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So, I understand that you are one of the latest victims of…

A friend of yours probably told you about the platform and how he made $1897 dollars with it… Or maybe you heard something of a similar nature through one of the people you have been following on your social media.

You tried the platform for a while but it seems like it is leading you to a dead end.

You are now wondering

  • Is legit?
  • Can I really make money with it?
  • Or is it just a scam that wasted my time?

Worry not, because, in this review, I will go over exactly

  • What really is
  • How it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work)
  • And why it might be of your best interest to steer clear of it…

This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether this platform is worth your time and attention or not.

Spoiler alert: It’s absolutely NOT!

Keep reading to discover why… Overview

Name: AgoMoney

Owners: Unknown

Price: Free to join

Official Website:

Suggested? Not at all!


Earnings Potential

Income Potential

AgoMoney offers ZERO income potential.


Dashboard, referral link, FAQ center.

dollar symbol

Value for Money

Free to join. Calling useless would be an insult to uselesness.



No support whatsoever.

team success

Success Stories

A couple of fake success stories.

Overall Rating

  • No support
  • Part of a scam network
  • Lies, lies, lies
  • You’ll never get paid

Jump to the Cons Section

Is Suggested?

If your goal is wasting your time, then yes, is suggested!

If your goal is actually earning money online, then there are a lot of other legit ways to do so, such as 

  • Filling in surveys and completing tasks with Survey Junkie and Swagbucks
  • User-testing websites and apps with UserLytics and UserTesting

Unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to earn that much money neither with filling in surveys nor with user testing, so don’t get your expectations high…

Maybe something between $50 – $100 per month MAX.

If you are after earning some real money online, make sure to check out my -> FREE Guide <- to building a FULL-TIME income online like HUNDREDS of other people have already done before you!

What is About? is a platform that claims to pay people a lot of money for viewing ads as well as for referring other people to it.

The platform actually presents itself as “The most profitable offer on the market for paid advertising at the time!” (pfff).

More specifically, states that it is going to pay you

  • $0.10 for each ad unit you view (ad unit = a cluster of 6 ads)
  • 50% of the money your referrals earn by viewing ads with AgoMoney (when a person you referred to AgoMoney views an ad unit and earns $0.10, you pocket $0.05)

Okay, everything might sound pretty simple and straightforward up to this point.

The problem is that is not at all what it seems.

The platform never intends to actually pay you the money you’ve earned fair and square by viewing ads and making referrals.

Let me explain further…

How Does Really Work?

As just mentioned, AgoMoney is supposed to pay you $0.10 per ad unit you view.

An ad unit is a cluster of 6 ads just like the one you see in the image below.

Ad Unit

Right above this ad unit, there is a CAPTCHA field like the one you see in the image below. CAPTCHA Field

Every time you fill the 3 numbers in the field below them and hit the “CONTINUE” button, the ads in the ad unit change and AgoMoney adds $0.10 to your account.

If you are a fast typer, you could earn more than $2 per minute.

When your referrals do the same thing, you get to pocket 50% of their earnings.

However, don’t get all excited because as I mentioned earlier, AgoMoney won’t actually let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.

Once you hit the “Withdraw Money” button, you’ll find out that you’ll have to earn a minimum of $150 to actually qualify for payment (see image below)… Cashout Qualification

Okay, that’s not a problem right?

With 1-2 hours of some serious typing, you should be able to reach that amount (I actually reached $150 in just half an hour).

However, once you reach that $150 and request a payment, AgoMoney will tell you that you need to refer at least 40 people to the platform to be able to actually get paid (see image below). Cashout Referral Qualification

AgoMoney offers you the option to buy out your referrals for $10-$20.

However, even after getting those 40 referrals, AgoMoney will throw yet another barrier in front of you, telling you that you need to keep viewing ads for at least 60 more days before they pay you.

And after those 60 days pass, guess what happens…

You never get your money. 

So, why does that?

It’s simple math!

AgoMoney probably earns up to $0.01 per ad view. Since an ad unit is comprised of 6 ads, AgoMoney earns $0.06 per ad unit view.

If AgoMoney really paid out $0.10 per ad unit view it would lose money.

If it paid out $0.1 per ad unit view, nobody would even bother.

So, they decided to lie, pay no one and get it over with.

And with all those cashout qualification barriers AgoMoney keeps putting up, until you realize that the platform is just a scam that will never pay you, you will have probably already wasted dozens of hours viewing thousands of ads and referring dozens of other people who will view thousands of ads and refer dozens of people each, etc, etc…

Well, this is it… This is how works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.

Get this very well in your head, will NEVER pay you a single dime! You will NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make money with AgoMoney is just a huge waste of your precious and probably limited time and energy.

Stay AWAY!

Who is for?

AgoMoney is for no one… Calling the platform useless is an insult to uselessness.

The chances of earning money online by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long are so much more than the chances of earning money with AgoMoney.

In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with AgoMoney that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong…

Who is NOT for?

AgoMoney is definitely NOT for people who want to earn money online.

If you

  • want to build a full-time income online to quit your job
  • are in need of some extra money to provide for your family
  • are working a part-time job and need a supplementary income to cover your expenses
  • want to gain the freedom to work whenever you want and from wherever you want in order to be able to travel around the world
  • have tried other MMO and GPT platforms and systems but failed to meet your financial goals and you are still looking for the real deal
  • aren’t working at all and you are looking for a way to build a source of income online

then you MUST ditch this AgoMoney review NOW, and instead, check out my FREE guide to earning money online because AgoMoney is NEVER going to help you fulfill your financial goals. Fake Success Stories

Under AgoMoney’s “Support” menu tab, you’ll find a few comments supposedly made from members who have apparently earned big bucks with the platform.

One of those comments includes an image that depicts a receipt of a payment supposedly made from AgoMoney to that member (see image below). Fake Payment Proof

As you saw in the image above, the payment seems to have been made in June 2016.

However, as you can see in the image right below, the domain name was first registered on the 18th of October 2019. Domain Name Registration Date

This means that the platform didn’t even exist before 18/10/2019 and yet the receipt shows that AgoMoney’s payment took place 3 years earlier.

This could mean two things…

Either was paying people before it even existed (yeah right) or that payment receipt is fake.

I’d bet on the latter.

And if one of AgoMoney’s success comments is fake, guess what…

Yeah, you guesed it! All the other comments are fake as well!

How Much Does Cost? is free to join and use.

The only cost associated with this platform is the optional cost of buying out your 40 referrals which cost somewhere between $10 and $20. Pros

  • Free to join

1 • Free to Join

If I had a gun on my head and the only way to keep it intact would be to come up with an AgoMoney pro, the fact that the platform is free to join would be the only one.

If someone is unfortunate enough to believe all the crap is trying to feed them and ends up joining the platform, they will waste only some of their time but not any of their money until they realize that the platform is a scam which never intended to pay them in the first place.

That’s something…

P.S. If I had to come up with 2 pros, I would probably get my brains blown out. Cons

  • No support
  • Part of a scam network
  • Lies, lies, lies
  • You’ll never get paid

1 • No Support offers no means of contacting anyone in case you need support regarding the platform.

No email, no telephone number, no social media pages or accounts, no Skype, no address, nothing…

The platform has no digital presence whatsoever besides its website.

Apparently, you can leave a comment under the website’s “Support” section when you are logged in but no one will ever reply back.

Plus, after investigating, I have confirmed that your comment is only visible to you. Other users can’t really see it.

This also proves that the success comments in the Support section are indeed fake.

2 • Part of a Scam Network is part of a huge network of identical platforms which have been scamming people for years such as


just to name a few.

3 • Lies, lies, lies

Everything that you’ll see on AgoMoney’s website is a lie.

On its main page, there is a leaderboard that supposedly displays the 50 people who had the most earnings during any given day. 

AgoMoney Leaderboard

The leaderboard is fake as it has been static for the last 3 days now.

Also, if you visit every single one of AgoMoney’s identical scams, you’ll realize that all of them are using the exact same leaderboard.

In addition to that, on the left sidebar of the website, there is a “News” section that is also fake.

AgoMoney Sidebar News

All the news is conveniently about server updates and payment increases so that when people see them will think “Wow, look at all those updates! This platform must be so active and caring about its members. It even increases the payment amount every once in a while!”.

The problem here is again the dates of each one of those news listings…

As we saw earlier on, AgoMoney didn’t exist before the 18th of October 2019 and yet all these updates seem to have taken place before that date – they are all fake!

Plus, again all of AgoMoney’s sister scams are also using the exact same “News” section…

Everything on AgoMoney’s website is a big fat lie.

4 • You'll Never Get Paid

The biggest con of is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.

Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of joining and using the platform in the first place.

Trying to make money with AgoMoney is as pointless as trying to get a hen to lay more eggs by shouting at it.

So, What Now?

Okay, so you read this review in its entirety…

Now what?

Well, as I see it, right now you have 4 options!

  1. You waste your time and energy trying to make money with (awful choice)
  2. You take a look at the dozens of others reviews I’ve put together hoping you’ll find a money-making opportunity which suits you better
  3. You walk out of here completely empty-handed
  4. Or, you check out my top MMO (Make Money Online) suggestions Project 24 and/or Wealthy Affiliate, both of which are proven to have helped dozens of people build a full-time source of income online (optimal choice)

Your call…

Written by:

Harry is the founder and creative director of Dear Boss I Quit. His mission is to inspire and help as many people as possible escape the 9-5 grind forever by building a passive income online just like he accomplished a few years back.

You can read more about Harry’s story right here.

16 Responses

  1. Hi, I just got scammed by a similar site…

    Just lost a few hours, maybe 2-3, but stopped when I had to buy referrals….my “luck” is that buying bitcoins seems difficult to me so I start asking for other methods of payment for referrals (ha! stupid, isn’t it?) but first, no one answered me and then I received a fake email from some Helena Gillmore from

    Thank you for posting this info with fake scam site

  2. Hi,

    Thanks so much for sharing another great review to avoid falling into this AgoMoney scam.

    Sad to see some people doing that, I remember when I first came across AgoMoney it seemed like a good option to help me make some extra money from home or wherever by watching ads, but now that I read your review, I understand that it’s just a scam.

    I’m going to check the recommendations you share here, I’ve watched a few YouTube videos from Project 24 creators and I must say they give so much valuable information for free. Project 24 offers good training and I will probably join it in a few days.

    I love visiting your website to get accurate information about online money-making opportunities!

    Keep it up!

    1. I am glad that I helped you dodge that bullet, Alejandra!

      Project 24 is indeed one of the most awesome money-making opportunities I’ve ever come across! If you liked the videos on the YouTube channel of Project 24’s creators Jim and Ricky, then you are probably going to love Project 24.

      Let me know if you have any questions or need any further assistance.

      See you inside 😉


  3. And I was wondering who is willing to pay so much money just for viewing ads.

    I can see how anyone could easily make $150+ in just one hour with AgoMoney if it actually paid people.

    With a few hours of effort, people could earn $2000+ a day! That’s just way too good to be true.

    Their constant pushing of goalposts is just too annoying. You have really saved us from wasting a lot of time reviewing this scam.

    1. If AgoMoney was legit, I would be able to earn more than $3000 a day with it (I am a fast typer).

      Too bad it’s a scam though…


  4. Hey Harry, awesome review about AgoMoney. 

    I was skeptical of other networks out there claim to be ‘good’ for business. Thanks for exposing yet another scam because, in all honesty, I’m so tired of reading about these online networks that keep scamming good people. 

    You didn’t just save my own neck with this review but of other people as well. 

    Good job!

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