Since you are here, I guess that you have been trying to make money with JubMoney for a while now but you haven’t seen yet the light at the end of the tunnel right?
At first, the platform told you that you need to earn $150 in order to cash out.
When you reached that $150 threshold, the platform raised the stakes and told you that you need to refer 40 people to it in order to let you get your hands on your money…
Frankly, it feels like you are heading towards a dead end and you can’t stop wondering
- Is legit?
- Can I really make money with it?
- Or is it just a scam that wasted my time?
Don’t worry, because, in this review, I will go over exactly
- What really is
- How it works (or to be more accurate, doesn’t work)
- And why it might be of your best interest to steer clear of it…
This way, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether JubMoney is worth your time and attention or not.
Spoiler alert: It’s absolutely NOT!
And you are about to find out why by the end of this review… Overview
Name: JubMoney
Owners: Unknown
Price: Free to join
Official Website:
Suggested? Heck NO!
- Free to join
- No support
- Part of a scam network
- Lies, lies, lies
- You’ll never get paid
What is About? is a platform that is supposed to pay people a lot of money for viewing ads as well as for referring other people to it.
The platform actually presents itself as “The most profitable offer on the market for paid advertising at the time!”.
Pfff, yeah sure… You almost exaggerated there…
Anyway, states that it is going to pay you
- $0.10 for each ad unit you view (ad unit = a cluster of 6 ads)
- 50% of the money your referrals earn by viewing ads within JubMoney (when a person you referred to JubMoney views an ad unit and earns $0.10, you pocket $0.05)
Everything might sound pretty simple and straightforward up to this point.
The problem is that is not at all the awesome platform it claims to be.
What you don’t know about JubMoney is that it never intended to actually pay you the money you’ve earned fair and square with it in the first place…
Let me explain further…
How Does Really Work?
As mentioned right above, JubMoney is supposed to pay you $0.10 per ad unit you view.
An ad unit is a cluster of 6 ads just like the one you see in the image below.
Right above this ad unit, there is a CAPTCHA field like the one you see in the image below.
Every time you fill the 3 numbers in the field below them and hit “Enter” or the “CONTINUE” button, the 6 ads in the ad unit change and JubMoney adds $0.10 to your account.
If you are a fast typer like me, you could earn more than $2 – $3 per minute.
When your referrals do the same thing, you get to pocket 50% of their earnings.
However, don’t get all excited because JubMoney won’t actually let you get away with the money you’ve earned with it that easily…
In order for JubMoney to let you cash out for the first time, you’ll need to first earn a minimum of $150 with the platform (see image below).
Okay, that’s not such a problem right?
With 1-2 hours of some serious typing, you should be able to reach that amount (I actually reached $150 in just half an hour).
However, this is where JubMoney starts getting weird and fishy.
Once you reach that $150 and request a payment, JubMoney will include a second payment qualification telling you that you need to refer at least 40 people to the platform to actually get paid (see image below).
JubMoney offers you the option to buy out your referrals for $10-$20.
Useful tip -> Don’t ever do that!
Because, even after getting those 40 referrals, JubMoney will throw yet another barrier in front of you, telling you that you need to keep viewing ads for at least 60 more days before they pay you.
And after those 60 days pass, guess what happens…
You never get your money.
And the worst part is that you can’t contact anyone. JubMoey’s website contains no contact information whatsoever…
So, why does that?
It’s simple math!
JubMoney probably earns up to $0.01 per ad view. Since an ad unit is comprised of 6 ads, JubMoney earns $0.06 per ad unit view.
If JubMoney really paid out $0.10 per ad unit view it would lose money.
If it paid out $0.1 per ad unit view, nobody would even bother using the platform.
So, they decided to lie, pay no one and get it over with.
And with all those cashout qualification barriers JubMoney keeps putting up, until you realize that the platform is just a scam that will never actually pay you, you will have probably already wasted dozens of hours viewing thousands of ads and referring dozens of other people who will, in turn, view thousands of ads and refer dozens of people each, etc, etc…
Well, this is it… This is how works or to be more accurate, doesn’t work.
Get this very well in your head, will NEVER pay you a single dime! You will NEVER earn any money with it! Trying to make money with JubMoney is just a huge waste of your precious and probably limited time and energy.
Stay AWAY!
Who is for?
JubMoney is for no one… Calling the platform useless is an understatement.
The chances of earning money online by lying on your couch staring at the ceiling all day long are so much more than the chances of earning money with JubMoney.
In fact, I am so confident that you won’t be able to earn even a single penny with JubMoney that if you do, you can contact me with proof and I will deposit $100 more right in your account just for being wrong… Fake Success Stories
On JubMoney’s website, under the “Support” menu tab, there are a few comments supposedly made from members of the platform.
Most of those comments are masked as legit questions from other members when in reality their purpose is to make us think that people are indeed earning big money with the platform.
For instance, take a look at the comment below.
This comment is obviously there to make other people think “Wow, this platform is legit… Look how much money KenTucky made!”
The same goes for the 2 comments right below.
But my favorite comment, the one which actually blows up on JubMoney’s face, is the last one, right below.
This comment includes an image of the receipt of payment that this member Jemma Ricker received by JubMoney (see image below).
As you saw in the image above, the payment seems to have been made in June 2016.
However, as you can see in the image right below, the domain name was first registered on the 20th of July 2019.
This means that the platform didn’t even exist before 18/10/2019 and yet the receipt shows that JubMoney’s payment took place 3 years earlier.
This could mean two things…
Either was paying people before it even existed (yeah right) or that payment receipt is fake.
I’d bet on the latter.
And in my eyes, if one of JubMoney’s comments is fake all its other comments are fake as well!
How Much Does Cost? is free to join and use.
The only cost associated with this platform is the optional cost of buying out your 40 referrals which cost somewhere between $10 and $20. Pros
- Free to join
1 • Free to Join
If I had a gun on my head and the only way to keep it intact would be to come up with a JubMoney pro, the fact that the platform is free to join would be the only one.
Those who are unfortunate enough to fall JubMoney’s lies and end up joining the platform will waste only some of their time but not any of their money until they realize that the platform is a scam that never intended to pay them in the first place.
That’s something…
P.S. If I had to come up with 2 pros, I would probably get my brains blown out. Cons
- No support
- Part of a scam network
- Lies, lies, lies
- You’ll never get paid
1 • No Support provides no means of contacting anyone in case you need support regarding the platform.
No email, no telephone number, no social media pages or accounts, no Skype, no address, nothing…
The platform has no digital presence whatsoever besides its main website.
Apparently, you can leave a comment under the website’s “Support” section when you are logged in but no one will ever reply back.
Plus, after investigating, I have confirmed that your comment is only visible to you. Other users can’t really see it.
This also proves that all those comments in the Support section I was talking about earlier on are indeed fake.
If other people can’t see your comments, then you shouldn’t be able to see other people’s comments neither.
2 • Part of a Scam Network is part of a huge network of identical platforms that have been scamming people for years such as
just to name a few.

3 • Lies, lies, lies
Everything that you’ll see on JubMoney’s website is a lie.
On its main page, there is a leaderboard that supposedly displays the 50 people who had the most earnings during any given day.
The leaderboard has been static for the last 3 days now.
Also, if you visit every single one of JubMoney’s identical scams, you’ll realize that all of them are using the exact same leaderboard with the exact same names and the exact same earnings.
Leaderboard = Fake
In addition to that, on the left sidebar of the website, there is a “News” section.
All the news is conveniently about server updates and payment increases so that when people see them will think “Wow, look at all those updates! This platform must be so active and caring about its members. It even increases the payment amount every once in a while!”.
The problem here is again the dates of each one of those news listings…
As we saw earlier on, JubMoney didn’t exist before the 20th of July 2019 and yet all these updates seem to have taken place before that date.
Plus, again all of JubMoney’s sister scams are also using the exact same “News” section with the exact same updates and the exact same dates.
News section = Fake
Everything on JubMoney’s website is a big fat lie.
4 • You'll Never Get Paid
The biggest con of is that it will never let you get your hands on the money you’ve earned with it.
Even if it didn’t have any other cons and like a thousand more pros, this con alone beats the whole purpose of joining and using the platform in the first place.
Trying to make money with JubMoney is as pointless as trying to get a tree to grow taller by pointing a gun at it. Review Summary
The chances of earning money with JubMoney are ZERO!
Dashboard, referral link, FAQ center.
Value for
Free to join. Calling useless would be an understatement.
Provides ZERO support.
Success stories are 100% fake!
Overall Rating
Is Suggested?
If your goal is to waste your time and money, the could absolutely help you achieve it!
40 Responses
J’ai besoin d’informations.
“I need information.”
Hi Romuald, what kind of information do you need?
All the best,
Harry is another scam.
Thanks a lot for the heads up!
All the best,
So what are you doing now to earn online?
Hey Mauwezo, I’m publishing blog content that I monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, and CPA offers.
All the best,
Now they have changed the names of the sites. One of them is
Hey, Fortis. I wasn’t aware of that… Thanks for letting us know!
All the best and stay safe,
Hi Harry,
Thank you for the information about the awful site. I was about to join when I consider doing some research.
God bless you more.
Hi Redeen.
I’m so ecstatic that I helped you dodge that bullet before you wasted any time or money on it.
Best regards and stay safe!
Please how can I unsubscribe from
Hi, Kate!
Unfortunately, you can’t unsubscribe from…
Best regards,
Thanks very much for the information.
I actually joined which operates exactly the same as and I made 1006$ in just two days. When it was time to withdraw the money, they asked me to buy referrals which I did at 39$.
After I got the referrals, I was again asked to deposit a sum of 78$ so that they sent me the 1006$ which I refused. That’s why I decided to make a research on who they really are and landed on your review.
Hi Chrysantus, I’m so sorry to hear that you wasted both time and money on
Nonetheless, thanks a lot for sharing your experience with the platform with us!
Nest time do your due diligence before you invest 😉
Best regards and stay safe,
That’s true, I met all requirements.
Was told to get up to 200$ which I did… Later asked to get 40 referrals, and after completing that I was told that it takes up to 30-60 days for approval while before registration I was told that I’d get paid in 5 minutes.
It’s actually a big scam.
I’m so sorry that you got scammed by but thanks a lot for backing up all my claims!
Best wishes and stay safe!
Can you tell me a site that is not a scam and it’s supported in Africa?
Hey there!
Swagbucks actually works worldwide… The link I’ve included in my article might not work in your country because it’s a referral link.
Just head over to and you’ll probably be able to join normally.
Best wishes,