having the highest paying offers. False Claim About Awards

As mentioned earlier, ItsDollar was launched in 2020 so it can’t have participated in summits that took place in 2018. Secondly, a simple Google search for “ItsDollar awards” proves that ItsDollar has never won any awards.

Lastly, every single one of the aforementioned false statements seen on ItsDollar’s “About Us” page, can also be found on the “About Us” page of another confirmed scam, (see images below). Started In March 2015 False Claim Awards False Claim Mentioned On Forbes False Claim

One of the most obvious signs that ItsDollar is a scam​ is that it doesn’t offer any information about the entity that owns and runs it.

Under its “FAQ” section, ItsDollar mentions that it’s the subsidiary of a larger company but it never reveals which.

Scammers prefer keeping their identities hidden for obvious reasons like avoiding detection, law enforcement, and ultimately heavy fines and imprisonment.

On the other hand, legitimate companies ALWAYS provide info about their proprietors.

4. Threat of Data Loss

Most antiviruses restrict access to due to potential data loss (see image below). Threat Of Data Loss Antivirus Alert

This means is that ItsDollar has a track record of infecting devices with viruses that could enable hackers to get their hands on sensitive information, such as:

  • social media accounts
  • messages & emails
  • credit card info
  • bank account credentials
  • & more

If I were you, I’d steer clear of ItsDollar at all costs.

If you’ve already accessed the platform without having an antivirus solution in place, you should purchase one and scan your systems to ensure that they haven’t been compromised ASAP.

5. Fake Contact Info

The 5th sign that is a scam is that all the contact info throughout its website is fake.

First of all, as you can see in the screenshot right below, the email address that can be found on the site’s “Contact Us” page doesn’t exist. Fake Email Address

Secondly, ItsDollar claims to be located at 20 W 34th St, New York. If you click on this link, you’ll see for yourself that this address belongs to the Empire State Building.

While anyone has the ability to rent office space inside the Empire State Building, I’m almost certain that ItsDollar hasn’t.

Lastly, ItsDollar supports that its official trade name is “ItsDollar Ltd.” However, after browsing through a few business registries, I didn’t manage to find a single business registered under that name.

Having said that, I can safely assume that every piece of info on ItsDollar’s website is fake.

6. Part of a Huge Scam Network is part of a huge network of dozens of almost identical scams that have scammed millions of people during the last few years using the same scamming techniques.

Some of ItsDollar’s sister scams that you might have heard of are:

just to name a few.

Right below you can see for yourself how ItsDollar is basically a clone of WolfPoints. Homepage

WolfPoints Homepage

7. It'll NEVER Pay You has NEVER paid anyone, and it’ll NEVER pay you either.

Not only that but after meeting all its cashout requirements, ItsDollar will shut down your account using as an excuse that you committed fraud and that all your clicks and referrals were fake.

This is the message you’ll receive:

While attempting to submit your payments, our system has deemed some or all of your stats to be unauthentic, Due to that, your payment has been canceled, and your account is pending termination.

Your account will be terminated within 7 days. If you would like to start over the AUTHENTIC way, then you are welcome to do that.

If you think, that was a mistake, you can contact our Fraud Department.

Now, if you try to contact its Fraud Department as suggested, you’ll hit a dead-end because as mentioned earlier, all the contact information on ItsDollar’s website is fake. Trustpilot Scam Testimonial 1 Trustpilot Scam Testimonial 2 BBB Scam Testimonial

Frankly, you have way more chances of having $1.000.000 landing on your lap while lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long than earning just $1 with ItsDollar.

I am so confident that will never pay you a single dime that if it does, please contact me with proof and I’ll deposit $1000 more in your account just for being wrong.

8. BBB Consumer Alert

In March 2019, the BBB (Better Business Bureau) issued consumer alerts for Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash, both of which are ItsDollar’s sister scams.

BBB KidsEarnMoney And Notion Cash Consumer Alert Warning

According to BBB, between January 4 and March 13, 2019, BBB Metro New York received several complaints and scam reports regarding Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash. After conducting an investigation, BBB concluded that the unrealistic earning claims both those platforms made were in violation of BBB’s Code of Advertising.

BBB attempted to locate the owners of the platforms through email, telephone number, and/or physical address to sort things out but without any luck. At that point, BBB rated both Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash with an “F” suggesting to the public that they should stay as far away as possible from them.

BBB supports that the purpose of such scams may be data harvesting, for the likely intent of selling the gathered information to spammers. There is also the possibility of identity theft.

Right below you can take a look at a few testimonials about Kids Earn Money and Notion Cash left on BBB. BBB Complaint 3 BBB Complaint 2 BBB Complaint 1 BBB Complaint 5 BBB Complaint 1

ItsDollar's Scamming Process

First, lures you in with a $50 signup bonus and promises of paying you a crapload of money for completing simple tasks, such as:

  • Installing applications
  • Filling in surveys
  • Signing up for free trials
  • Downloading games
  • & more

Each of those tasks is a CPA (Cost Per Action) offer that pays commissions to ItsDollar’s proprietors every time you or somebody else completes it.

Furthermore, ItsDollar supports that’ll pay you $2 for every person who clicks on your referral link to encourage you to share it with as many people as possible. That’s because the more clicks your referral link receives, the more individuals could end up joining the platform.

Likewise, ItsDollar claims that it’ll pay you an additional $20 “for every friend that signs up” to get you to focus your attention not just on getting clicks but rather on making actual referrals. Refer And EarnThat’s because since ItsDollar gets paid a commission every time a member completes one of its CPA offers, the more members ItsDollar gathers, the more money it’ll make.


Now, every time you complete one of its tasks, ItsDolalr will increase your “account balance” based on the amount of money that task was worth.

For instance, if you make a referral, ItsDolalr will credit your balance with $20.

However, in reality, that’s just to trick you into believing that you’re making progress so that you’ll keep investing time and energy in completing more of its tasks and making more referrals.

That’s because the more tasks you complete and the more referrals you make, the more money ItsDollar’s owners will ultimately pocket.

Lastly, ItsDollar states that to let you cash out your “earnings” you’ll have to get at least 25 clicks on your referral link, make at least 5 referrals, publish at least 10 promotional posts, as well as complete at least 6 tasks.

However, those “cashout requirements” are just ItsDollar’s way of ensuring that you’ll complete at least a few of its tasks and make a couple of referrals before you realize it’s a scam.

Pretty evil, right?

Well, this is it… This is exactly how ItsDollar scams people.

Get this very well in your head, ItsDollar will NEVER pay you a single dime. You will NEVER earn any money with it.

If you value your time and energy, I suggest that you stay as far away from that sh*thole as possible!

ItsDollar Review Conclusion

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but is a SCAM.

If your goal is wasting your time and energy in a scam that’ll never pay you even if your life depended on it, then is probably exactly what you are looking for.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

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