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Is Farmasi a Legit MLM or a Scam Pyramid Scheme?[Review]

Farmasi Review Featured image

Farmasi is a company that manufactures and distributes cosmetics and personal care products for men, women, children, and babies.

The company also has an MLM compensation plan in place, meaning that it will pay you money for distributing its products to retail customers as its  “Beauty Influencer” as well as for getting other people to enroll as Farmsi’s Beauty Influencers and distribute the company’s products themselves…

This raises a few questions…

-Is Farmasi a scam or a legit MLM company?
-Are its products worth it?
-Does its compensation plan offer the potential for you to achieve your financial goals?
-Or is it just another pyramid scheme like the ones who leave those who join them hundreds of dollars poorer after having wasted hundreds of hours of their time?

In this Farmasi review, you’ll discover everything you need to know to make an informed decision about whether this company is worth your time, attention, and money or not, such as

  • What Farmasi is
  • How it works
  • The company’s background and owners
  • How much does it cost to join Farmasi
  • Its compensation plan
  • If it’s a pyramid scheme or not
  • The products it offers
  • Pros and cons
  • and much more

Let’s get cracking!

Farmasi Overview

Name: Farmasi

Owners: Dr. C. Tuna

Price: $19.99 (One-time Payment)

Official Website:

Suggested? So and so…

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  • Free Replicated Website 
  • Long-standing Company
  • Affordable Entry
  • Huge Variety of Products

Jump to the Pros Section

  • Complicated Compensation Plan
  • MLM Business Model
  • Low Income Potential
  • Competitive Market

Jump to the Cons Section

Before I move on to the actual Farmasi MLM review, I want to reveal to you some general MLM statistics that will probably SHOCK you to your very core.

The Network Marketing Game
DON'T bother joining an MLM...

…until you’ve taken a good look at these shocking MLM statistics.

What is Farmasi About?

As mentioned earlier, Farmasi is a company that manufactures and distributes beauty, wellness, cosmetics, and personal care products for men, women, children, and babies.

The company was founded back in 1950 by Dr. C. Tuna (passed away in 2017) and it actually started its journey as a pharmaceutical manufacturer and as time passed it evolved into what it is now.

In its facilities, Farmasi is manufacturing more than 2000 different products that are being promoted by more than 3 million consultants from all around the world.

Farmasi’s facilities have a daily capacity of more than 1 million pieces, which makes it the largest facility in Turkey, and one of the largest in Europe. Their export volume is close to 1000 containers annually.

The company has been running for 69 years now and it has been employing the MLM business model since 2010 something which helped the company grow exponentially.

Why Choose Farmasi

You can find a lot more about Farmasi, its founder, mission, products, policies, certificates, etc on its official website.

Farmasi's Products and Prices

Farmasi produces and distributes more than 2000 different products so I am not going to list down every single one of them.

The focus of the company is mainly on

  • Skincare
  • Footcare
  • Oral care
  • Haircare
  • Makeup
  • Fragrance
  • etc

All the products are extremely affordable ranging from $10 – $50 each.

You can take a look at a complete catalog of all Farmasi’s products right here.

So, How Can I Earn Money With Farmasi?

To participate in Farmasi’s compensation plan, you first need to sign up as a Beauty Influencer through the company’s official website (watch the video below).

Once you sign up, you’ll get

  • to fully participate in Farmasi’s compensation plan
  • a personal Farmasi website
  • discounted starter kit and product packs
  • to purchase all Farmasi’s products 50% off their original prices
  • access to your personal back office and reports
  • and much more

Be aware that in order to complete the signup process, it’s compulsive for you to purchase a Farmasi Starter Kit which costs $19.99 + shipping.

Lastly, before you consider joining Farmasi, make sure to take a look at the company’s income disclaimer.

Individual results will vary depending on market conditions, commitment levels and the sales skills of each Beauty Influencer. Based on industry standards and company projections, the average gross revenue for Beauty Influencers is projected to be anywhere between $500 and $2,000 per year. These numbers do not reflect the expenses associated with building an Farmasi business, which could exceed the commissions received. These income projections should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Plain and simple, success with Farmasi only arises out of hard work, dedication, and exceptional leadership. There will certainly be Beauty Influencers who will earn less while others may earn much more.

So, now that you know, let’s take a deeper look into Farmasi’s compensation plan, shall we?

Farmasi's Compensation Plan

The majority of MLM companies have so overly complicated compensation plans that it feels like you need to have a rocket scientist doctorate to understand just their first paragraph.

Farmasi’s compensation plan is no exception. In fact, it’s one of the most complicated compensation plans I’ve ever come across until now.

Nonetheless, I’ll try my best to get you up to speed!

So, Farmasi compensates you for your sales and recruiting efforts in 10 different ways.

  1. Retail Commissions
  2. Welcome Program
  3. Founders Club
  4. Team Building Program
  5. Personal Bonus
  6. Group Bonus
  7. Leadership Bonus
  8. Title Change Bonus
  9. Cash Bonus
  10. World Discovery Program

1 • Retail Commissions

Earn 50% commissions on all your retail customer purchases.

For instance, when someone buys $300 worth of Farmasi products through your personalized Farmasi website, you pocket $150 of that.

2 • Welcome Program

If you accumulate 200 PV (Personal Volume) per month during your first 4 months, you will keep receiving several Farmasi products for free.

You can use those products yourself, resell them, or give them away as samples to potential customers.

If you don’t manage to gather 200PV for a month, then you are disqualified from the Welcome Program for the months you had remained.

For instance, if you make 180PV on your second month as a Beauty Influencer, you won’t receive any free products for month 2, 3, and 4.

3 • Founders Club

The Founders Club is open to the first 100 Beauty Influencers that achieve the 25% bonus level (more on Farmasi’s levels and ranks later on).

If you are among the first 100 who achieve this level, you’ll become a member of the Founders Club.

Joining the Founders Club has many advantages.

  • Eligibility to visit Farmasi’s factory in Turkey (all expenses paid) 
  • FREE Shipping on All Orders (while maintaining active Founder status)
  • FREE Monthly Samples: receive a premium pack of samples for the featured product of the month
  • FREE Website Exposure: earn a highly-coveted spot on Farmasi’s website, where you can maximize your reach
  • FREE Leads: invitation to corporate promotional events and opportunity to generate leads on company-sponsored activities
  • Excusive Early Access: receive new products earlier than others

Update: The Founders Club is currently full.

4 • Team Building Program

For each active Beauty Influencer that you personally sponsor, you will earn $40 per month.

In order for a Beauty Influencer to be considered active, they have to sell $250 worth of products during that month or in other words have 125PV.

You can qualify for this bonus if you sponsor 2 or more active Beauty Influencers during any given month.

For instance, if from January 1st to January 31st you have 10 personally sponsored active Beauty Influencers on your team, you’ll earn $400.

5 • Personal Bonus

Depending on the amount of GV (Group Volume) that you accumulate, you can earn different percentages of your monthy PV as a bonus.

  • 0 – 199 GV = 0% bonus
  • 200 – 399 GV = 3% bonus
  • 400 – 599 GV = 6% bonus
  • 600 – 899 GV = 9% bonus
  • 900 – 1399 GV = 12% bonus
  • 1400 – 2199 GV = 15% bonus
  • 2200 – 3599 GV = 18% bonus
  • 3600 – 4999 GV = 22% bonus
  • 5000 + = 25% bonus

For example, if you have 2200 GV and your personal volume is 1000, you will get paid 18% of your personal volume, which is $180.

6 • Group Bonus

Based on your assigned bonus percentage that I just talked about, you also earn another bonus through the Beauty Influencers on your 1st generation or in other words the Beauty Influencers who you have personally recruited to Farmasi.

This Group Bonus is calculated by the difference between your bonus percentage and the bonus percentage of each of your 1st generation Beauty Influencers, multiplied with their Group Volume.


You have 5000GV and you are qualified for earning a 25% bonus percentage.

George is in your 1st generation, he has 1400GV and he is qualified for earning a 15% bonus percentage.

Your Group Bonus from George = (Your bonus percentage – George’s bonus percentage) * George’s Group Volume => (25% – 15%) * 1400 = $140

Note: if you are not good at math, you are screwed 😛

7 • Leadership Bonus

If you thought that Farmasi’s compensation plan was confusing, wait until you read about this bonus now…

So, when a Beauty Influencer on your 1st generation (those who you have personally recruited), reach the 25% bonus level you start earning 4% from the difference between the sum of GV of those who have reached the 25%, 22%, and 18% bonus levels in your 1st generation and the sum of GV of those who have reached the 25%, 22%, and 18% bonus level in your 2nd generation (those who your personal recruits have recruited).

If your 1st generation has a total of 150.000 GV and our 2nd generation a total of 80.000 GV then you earn (150.000 – 80.000) *4% = $2800

This leadership bonus is calculated the exact same way for 5 generations deep (see image below).

Leadership Bonus Diagram

In order to be eligible for the Leadership Bonus, you have to have 5000GV and reach the 25% bonus level yourself.

In addition, you have to reach the Director rank or higher which requires a certain amount of side points per rank.

Side points are calculated by subtracting the GV of those who have reached the 25% bonus level in your 1st generation from your own GV, and then subtracting the largest group volume of those who have reached the 25%, 22%, and 18% bonus level in your 1st generation from the resulting value.

Let’s assume

  • Your Group Volume = 50.000
  • Sum of 1st Generation 25%’s Group Volume = 40.000
  • Largest Group Volume of 1st Generation 25%, 22%, and 18%’s = 8500

Then your side points are 50.000 – 40.000 – 8500= 1500

Based on the table below, with 1500 side points, you are ranked as a Director so you can qualify for this leadership bonus.

Farmasi Ranks and Qualifications

8 • Title Change Bonus

When you achieve a different bonus level and stay at that level for another consecutive month, you earn a Title Change Bonus. 

For instance, if you achieve the 9% bonus level and stay at that level for an additional month, you will earn $60. If you achieve 12% bonus level and stay at that level for another month, you will earn $150.

Let’s say that you have reached the 9% bonus level. If you reach the 12% bonus level after a month and then the 15% bonues level a month later, you will earn $90.

In order to qualify for the Title Change Bonus a Beauty Influencer’ bonus level must be higher than the highest bonus level in their downline.

For example, if there is a Bueaty Influencer in your 1st generation who has reached the 12% bonus level, then you have to be at the 15% bonus level to qualify for that Title Change Bonus.

9 • Cash Bonus

Farmasi pays you this Cash Bonus when you reach the rank of Golden Director and higher (see table with ranks and qualifications above).

10 • World Discovery Program

Farmasi offers special travel programs for those who have reached the rank of Silver Director and higher.

You can take a look at Farmasi’s full compensation plan right here.

The video below might also help you get a better grasp of it so make sure that you watch it before going any further.

Please note that Farmasi’s compensation plan might undergo changes from time to time so by the time you read this review, some of the info, the commission rates, the rank bonuses, etc that are displayed in the link and video I shared with you right above might not be that accurate.

If you still have questions about Farmasi’s compensation plan, you could contact its support team through a contact form on the company’s main website.

Or you could contact me at and I will do my best to help you out.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Farmasi?

Farmasi’s Beauty Influencer membership is tied to a mandatory product order.

In order to become a Beauty Influencer, you will have to purchase a Starter Kit which costs a one-time payment of $19.99

The Starter Kit contains a few Farmasi products as well as a few catalogs and brochures.

You can use those products yourself, give them to potential customers as samples, or re-sell them.

You also have the option to purchase additional product packs to jump-start your business such as

  • Farmasi Product Pack – $49.99
  • Farmasi Product Pack 2 – $125
  • Welcome Product Pack – $200

Is Farmasi a Pyramid Scheme?

Most of the time it’s very hard to distinguish between a legit MLM company and a pyramid scheme.

The video below will help you understand how to spot and avoid pyramid schemes in general.

The main difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme is that MLMs give you the opportunity to earn commissions by selling actual products or services to other people in retail without having to recruit them while with a pyramid scheme the only way to earn money is by recruiting other people into the scheme.

Since with Farmasi, you have the option to earn commissions by selling the company’s products to retail customers, I have to conclude that Farmasi is NOT a pyramid scheme.

Farmasi Pros

  • Affordable Entry
  • Free Replicated Website 
  • Long-standing Company
  • Huge Variety of Products

1 • Affordable Entry

Farmasi is one of the cheapest MLM companies to join that I’ve come across until now.

With a one-time fee of $19.99, you can become a part of the company’s compensation plan and potentially earn hundreds of dollars in commissions per month (if you play your cards right) by distributing its products as well as by building a team.

Just to give you a frame of reference, NewYou (a CBD MLM) requires you to pay at least $70 per month to allow you to receive commissions.

2 • Free Replicated Website

Upon signing up as a Farmasi Beauty Partner, the company provides you a pre-made website (replica of which people can visit and purchase the Farmasi products they need online.

When someone who visits your replicated website purchases one or more Farmasi products through it, you earn 50% commissions of the total amount of money paid by that customer.

In addition, if someone signs up as a Farmasi Beauty Influencer through your replicated website you become their sponsor and they become part of your 1st generation of recruits. 

If marketed the right way, this website could help you maximize your customers, commissions, and recruits.

If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business – Bill Gates

3 • Long-standing Company

The thing that I like the most about Farmasi is that it’s been operating for 69 years now. 

The company is well established and it’s still growing to this very day.

This proves that their products are high-quality and in high demand which means that you won’t have a very hard time selling them customers; they should be practically selling by themselves.

Lastly, a company that has been standing for 3/4 of a century is very unlikely to shut down any time soon something that makes it perfect for people who are after building a long-term sustainable income.

4 • Huge Variety of Products

As mentioned earlier, Farmasi manufactures and distributes more than 2000 different kinds of products.

This enormous variety will allow you to target multiple audiences which is something that will help you sharpen your sales skills, understand the industry better, as well as determine the niche which performs best for you and shift your focus there.

Farmasi Cons

  • Complicated Compensation Plan
  • MLM Business Model
  • Low Income Potential
  • Competitive Market

1 • Complicated Compensation Plan

Team Building bonuses, 1st and 2nd generations, bonus levels, dozens of percentages, different ranks, group bonuses, subtravting this, multiplying that, blah blah blah…

A person who is relatively new to MLMs doesn’t stand a single chance of really understanding Farmasi’s compensation plan.

This is not a random occurence though…

MLMs deliberately make their compensation plans so complicated in order to confuse people into joining them.

I am not making things up…

Did you know that according to research, complexity sells better than simplicity?

This is actually called “complexity bias” and marketers use it all the time.

They do this by incorporating confusing language or insignificant details into product packaging or sales copy.

Most people who buy “ammonia-free” hair dye, or a face cream which “contains peptides,” don’t fully understand what those claims mean but they see them and imagine that they signify a product that’s superior to alternatives.

People are way more likely to choose a complex product rather than a simple one based on the assumption that the simple one is way too simple to really work as expected and that the complicated one is too complicated to understand so it must work.

2 • MLM Business Model

As mentioned earlier, I am not fond of the MLM business model in general for many reasons…

First of all, the success rates of MLM participants are awfully low (74% – 99%)

Secondly, I hate selling…

And thirdly, I’ve heard so many stories of people losing all their friends, family, and money due to the pushy and sleazy practices they were being taught by their “mentors” that I have become repulsed by the MLM business model in general.

It’s just not worth the trouble in my mind…

3 • Low Income Potential

Quoting Farmasi’s income disclaimer…

Based on industry standards and company projections, the average gross revenue for Beauty Influencers is projected to be anywhere between $500 and $2,000 per year.

This has nothing to do with the company itself but rather with the MLM business model that it employs.

This confirms the statistic I shared with you in the beginning, that 53% of those who actually manage to earn a profit through an MLM venture are earning less than $5000 a year.

4 • Competitive Market

Let’s face it…

The beauty, wellness, and cosmetics markets are way too saturated in general.

There’s a lot of money in all those industries and where the money goes, competition follows.

According to research, the beauty & skincare industry has been growing exponentially during the last few years and companies are always launching innovative product campaigns in order to ensure that they have the upper hand over their competition.

Plus, if you think about it, getting people to change the cosmetic products they have been using for years to a brand they might have never heard about is not going to be easy at all…

Is Farmasi Suggested?

Truth is, Farmasi is among the most legit MLMs I have reviewed until now.

If you are interested in the beauty and personal care industries, then you could give this company a try since it’s not that expensive to join.

On the other hand, to tell you the truth, I am not at all fond of the MLM business model in general…

  • The success rate of their representatives is awfully low
  • They are way too volatile and unstable
  • You need to invest a ton of money, time, and energy until you manage to make a profit (if you ever actually make a profit)
  • And most of them focus on recruiting people instead of actually providing an actual valuable and beneficial product/service

Plus, in order to make money with the MLM business model, you’ll have to turn into a sleazy salesperson and I really hate selling as much as I hate being sold to.

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

24 Responses

    1. I couldn’t care less about defending Farmasi but it really doesn’t seem like a pyramid scheme…

      Could you please provide any kind of information that backs up your claims?

      All the best,


  1. Sir, thank you so much for your thorough review. I learned a lot. Especially that I need to improve my Math skills. LOL

    Dalila Perez

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